
x33g5p2x  于2022-01-25 转载在 其他  



[英]Checks if output name is valid. name cannot be the name used for the default output


代码示例来源:origin: org.apache.hadoop/hadoop-mapred

 * Checks if a named output name is valid.
 * @param namedOutput named output Name
 * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the output name is not valid.
private static void checkNamedOutputName(JobContext job,
  String namedOutput, boolean alreadyDefined) {
 List<String> definedChannels = getNamedOutputsList(job);
 if (alreadyDefined && definedChannels.contains(namedOutput)) {
  throw new IllegalArgumentException("Named output '" + namedOutput +
   "' already alreadyDefined");
 } else if (!alreadyDefined && !definedChannels.contains(namedOutput)) {
  throw new IllegalArgumentException("Named output '" + namedOutput +
   "' not defined");

代码示例来源:origin: io.prestosql.hadoop/hadoop-apache

 * Checks if a named output name is valid.
 * @param namedOutput named output Name
 * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the output name is not valid.
private static void checkNamedOutputName(JobContext job,
  String namedOutput, boolean alreadyDefined) {
 List<String> definedChannels = getNamedOutputsList(job);
 if (alreadyDefined && definedChannels.contains(namedOutput)) {
  throw new IllegalArgumentException("Named output '" + namedOutput +
   "' already alreadyDefined");
 } else if (!alreadyDefined && !definedChannels.contains(namedOutput)) {
  throw new IllegalArgumentException("Named output '" + namedOutput +
   "' not defined");

代码示例来源:origin: io.hops/hadoop-mapreduce-client-core

 * Checks if a named output name is valid.
 * @param namedOutput named output Name
 * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the output name is not valid.
private static void checkNamedOutputName(JobContext job,
  String namedOutput, boolean alreadyDefined) {
 List<String> definedChannels = getNamedOutputsList(job);
 if (alreadyDefined && definedChannels.contains(namedOutput)) {
  throw new IllegalArgumentException("Named output '" + namedOutput +
   "' already alreadyDefined");
 } else if (!alreadyDefined && !definedChannels.contains(namedOutput)) {
  throw new IllegalArgumentException("Named output '" + namedOutput +
   "' not defined");


 * Checks if a named output name is valid.
 * @param namedOutput named output Name
 * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the output name is not valid.
private static void checkNamedOutputName(JobContext job,
  String namedOutput, boolean alreadyDefined) {
 List<String> definedChannels = getNamedOutputsList(job);
 if (alreadyDefined && definedChannels.contains(namedOutput)) {
  throw new IllegalArgumentException("Named output '" + namedOutput +
   "' already alreadyDefined");
 } else if (!alreadyDefined && !definedChannels.contains(namedOutput)) {
  throw new IllegalArgumentException("Named output '" + namedOutput +
   "' not defined");

代码示例来源:origin: com.github.jiayuhan-it/hadoop-mapreduce-client-core

 * Checks if a named output name is valid.
 * @param namedOutput named output Name
 * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the output name is not valid.
private static void checkNamedOutputName(JobContext job,
  String namedOutput, boolean alreadyDefined) {
 List<String> definedChannels = getNamedOutputsList(job);
 if (alreadyDefined && definedChannels.contains(namedOutput)) {
  throw new IllegalArgumentException("Named output '" + namedOutput +
   "' already alreadyDefined");
 } else if (!alreadyDefined && !definedChannels.contains(namedOutput)) {
  throw new IllegalArgumentException("Named output '" + namedOutput +
   "' not defined");

代码示例来源:origin: com.github.jiayuhan-it/hadoop-mapreduce-client-core

 * Write key and value to baseOutputPath using the namedOutput.
 * @param namedOutput    the named output name
 * @param key            the key
 * @param value          the value
 * @param baseOutputPath base-output path to write the record to.
 * Note: Framework will generate unique filename for the baseOutputPath
public <K, V> void write(String namedOutput, K key, V value,
  String baseOutputPath) throws IOException, InterruptedException {
 checkNamedOutputName(context, namedOutput, false);
 if (!namedOutputs.contains(namedOutput)) {
  throw new IllegalArgumentException("Undefined named output '" +
   namedOutput + "'");
 TaskAttemptContext taskContext = getContext(namedOutput);
 getRecordWriter(taskContext, baseOutputPath).write(key, value);

代码示例来源:origin: org.apache.hadoop/hadoop-mapred

 * Write key and value to baseOutputPath using the namedOutput.
 * @param namedOutput    the named output name
 * @param key            the key
 * @param value          the value
 * @param baseOutputPath base-output path to write the record to.
 * Note: Framework will generate unique filename for the baseOutputPath
public <K, V> void write(String namedOutput, K key, V value,
  String baseOutputPath) throws IOException, InterruptedException {
 checkNamedOutputName(context, namedOutput, false);
 if (!namedOutputs.contains(namedOutput)) {
  throw new IllegalArgumentException("Undefined named output '" +
   namedOutput + "'");
 TaskAttemptContext taskContext = getContext(namedOutput);
 getRecordWriter(taskContext, baseOutputPath).write(key, value);

代码示例来源:origin: io.prestosql.hadoop/hadoop-apache

 * Write key and value to baseOutputPath using the namedOutput.
 * @param namedOutput    the named output name
 * @param key            the key
 * @param value          the value
 * @param baseOutputPath base-output path to write the record to.
 * Note: Framework will generate unique filename for the baseOutputPath
public <K, V> void write(String namedOutput, K key, V value,
  String baseOutputPath) throws IOException, InterruptedException {
 checkNamedOutputName(context, namedOutput, false);
 if (!namedOutputs.contains(namedOutput)) {
  throw new IllegalArgumentException("Undefined named output '" +
   namedOutput + "'");
 TaskAttemptContext taskContext = getContext(namedOutput);
 getRecordWriter(taskContext, baseOutputPath).write(key, value);


 * Write key and value to baseOutputPath using the namedOutput.
 * @param namedOutput    the named output name
 * @param key            the key
 * @param value          the value
 * @param baseOutputPath base-output path to write the record to.
 * Note: Framework will generate unique filename for the baseOutputPath
public <K, V> void write(String namedOutput, K key, V value,
  String baseOutputPath) throws IOException, InterruptedException {
 checkNamedOutputName(context, namedOutput, false);
 if (!namedOutputs.contains(namedOutput)) {
  throw new IllegalArgumentException("Undefined named output '" +
   namedOutput + "'");
 TaskAttemptContext taskContext = getContext(namedOutput);
 getRecordWriter(taskContext, baseOutputPath).write(key, value);

代码示例来源:origin: io.hops/hadoop-mapreduce-client-core

 * Write key and value to baseOutputPath using the namedOutput.
 * @param namedOutput    the named output name
 * @param key            the key
 * @param value          the value
 * @param baseOutputPath base-output path to write the record to.
 * Note: Framework will generate unique filename for the baseOutputPath
 * <b>Warning</b>: when the baseOutputPath is a path that resolves
 * outside of the final job output directory, the directory is created
 * immediately and then persists through subsequent task retries, breaking
 * the concept of output committing.
public <K, V> void write(String namedOutput, K key, V value,
  String baseOutputPath) throws IOException, InterruptedException {
 checkNamedOutputName(context, namedOutput, false);
 if (!namedOutputs.contains(namedOutput)) {
  throw new IllegalArgumentException("Undefined named output '" +
   namedOutput + "'");
 TaskAttemptContext taskContext = getContext(namedOutput);
 getRecordWriter(taskContext, baseOutputPath).write(key, value);


 * Write key value to an output file name.
 * Gets the record writer from job's output format.  
 * Job's output format should be a FileOutputFormat.
 * @param key       the key
 * @param value     the value
 * @param baseOutputPath base-output path to write the record to.
 * Note: Framework will generate unique filename for the baseOutputPath
public void write(KEYOUT key, VALUEOUT value, String baseOutputPath) 
  throws IOException, InterruptedException {
 if (jobOutputFormatContext == null) {
  jobOutputFormatContext = 
   new TaskAttemptContextImpl(context.getConfiguration(), 
                 new WrappedStatusReporter(context));
 getRecordWriter(jobOutputFormatContext, baseOutputPath).write(key, value);

代码示例来源:origin: org.apache.hadoop/hadoop-mapred

 * Write key value to an output file name.
 * Gets the record writer from job's output format.  
 * Job's output format should be a FileOutputFormat.
 * @param key       the key
 * @param value     the value
 * @param baseOutputPath base-output path to write the record to.
 * Note: Framework will generate unique filename for the baseOutputPath
public void write(KEYOUT key, VALUEOUT value, String baseOutputPath) 
  throws IOException, InterruptedException {
 TaskAttemptContext taskContext = 
  new TaskAttemptContextImpl(context.getConfiguration(), 
                new WrappedStatusReporter(context));
 getRecordWriter(taskContext, baseOutputPath).write(key, value);

代码示例来源:origin: io.hops/hadoop-mapreduce-client-core

 * Write key value to an output file name.
 * Gets the record writer from job's output format.  
 * Job's output format should be a FileOutputFormat.
 * @param key       the key
 * @param value     the value
 * @param baseOutputPath base-output path to write the record to.
 * Note: Framework will generate unique filename for the baseOutputPath
 * <b>Warning</b>: when the baseOutputPath is a path that resolves
 * outside of the final job output directory, the directory is created
 * immediately and then persists through subsequent task retries, breaking
 * the concept of output committing.
public void write(KEYOUT key, VALUEOUT value, String baseOutputPath) 
  throws IOException, InterruptedException {
 if (jobOutputFormatContext == null) {
  jobOutputFormatContext = 
   new TaskAttemptContextImpl(context.getConfiguration(), 
                 new WrappedStatusReporter(context));
 getRecordWriter(jobOutputFormatContext, baseOutputPath).write(key, value);

代码示例来源:origin: com.github.jiayuhan-it/hadoop-mapreduce-client-core

 * Write key value to an output file name.
 * Gets the record writer from job's output format.  
 * Job's output format should be a FileOutputFormat.
 * @param key       the key
 * @param value     the value
 * @param baseOutputPath base-output path to write the record to.
 * Note: Framework will generate unique filename for the baseOutputPath
public void write(KEYOUT key, VALUEOUT value, String baseOutputPath) 
  throws IOException, InterruptedException {
 if (jobOutputFormatContext == null) {
  jobOutputFormatContext = 
   new TaskAttemptContextImpl(context.getConfiguration(), 
                 new WrappedStatusReporter(context));
 getRecordWriter(jobOutputFormatContext, baseOutputPath).write(key, value);

代码示例来源:origin: io.prestosql.hadoop/hadoop-apache

 * Write key value to an output file name.
 * Gets the record writer from job's output format.  
 * Job's output format should be a FileOutputFormat.
 * @param key       the key
 * @param value     the value
 * @param baseOutputPath base-output path to write the record to.
 * Note: Framework will generate unique filename for the baseOutputPath
public void write(KEYOUT key, VALUEOUT value, String baseOutputPath) 
  throws IOException, InterruptedException {
 if (jobOutputFormatContext == null) {
  jobOutputFormatContext = 
   new TaskAttemptContextImpl(context.getConfiguration(), 
                 new WrappedStatusReporter(context));
 getRecordWriter(jobOutputFormatContext, baseOutputPath).write(key, value);
