[英]Client to a memcached server. Basic usage
MemcachedClient c=new MemcachedClient(
new InetSocketAddress("hostname", portNum));
// Store a value (async) for one hour
c.set("someKey", 3600, someObject);
// Retrieve a value.
Object myObject=c.get("someKey");
Advanced Usage
MemcachedClient may be processing a great deal of asynchronous messages or possibly dealing with an unreachable memcached, which may delay processing. If a memcached is disabled, for example, MemcachedConnection will continue to attempt to reconnect and replay pending operations until it comes back up. To prevent this from causing your application to hang, you can use one of the asynchronous mechanisms to time out a request and cancel the operation to the server.
// Get a memcached client connected to several servers
// over the binary protocol
MemcachedClient c = new MemcachedClient(new BinaryConnectionFactory(),
AddrUtil.getAddresses("server1:11211 server2:11211"));
// Try to get a value, for up to 5 seconds, and cancel if it
// doesn't return
Object myObj = null;
Future<Object> f = c.asyncGet("someKey");
try {
myObj = f.get(5, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
// throws expecting InterruptedException, ExecutionException
// or TimeoutException
} catch (Exception e) { /* /
// Since we don't need this, go ahead and cancel the operation.
// This is not strictly necessary, but it'll save some work on
// the server. It is okay to cancel it if running.
// Do other timeout related stuff
MemcachedClient c=new MemcachedClient(
new InetSocketAddress("hostname", portNum));
// Store a value (async) for one hour
c.set("someKey", 3600, someObject);
// Retrieve a value.
Object myObject=c.get("someKey");
// Get a memcached client connected to several servers
// over the binary protocol
MemcachedClient c = new MemcachedClient(new BinaryConnectionFactory(),
AddrUtil.getAddresses("server1:11211 server2:11211"));
// Try to get a value, for up to 5 seconds, and cancel if it
// doesn't return
Object myObj = null;
Future<Object> f = c.asyncGet("someKey");
try {
myObj = f.get(5, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
// throws expecting InterruptedException, ExecutionException
// or TimeoutException
} catch (Exception e) { /* /
// Since we don't need this, go ahead and cancel the operation.
// This is not strictly necessary, but it'll save some work on
// the server. It is okay to cancel it if running.
// Do other timeout related stuff
代码示例来源:origin: apache/incubator-druid
public MemcachedClientIF get()
try {
return new MemcachedClient(connectionFactory, hosts);
catch (IOException e) {
log.error(e, "Unable to create memcached client");
throw Throwables.propagate(e);
代码示例来源:origin: aol/micro-server
public Optional<V> get(String key) {
return (Optional<V>) Optional.ofNullable(memcachedClient.get(key));
代码示例来源:origin: ninjaframework/ninja
public boolean safeDelete(String key) {
Future<Boolean> future = client.delete(key);
try {
return future.get(1, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
} catch (Exception e) {
return false;
代码示例来源:origin: Netflix/EVCache
public Map<SocketAddress, Map<String, String>> getStats(String cmd) {
if(config.isRendInstance()) {
List<InetSocketAddress> udsproxyInetSocketAddress = new ArrayList<InetSocketAddress>(memcachedNodesInZone.size());
for(InetSocketAddress address : memcachedNodesInZone) {
udsproxyInetSocketAddress.add(new InetSocketAddress(address.getHostName(), config.getUdsproxyMemcachedPort()));
MemcachedClient mc = null;
try {
mc = new MemcachedClient(connectionFactory, udsproxyInetSocketAddress);
return mc.getStats(cmd);
} catch(Exception ex) {
} finally {
if(mc != null) mc.shutdown();
return Collections.<SocketAddress, Map<String, String>>emptyMap();
} else {
return evcacheMemcachedClient.getStats(cmd);
代码示例来源:origin: qiujiayu/AutoLoadCache
public void delete(Set<CacheKeyTO> keys) throws CacheCenterConnectionException {
if (null == memcachedClient || null == keys || keys.isEmpty()) {
String hfield;
for (CacheKeyTO cacheKeyTO : keys) {
if (null == cacheKeyTO) {
String cacheKey = cacheKeyTO.getCacheKey();
if (null == cacheKey || cacheKey.isEmpty()) {
hfield = cacheKeyTO.getHfield();
if (null != hfield && hfield.length() > 0) {
throw new RuntimeException("memcached does not support hash cache.");
try {
String allKeysPattern = "*";
if (allKeysPattern.equals(cacheKey)) {
} else {
} catch (Exception e) {
log.error(e.getMessage(), e);
代码示例来源:origin: jooby-project/jooby
public Session get(final Builder builder) {
String key = key(builder.sessionId());
Map<String, String> attrs = (Map<String, String>) memcached.get(key);
if (attrs == null || attrs.size() == 0) {
// expired
return null;
// touch session
memcached.touch(key, timeout);
return builder
代码示例来源:origin: org.infinispan/infinispan-compatibility-mode-it
public void testMemcachedPutEmbeddedGet() throws Exception {
// 1. Put with Memcached
for (int i = 0; i != numEntries; i++) {
Future<Boolean> f = cacheFactory2.getMemcachedClient().set("k" + i, 0, "v" + i);
assertTrue(f.get(60, TimeUnit.SECONDS));
// 2. Get with Embedded from a different node
for (int i = 0; i != numEntries; i++) {
assertEquals("v" + i, cacheFactory1.getEmbeddedCache().get("k" + i));
cacheFactory1.getEmbeddedCache().remove("k" + i);
代码示例来源:origin: ninjaframework/ninja
public Object get(String key) {
Future<Object> future = client.asyncGet(key, tc);
try {
return future.get(1, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
} catch (Exception e) {
return null;
代码示例来源:origin: ninjaframework/ninja
public boolean safeSet(String key, Object value, int expiration) {
Future<Boolean> future = client.set(key, expiration, value, tc);
try {
return future.get(1, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
} catch (Exception e) {
return false;
代码示例来源:origin: ninjaframework/ninja
public boolean safeAdd(String key, Object value, int expiration) {
Future<Boolean> future = client.add(key, expiration, value, tc);
try {
return future.get(1, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
} catch (Exception e) {
return false;
代码示例来源:origin: magro/memcached-session-manager
public void testInvalidNonStickySessionDoesNotCallOnBackupWithoutLoadedSessionIssue137() throws Exception {
_service.setStickyInternal( false );
_service.setLockingMode( LockingMode.NONE, null, false );
_service.startInternal(new MemcachedStorageClient(_memcachedMock)); // we must put in our mock again
final String sessionId = "nonStickySessionToTimeOut-n1";
// For findSession needed
final Request requestMock = mock(Request.class);
final MemcachedBackupSession session = _service.findSession(sessionId);
_service.backupSession( sessionId, false, null ).get();
// check that validity info is not loaded - this would trigger the
// WARNING: Found no validity info for session id ...
final String validityKey = new SessionIdFormat().createValidityInfoKeyName( sessionId );
verify( _memcachedMock, times( 0 ) ).get( eq( validityKey ) );
代码示例来源:origin: magro/memcached-session-manager
when( _memcachedMock.get( eq( validityKey ), any ( Transcoder.class) ) ).thenReturn( validityData );
when( futureMock.get() ).thenReturn( Boolean.FALSE );
when( futureMock.get( anyInt(), any( TimeUnit.class ) ) ).thenReturn( Boolean.FALSE );
when( _memcachedMock.add( any( String.class ), anyInt(), any(), any( Transcoder.class ) ) ).thenReturn( futureMock );
_service.backupSession( sessionId, false, "unused" ).get();
verify( _memcachedMock, times( 1 ) ).set( eq( validityKey ), eq( 0 ), any(), any( Transcoder.class ) );
verify( _memcachedMock, times( 1 ) ).add( eq( sessionId ), anyInt(), any(), any( Transcoder.class ) );
verify( _memcachedMock, times( 1 ) ).add( eq( backupSessionKey ), anyInt(), any(), any( Transcoder.class ) );
verify( _memcachedMock, times( 1 ) ).set( eq( backupValidityKey ), eq( 0 ), any(), any( Transcoder.class ) );
代码示例来源:origin: io.snappydata/gemfire-junit
public void testFlushDelay() throws Exception {
MemcachedClient client = bootstrapClient();
Future<Boolean> b = client.flush(5);
代码示例来源:origin: magro/memcached-session-manager
_service.backupSession( session.getIdInternal(), false, "foo" ).get();
verify( _memcachedMock, times( 1 ) ).delete( eq( oldSessionId ) );
verify( _memcachedMock, times( 1 ) ).set( eq( session.getId() ), anyInt(), any(), any( Transcoder.class ) );
verify( _memcachedMock, times( 1 ) ).delete( eq( new SessionIdFormat().createValidityInfoKeyName( oldSessionId ) ) );
verify( _memcachedMock, times( 1 ) ).set( eq( new SessionIdFormat().createValidityInfoKeyName( session.getId() ) ), anyInt(), any(), any( Transcoder.class ) );
代码示例来源:origin: magro/memcached-session-manager
* Test for issue #105: Make memcached node optional for single-node setup
* http://code.google.com/p/memcached-session-manager/issues/detail?id=105
public void testBackupSessionFailureWithoutMemcachedNodeIdConfigured105() throws Exception {
_service.setMemcachedNodes( "" );
_service.startInternal(new MemcachedStorageClient(_memcachedMock));
final MemcachedBackupSession session = createSession( _service );
session.setAttribute( "foo", "bar" );
@SuppressWarnings( "unchecked" )
final OperationFuture<Boolean> futureMock = mock( OperationFuture.class );
when( futureMock.get( ) ).thenThrow(new ExecutionException(new RuntimeException("Simulated exception.")));
when( futureMock.get( anyInt(), any( TimeUnit.class ) ) ).thenThrow(new ExecutionException(new RuntimeException("Simulated exception.")));
when( _memcachedMock.set( eq( session.getId() ), anyInt(), any(), any( Transcoder.class ) ) ).thenReturn( futureMock );
final BackupResult backupResult = _service.backupSession( session.getIdInternal(), false, null ).get();
assertEquals(backupResult.getStatus(), BackupResultStatus.FAILURE);
verify( _memcachedMock, times( 1 ) ).set( eq( session.getId() ), anyInt(), any(), any( Transcoder.class ) );
代码示例来源:origin: magro/memcached-session-manager
session.setAttribute( "foo", "bar" );
_service.backupSession( session.getIdInternal(), false, null ).get();
verify( _memcachedMock, times( 1 ) ).set( eq( session.getId() ), anyInt(), any(), any( Transcoder.class ) );
session.setAttribute( "foo", "bar" );
session.setAttribute( "bar", "baz" );
_service.backupSession( session.getIdInternal(), false, null ).get();
verify( _memcachedMock, times( 2 ) ).set( eq( session.getId() ), anyInt(), any(), any( Transcoder.class ) );
_service.backupSession( session.getIdInternal(), false, null ).get();
verify( _memcachedMock, times( 2 ) ).set( eq( session.getId() ), anyInt(), any(), any( Transcoder.class ) );
代码示例来源:origin: org.infinispan/infinispan-cli-interpreter
public void testMemcachedCodec() throws Exception {
Cache<byte[], byte[]> cache = cacheManager.getCache(MEMCACHED_CACHE);
memcachedClient.set("k1", 3600, "v1").get();
String sessionId = interpreter.createSessionId(MEMCACHED_CACHE);
Map<String, String> response = interpreter.execute(sessionId, "get --codec=memcached k1;");
assertEquals("v1", response.get(ResultKeys.OUTPUT.toString()));
interpreter.execute(sessionId, "put --codec=memcached k2 v2;");
String v2 = (String) memcachedClient.get("k2");
assertEquals("v2", v2);
代码示例来源:origin: org.infinispan/infinispan-compatibility-mode-it
public void testEmbeddedPutMemcachedGet() throws IOException {
// 1. Put with Embedded
for (int i = 0; i != numEntries; i++) {
assertEquals(null, cacheFactory2.getEmbeddedCache().put("k" + i, "v" + i));
// 2. Get with Memcached from a different node
for (int i = 0; i != numEntries; i++) {
assertEquals("v" + i, cacheFactory1.getMemcachedClient().get("k" + i));
代码示例来源:origin: apache/hbase
public void shutdown() {
代码示例来源:origin: ninjaframework/ninja
public void set(String key, Object value, int expiration) {
client.set(key, expiration, value, tc);