
x33g5p2x  于2022-01-24 转载在 其他  





代码示例来源:origin: org.bytedeco.javacpp-presets/tensorrt

 *  @param param Set of parameters for creating the DetectionOutput plugin layer.
 *  @deprecated . This plugin is superseded by createNMSPlugin()
 *  */
@Namespace("nvinfer1::plugin") public static native INvPlugin createSSDDetectionOutputPlugin(@ByVal DetectionOutputParameters param);

代码示例来源:origin: org.bytedeco.javacpp-presets/tesseract

@Namespace("tesseract::Dict") @Const public static class DictFunc extends FunctionPointer {
  static { Loader.load(); }
  /** Pointer cast constructor. Invokes {@link Pointer#Pointer(Pointer)}. */
  public    DictFunc(Pointer p) { super(p); }
  public native int call(Dict o, Pointer void_dawg_args,
               @Const @ByRef UNICHARSET unicharset,
               @Cast("UNICHAR_ID") int unichar_id, @Cast("bool") boolean word_end);
@Namespace("tesseract::Dict") public static class ProbabilityInContextFunc extends FunctionPointer {

代码示例来源:origin: org.bytedeco.javacpp-presets/tesseract

 * Inline functions that act on a PageSegMode to determine whether components of
 * layout analysis are enabled.
 * *Depend critically on the order of elements of PageSegMode.*
 * NOTE that arg is an int for compatibility with INT_PARAM.
@Namespace("tesseract") public static native @Cast("bool") boolean PSM_OSD_ENABLED(int pageseg_mode);
@Namespace("tesseract") public static native @Cast("bool") boolean PSM_ORIENTATION_ENABLED(int pageseg_mode);

代码示例来源:origin: org.nd4j/nd4j-cuda-10.0

@Namespace("nd4j") public static native @ByVal @Name("operator -") HalfNDArray subtract(@Cast("const float16") short arg0, @Const @ByRef HalfNDArray arg1);
@Namespace("nd4j") public static native @ByVal @Name("operator -") DoubleNDArray subtract(double arg0, @Const @ByRef DoubleNDArray arg1);

代码示例来源:origin: org.bytedeco.javacpp-presets/arpack-ng

@Namespace("arpack") public static native void saupd(@ByRef IntBuffer ido, @Cast("const arpack::bmat") int bmat_option, int n,
         @Cast("const arpack::which") int ritz_option, int nev, double tol, DoubleBuffer resid,
         int ncv, DoubleBuffer v, int ldv, IntBuffer iparam, IntBuffer ipntr,
         DoubleBuffer workd, DoubleBuffer workl, int lworkl, @ByRef IntBuffer info);
@Namespace("arpack") public static native void saupd(@ByRef int[] ido, @Cast("const arpack::bmat") int bmat_option, int n,

代码示例来源:origin: org.bytedeco.javacpp-presets/tensorrt

 *  \brief The Normalize plugin layer normalizes the input to have L2 norm of 1 with scale learnable.
 *  @param scales Scale weights that are applied to the output tensor.
 *  @param acrossSpatial Whether to compute the norm over adjacent channels (acrossSpatial is true) or nearby spatial locations (within channel in which case acrossSpatial is false).
 *  @param channelShared Whether the scale weight(s) is shared across channels.
 *  @param eps Epsilon for not diviiding by zero.
 *  @deprecated . This plugin is superseded by createNormalizePlugin()
 *  */
@Namespace("nvinfer1::plugin") public static native INvPlugin createSSDNormalizePlugin(@Const Weights scales, @Cast("bool") boolean acrossSpatial, @Cast("bool") boolean channelShared, float eps);

代码示例来源:origin: org.bytedeco.javacpp-presets/arpack-ng

@Namespace("arpack") public static native void neupd(@Cast("bool") boolean rvec, @Cast("const arpack::howmny") int howmny_option, IntBuffer select,
         @Cast("std::complex<float>*") FloatBuffer d, @Cast("std::complex<float>*") FloatBuffer z, int ldz,
         @ByVal @Cast("std::complex<float>*") FloatBuffer sigma, @Cast("std::complex<float>*") FloatBuffer workev,
         @Cast("const arpack::bmat") int bmat_option, int n, @Cast("const arpack::which") int ritz_option,
         int nev, float tol, @Cast("std::complex<float>*") FloatBuffer resid, int ncv,
         @Cast("std::complex<float>*") FloatBuffer v, int ldv, IntBuffer iparam, IntBuffer ipntr,
         @Cast("std::complex<float>*") FloatBuffer workd, @Cast("std::complex<float>*") FloatBuffer workl,
         int lworkl, FloatBuffer rwork, @ByRef IntBuffer info);
@Namespace("arpack") public static native void neupd(@Cast("bool") boolean rvec, @Cast("const arpack::howmny") int howmny_option, int[] select,

代码示例来源:origin: org.bytedeco.javacpp-presets/tesseract

@Namespace("tesseract") public static native @Cast("bool") boolean LoadFileLinesToStrings(@Const @ByRef STRING filename,
                  StringGenericVector lines);

代码示例来源:origin: org.bytedeco.javacpp-presets/artoolkitplus

@Namespace("ARToolKitPlus") public static native void findFurthestAway(@Const MarkerPoint nPoints, int nNumPoints, int nIdx0, int nIdx1, @ByRef IntPointer nIdxFarthest);
@Namespace("ARToolKitPlus") public static native void findFurthestAway(@Const MarkerPoint nPoints, int nNumPoints, int nIdx0, int nIdx1, @ByRef IntBuffer nIdxFarthest);

代码示例来源:origin: org.bytedeco.javacpp-presets/mkl-dnn

@Namespace @Name("void") @Opaque public static class dnnPrimitiveAttributes_t extends Pointer {
  /** Empty constructor. Calls {@code super((Pointer)null)}. */
  public dnnPrimitiveAttributes_t() { super((Pointer)null); }
  /** Pointer cast constructor. Invokes {@link Pointer#Pointer(Pointer)}. */
  public dnnPrimitiveAttributes_t(Pointer p) { super(p); }

代码示例来源:origin: org.bytedeco.javacpp-presets/tesseract

/** Escape a char string - remove &<>"' with HTML codes. */
@Namespace("tesseract") public static native @ByVal STRING HOcrEscape(@Cast("const char*") BytePointer text);
@Namespace("tesseract") public static native @ByVal STRING HOcrEscape(String text);

代码示例来源:origin: org.bytedeco.javacpp-presets/tensorrt

 *  \brief Create an instance of an IBuilder class.
 *  This class is the logging class for the builder.
 *  */

@Namespace("nvinfer1") public static native IBuilder createInferBuilder(@ByRef ILogger logger);

代码示例来源:origin: org.nd4j/nd4j-cuda-10.0

@Namespace("nd4j") public static native @ByVal @Name("operator -") DoubleNDArray subtract(double arg0, @Const @ByRef DoubleNDArray arg1);
@Namespace("nd4j") public static native @ByVal @Name("operator +") FloatNDArray add(float arg0, @Const @ByRef FloatNDArray arg1);

代码示例来源:origin: org.bytedeco.javacpp-presets/arpack-ng

@Namespace("arpack") public static native void saupd(@ByRef IntPointer ido, @Cast("const arpack::bmat") int bmat_option, int n,
         @Cast("const arpack::which") int ritz_option, int nev, double tol, DoublePointer resid,
         int ncv, DoublePointer v, int ldv, IntPointer iparam, IntPointer ipntr,
         DoublePointer workd, DoublePointer workl, int lworkl, @ByRef IntPointer info);
@Namespace("arpack") public static native void saupd(@ByRef IntBuffer ido, @Cast("const arpack::bmat") int bmat_option, int n,

代码示例来源:origin: org.nd4j/nd4j-cuda-10.0

@Namespace("shape") public static native void doPermuteShapeInfo(@Cast("Nd4jLong*") LongBuffer shapeBuffer, @Const IntBuffer rearrange);
@Namespace("shape") public static native void doPermuteShapeInfo(@Cast("Nd4jLong*") long[] shapeBuffer, @Const int[] rearrange);

代码示例来源:origin: org.bytedeco.javacpp-presets/arpack-ng

@Namespace("arpack") public static native void neupd(@Cast("bool") boolean rvec, @Cast("const arpack::howmny") int howmny_option, IntPointer select,
         @Cast("std::complex<double>*") DoublePointer d, @Cast("std::complex<double>*") DoublePointer z, int ldz,
         @ByVal @Cast("std::complex<double>*") DoublePointer sigma, @Cast("std::complex<double>*") DoublePointer workev,
         @Cast("const arpack::bmat") int bmat_option, int n, @Cast("const arpack::which") int ritz_option,
         int nev, double tol, @Cast("std::complex<double>*") DoublePointer resid, int ncv,
         @Cast("std::complex<double>*") DoublePointer v, int ldv, IntPointer iparam, IntPointer ipntr,
         @Cast("std::complex<double>*") DoublePointer workd, @Cast("std::complex<double>*") DoublePointer workl,
         int lworkl, DoublePointer rwork, @ByRef IntPointer info);
@Namespace("arpack") public static native void neupd(@Cast("bool") boolean rvec, @Cast("const arpack::howmny") int howmny_option, IntBuffer select,

代码示例来源:origin: org.bytedeco.javacpp-presets/tesseract

@Namespace("tesseract") public static native @Cast("bool") boolean LoadDataFromFile(@Const @ByRef STRING filename,
               CharGenericVector data);

代码示例来源:origin: org.bytedeco.javacpp-presets/artoolkitplus

@Namespace("ARToolKitPlus") public static native void maximizeArea(@Const MarkerPoint nPoints, int nNumPoints, int nIdx0, int nIdx1, int nIdx2, @ByRef IntPointer nIdxMax);
@Namespace("ARToolKitPlus") public static native void maximizeArea(@Const MarkerPoint nPoints, int nNumPoints, int nIdx0, int nIdx1, int nIdx2, @ByRef IntBuffer nIdxMax);

代码示例来源:origin: org.bytedeco.javacpp-presets/spinnaker

* Handle for system functionality. Created by calling
* spinSystemGetInstance(), which requires a call to
* spinSystemReleaseInstance() to release.
@Namespace @Name("void") @Opaque public static class spinSystem extends Pointer {
  /** Empty constructor. Calls {@code super((Pointer)null)}. */
  public spinSystem() { super((Pointer)null); }
  /** Pointer cast constructor. Invokes {@link Pointer#Pointer(Pointer)}. */
  public spinSystem(Pointer p) { super(p); }

代码示例来源:origin: org.nd4j/nd4j-cuda-10.0

 * Permute the shape information
 * @param info the shape information to permute
 * @param rearrange the order to re arrange
 * @param rank the rank of the rearrange array
  @Namespace("shape") public static native void permute(@Cast("shape::ShapeInformation**") PointerPointer info, IntPointer rearrange, int rank);
  @Namespace("shape") public static native void permute(@ByPtrPtr ShapeInformation info, IntPointer rearrange, int rank);

