[英]Returns the value of the metric.
代码示例来源:origin: Netflix/servo
private int writeMetrics(Iterable<Metric> metrics, PrintWriter writer) {
int count = 0;
for (Metric metric : metrics) {
String publishedName = namingConvention.getName(metric);
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
if (serverPrefix != null) {
sb.append(publishedName).append(" ")
.append(" ")
.append(metric.getTimestamp() / 1000);
LOGGER.debug("{}", sb);
return count;
代码示例来源:origin: Netflix/servo
* {@inheritDoc}
public boolean equals(Object obj) {
if (obj == null || !(obj instanceof Metric)) {
return false;
Metric m = (Metric) obj;
return config.equals(m.getConfig())
&& timestamp == m.getTimestamp()
&& value.equals(m.getValue());
代码示例来源:origin: Netflix/servo
代码示例来源:origin: Netflix/servo
protected static Metric asGauge(Metric m) {
return new Metric(m.getConfig().withAdditionalTag(ATLAS_GAUGE_TAG),
m.getTimestamp(), m.getValue());
代码示例来源:origin: Netflix/servo
protected static Metric asCounter(Metric m) {
return new Metric(m.getConfig().withAdditionalTag(ATLAS_COUNTER_TAG),
m.getTimestamp(), m.getValue());
代码示例来源:origin: Netflix/servo
public void testAccessors() throws Exception {
long now = System.currentTimeMillis();
Metric m1 = new Metric("a", tags1, now, 42);
assertEquals(m1.getConfig(), new MonitorConfig.Builder("a").withTags(tags1).build());
assertEquals(m1.getTimestamp(), now);
assertEquals(m1.getValue(), 42);
代码示例来源:origin: Netflix/servo
* {@inheritDoc}
public void update(List<Metric> metrics) {
Preconditions.checkNotNull(metrics, "metrics");
final List<Metric> newMetrics = new ArrayList<>(metrics.size());
for (Metric m : metrics) {
long offset = m.getTimestamp() % stepMillis;
long stepBoundary = m.getTimestamp() - offset;
String dsType = getDataSourceType(m);
if (isGauge(dsType) || isNormalized(dsType)) {
Metric atStepBoundary = new Metric(m.getConfig(), stepBoundary, m.getValue());
newMetrics.add(atStepBoundary); // gauges are not normalized
} else if (isRate(dsType)) {
Metric normalized = normalize(m, stepBoundary);
if (normalized != null) {
} else if (!isInformational(dsType)) {
// unknown type - use a safe fallback
newMetrics.add(m); // we cannot normalize this
代码示例来源:origin: Netflix/servo
public void testNonNumericMetrics() throws Exception {
MapMXBean mapMXBean = new MapMXBean();
try {
MetricPoller poller = new JmxMetricPoller(
new LocalJmxConnector(),
Collections.singletonList(new ObjectName("com.netflix.servo.test:*")),
List<Metric> metrics = poller.poll(config -> config.getName().equals("StringValue"));
assertEquals(metrics.size(), 1);
assertEquals(metrics.get(0).getValue(), "AStringResult");
} finally {
代码示例来源:origin: Netflix/servo
* Tabular JMX values are very useful for cases where we want the same behavior as CompositePath but we
* don't know up front what the values are going to be.
public void testTabularData() throws Exception {
MapMXBean mapMXBean = new MapMXBean();
try {
MetricPoller poller = new JmxMetricPoller(
new LocalJmxConnector(),
new ObjectName("com.netflix.servo.test:*"),
List<Metric> metrics = poller.poll(config -> config.getName().equals("Count"));
assertEquals(metrics.size(), 2);
Map<String, Integer> values = new HashMap<>();
for (Metric m : metrics) {
values.put(m.getConfig().getTags().getTag("JmxCompositePath").getValue(), (Integer) m.getValue());
assertEquals(values.get("Entry1"), (Integer) 111);
assertEquals(values.get("Entry2"), (Integer) 222);
} finally {
代码示例来源:origin: Netflix/servo
* Return a new metric where the name and all tags are using the valid character
* set.
public static Metric toValidValue(Metric metric) {
MonitorConfig cfg = metric.getConfig();
MonitorConfig.Builder cfgBuilder = MonitorConfig.builder(toValidCharset(cfg.getName()));
for (Tag orig : cfg.getTags()) {
final String key = orig.getKey();
if (RELAXED_GROUP_KEYS.contains(key)) {
cfgBuilder.withTag(key, toValidCharsetTable(CHARS_ALLOWED_GROUPS, orig.getValue()));
} else {
cfgBuilder.withTag(toValidCharset(key), toValidCharset(orig.getValue()));
return new Metric(cfgBuilder.build(), metric.getTimestamp(), metric.getValue());
代码示例来源:origin: com.netflix.servo/servo-graphite
private int writeMetrics(Iterable<Metric> metrics, PrintWriter writer) {
int count = 0;
for (Metric metric : metrics) {
String publishedName = namingConvention.getName(metric);
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
if (serverPrefix != null) {
sb.append(publishedName).append(" ")
.append(" ")
.append(metric.getTimestamp() / 1000);
LOGGER.debug("{}", sb);
return count;
代码示例来源:origin: io.servicecomb/foundation-metrics
public Map<String, String> convert(List<Metric> metrics) {
Map<String, String> pickedMetrics = new HashMap<>();
for (Metric metric : metrics) {
if (isTotalRequestInstanceLevelMetric(metric.getConfig().getName())) {
pickedMetrics.put(metric.getConfig().getName().replace(" INSTANCE_LEVEL", ""), metric.getValue().toString());
} else if ("RequestQueueRelated".equals(metric.getConfig().getName())) {
String instanceContent = metric.getValue()
.substring(metric.getValue().toString().indexOf("InstanceLevel={") + "InstanceLevel={".length());
instanceContent = instanceContent.substring(0, instanceContent.indexOf('}'));
String[] keyAndValueStrings = instanceContent.split(",");
for (String keyAndValueString : keyAndValueStrings) {
String[] keyAndValue = keyAndValueString.split("=");
pickedMetrics.put(keyAndValue[0].trim(), keyAndValue[1].trim());
} else if (isSystemOrTPSAndLatencyMetric(metric.getConfig().getName())) {
String instanceContent = metric.getValue().toString().substring(1, metric.getValue().toString().length() - 1);
String[] keyAndValueStrings = instanceContent.split(",");
for (String keyAndValueString : keyAndValueStrings) {
String[] keyAndValue = keyAndValueString.split("=");
pickedMetrics.put(keyAndValue[0].trim(), keyAndValue[1].trim());
return pickedMetrics;
代码示例来源:origin: com.netflix.servo/servo-core
* {@inheritDoc}
public boolean equals(Object obj) {
if (obj == null || !(obj instanceof Metric)) {
return false;
Metric m = (Metric) obj;
return config.equals(m.getConfig())
&& timestamp == m.getTimestamp()
&& value.equals(m.getValue());
代码示例来源:origin: com.netflix.servo/servo-atlas
protected static Metric asCounter(Metric m) {
return new Metric(m.getConfig().withAdditionalTag(ATLAS_COUNTER_TAG),
m.getTimestamp(), m.getValue());
代码示例来源:origin: com.netflix.servo/servo-atlas
protected static Metric asGauge(Metric m) {
return new Metric(m.getConfig().withAdditionalTag(ATLAS_GAUGE_TAG),
m.getTimestamp(), m.getValue());
代码示例来源:origin: com.sap.cloud.yaas.service-sdk/service-sdk-monitoring
public void updateImpl(final List<Metric> metrics)
for (final Metric metric : metrics)
Object metricValue = metric.getValue();
if (metricValue instanceof Double
&& (((Double) metricValue) == Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY || ((Double) metricValue) == Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY))
metricValue = null;
else if (metricValue instanceof Float
&& (((Float) metricValue) == Float.POSITIVE_INFINITY || ((Float) metricValue) == Float.NEGATIVE_INFINITY))
metricValue = null;
.type(metric.hasNumberValue() ? MetricType.NUMBER : MetricType.STRING)
LOG.debug("Wrote {} metrics to logger", metrics.size());
代码示例来源:origin: com.netflix.servo/servo-core
* {@inheritDoc}
public void update(List<Metric> metrics) {
Preconditions.checkNotNull(metrics, "metrics");
final List<Metric> newMetrics = new ArrayList<>(metrics.size());
for (Metric m : metrics) {
long offset = m.getTimestamp() % stepMillis;
long stepBoundary = m.getTimestamp() - offset;
String dsType = getDataSourceType(m);
if (isGauge(dsType) || isNormalized(dsType)) {
Metric atStepBoundary = new Metric(m.getConfig(), stepBoundary, m.getValue());
newMetrics.add(atStepBoundary); // gauges are not normalized
} else if (isRate(dsType)) {
Metric normalized = normalize(m, stepBoundary);
if (normalized != null) {
} else if (!isInformational(dsType)) {
// unknown type - use a safe fallback
newMetrics.add(m); // we cannot normalize this
代码示例来源:origin: com.redhat.lightblue/lightblue-core-hystrix
public void updateImpl(List<Metric> metrics) {
// The statsd client doesn't do any checks on the underlying socket's state
// and the socket connects only once, so we cannot trust the socket to stay
// open over a period of time. If this is changed/fixed we could reuse the
// client but until then it cannot be safely reused.
StatsDClient statsd = createClient();
LOGGER.debug("sending data");
try {
for (Metric metric : metrics) {
String aspect = namingConvention.getName(metric);
if (metric.getConfig().getTags().getTag(DataSourceType.COUNTER.getValue()) != null) {
statsd.count(aspect, metric.getNumberValue().longValue());
} else if (metric.hasNumberValue()) {
statsd.gauge(aspect, metric.getNumberValue().longValue());
} else {
statsd.set(aspect, metric.getValue().toString());
statsd.time(aspect, metric.getTimestamp() / 1000);
} finally {
代码示例来源:origin: com.sap.cloud.yaas.service-sdk/service-sdk-monitoring
private Event buildEvent(final Metric metric)
final EventDSL eventBuilder = client.event()//
.time(metric.getTimestamp() / SECOND_AS_MILLI);
if (metric.hasNumberValue())
else if (metric.getValue() != null)
eventBuilder.attribute("value", metric.getValue().toString());
for (final Tag tag : metric.getConfig().getTags())
final Event event = eventBuilder.build();
LOG.debug("Creating metric for '{}.{}' with timestamp '{}' and metric '{}' and attributes '{}'", event.getHost(),
event.getService(), event.getTime(), event.getMetricD(), event.getAttributesList());
return event;
代码示例来源:origin: com.netflix.servo/servo-atlas
* Return a new metric where the name and all tags are using the valid character
* set.
public static Metric toValidValue(Metric metric) {
MonitorConfig cfg = metric.getConfig();
MonitorConfig.Builder cfgBuilder = MonitorConfig.builder(toValidCharset(cfg.getName()));
for (Tag orig : cfg.getTags()) {
final String key = orig.getKey();
if (RELAXED_GROUP_KEYS.contains(key)) {
cfgBuilder.withTag(key, toValidCharsetTable(CHARS_ALLOWED_GROUPS, orig.getValue()));
} else {
cfgBuilder.withTag(toValidCharset(key), toValidCharset(orig.getValue()));
return new Metric(cfgBuilder.build(), metric.getTimestamp(), metric.getValue());