
x33g5p2x  于2022-01-25 转载在 其他  



[英]Touch the given key to reset its expiration time with the default transcoder.


代码示例来源:origin: jooby-project/jooby

public Session get(final Builder builder) {
 String key = key(builder.sessionId());
 Map<String, String> attrs = (Map<String, String>) memcached.get(key);
 if (attrs == null || attrs.size() == 0) {
  // expired
  return null;
 // touch session
 memcached.touch(key, timeout);
 return builder

代码示例来源:origin: net.spy/spymemcached

 * Touch the given key to reset its expiration time with the default
 * transcoder.
 * @param key the key to fetch
 * @param exp the new expiration to set for the given key
 * @return a future that will hold the return value of whether or not the
 *         fetch succeeded
 * @throws IllegalStateException in the rare circumstance where queue is too
 *           full to accept any more requests
public <T> OperationFuture<Boolean> touch(final String key, final int exp) {
 return touch(key, exp, transcoder);


 * Touch the given key to reset its expiration time with the default
 * transcoder.
 * @param key the key to fetch
 * @param exp the new expiration to set for the given key
 * @return a future that will hold the return value of whether or not the
 *         fetch succeeded
 * @throws IllegalStateException in the rare circumstance where queue is too
 *           full to accept any more requests
public <T> OperationFuture<Boolean> touch(final String key, final int exp) {
 return touch(key, exp, transcoder);

代码示例来源:origin: com.amazonaws/elasticache-java-cluster-client

 * Touch the given key to reset its expiration time with the default
 * transcoder.
 * @param key the key to fetch
 * @param exp the new expiration to set for the given key
 * @return a future that will hold the return value of whether or not the
 *         fetch succeeded
 * @throws IllegalStateException in the rare circumstance where queue is too
 *           full to accept any more requests
public <T> OperationFuture<Boolean> touch(final String key, final int exp) {
 return touch(key, exp, transcoder);

代码示例来源:origin: apache/attic-polygene-java

public T get( String key )
  Object value = client.get( prefix( key ), new SerializingTranscoder() );
  client.touch( prefix( key ), expiration );
  if( value == null )
    return null;
  return valueType.cast( value );

代码示例来源:origin: org.jooby/jooby-spymemcached

public Session get(final Builder builder) {
 String key = key(builder.sessionId());
 Map<String, String> attrs = (Map<String, String>) memcached.get(key);
 if (attrs == null || attrs.size() == 0) {
  // expired
  return null;
 // touch session
 memcached.touch(key, timeout);
 return builder

代码示例来源:origin: org.opensaml/opensaml-storage-impl

for (String key : keySet) {
  logger.debug("Updating expiration of key {} to {}", key, expiry);
  results.add(memcacheClient.touch(key, expiry));

代码示例来源:origin: sixhours-team/memcached-spring-boot

public void whenPutIfAbsentAndNoCachedValueThenReturnNewValue() {
  Cache.ValueWrapper actual = memcachedCache.putIfAbsent(CACHED_OBJECT_KEY, newCachedValue);
  verify(memcachedClient, times(2)).get(namespaceKey);
  verify(memcachedClient).set(eq(memcachedKey), anyInt(), eq(newCachedValue));
  verify(memcachedClient).touch(namespaceKey, CACHE_EXPIRATION);

代码示例来源:origin: sixhours-team/memcached-spring-boot

public void whenGetWithValueLoaderAndCachedValueMissingThenReturnValueLoaderNull() {
  Object actual = memcachedCache.get(CACHED_OBJECT_KEY, () -> valueLoaderNullValue);
  verify(memcachedClient, times(3)).get(namespaceKey);
  verify(memcachedClient, times(2)).get(memcachedKey);
  verify(memcachedClient).set(memcachedKey, CACHE_EXPIRATION, valueLoaderNullValue);
  verify(memcachedClient).touch(namespaceKey, CACHE_EXPIRATION);

代码示例来源:origin: sixhours-team/memcached-spring-boot

public void whenGetWithValueLoaderAndCachedValueMissingThenReturnValueLoaderValue() {
  Object actual = memcachedCache.get(CACHED_OBJECT_KEY, () -> valueLoaderValue);
  verify(memcachedClient, times(3)).get(namespaceKey);
  verify(memcachedClient, times(2)).get(memcachedKey);
  verify(memcachedClient).set(memcachedKey, CACHE_EXPIRATION, valueLoaderValue);
  verify(memcachedClient).touch(namespaceKey, CACHE_EXPIRATION);

代码示例来源:origin: sixhours-team/memcached-spring-boot

public void whenPutAndNamespaceMissingThenSetNamespace() {
  memcachedCache.put(CACHED_OBJECT_KEY, cachedValue);
  verify(memcachedClient).set(eq(namespaceKey), eq(CACHE_EXPIRATION), anyString());
  verify(memcachedClient).set(endsWith(CACHED_OBJECT_KEY), eq(CACHE_EXPIRATION), eq(cachedValue));
  verify(memcachedClient).touch(namespaceKey, CACHE_EXPIRATION);

代码示例来源:origin: org.opensaml/opensaml-storage-impl

/** {@inheritDoc} */
public boolean updateExpiration(@Nonnull @NotEmpty final String context,
                @Nonnull @NotEmpty final String key,
                @Nullable @Positive final Long expiration) throws IOException {
  Constraint.isNotNull(StringSupport.trimOrNull(context), "Context cannot be null or empty");
  Constraint.isNotNull(StringSupport.trimOrNull(key), "Key cannot be null or empty");
  final int expiry = MemcachedStorageRecord.expiry(expiration);
  Constraint.isGreaterThan(-1, expiry, "Expiration must be null or positive");
  final String namespace = lookupNamespace(context);
  if (namespace == null) {
    logger.debug("Namespace for context {} does not exist", context);
    return false;
  final String cacheKey = memcachedKey(namespace, key);
  logger.debug("Updating expiration for entry at {} for context={}, key={}", cacheKey, context, key);
  return handleAsyncResult(memcacheClient.touch(cacheKey, expiry));

代码示例来源:origin: sixhours-team/memcached-spring-boot

public void whenPutNullThenStoreNullValueInstance() {
  memcachedCache.put(CACHED_OBJECT_KEY, null);
  verify(memcachedClient).set(memcachedKey, CACHE_EXPIRATION, NullValue.INSTANCE);
  verify(memcachedClient).touch(namespaceKey, CACHE_EXPIRATION);

代码示例来源:origin: sixhours-team/memcached-spring-boot

public void put(Object key, Object value) {
  this.memcachedClient.set(memcachedKey(key), this.memcacheCacheMetadata.expiration(), toStoreValue(value));
  this.memcachedClient.touch(this.memcacheCacheMetadata.namespaceKey(), this.memcacheCacheMetadata.expiration());
