[英]Returns a copy of this OffsetDateTime with the specified period in minutes added.
This instance is immutable and unaffected by this method call.
代码示例来源:origin: kiegroup/jbpm
public void testParseRepeatableStartEndDateTime() {
OffsetDateTime oneMinuteFromNow = OffsetDateTime.now().plusMinutes(1);
OffsetDateTime twoMinutesFromNow = oneMinuteFromNow.plusMinutes(1);
String oneMinuteFromNowFormatted = oneMinuteFromNow.format(DateTimeFormatter.ISO_DATE_TIME);
String twoMinutesFromNowFormatted = twoMinutesFromNow.format(DateTimeFormatter.ISO_DATE_TIME);
String isoString = "R5/" + oneMinuteFromNowFormatted + "/" + twoMinutesFromNowFormatted;
long[] parsedRepeatable = DateTimeUtils.parseRepeatableDateTime(isoString);
assertEquals(5L, parsedRepeatable[0]);
assertTrue("Parsed delay is bigger than " + MINUTE_IN_MILLISECONDS, parsedRepeatable[1] <= MINUTE_IN_MILLISECONDS);
assertTrue("Parsed delay is too low! Expected value is between " + MINUTE_IN_MILLISECONDS + " and " + FIFTY_NINE_SECONDS_IN_MILLISECONDS + " but is " + parsedRepeatable[1], parsedRepeatable[1] > FIFTY_NINE_SECONDS_IN_MILLISECONDS);
assertEquals("Parsed period should be one minute in milliseconds but is " + parsedRepeatable[2], MINUTE_IN_MILLISECONDS, parsedRepeatable[2]);
代码示例来源:origin: kiegroup/jbpm
public void testParseDateAsDuration() {
OffsetDateTime oneMinuteFromNow = OffsetDateTime.now().plusMinutes(1);
long parsedMilliseconds = DateTimeUtils.parseDateAsDuration(oneMinuteFromNow.format(DateTimeFormatter.ISO_DATE_TIME));
assertTrue("Parsed date as duration is bigger than " + MINUTE_IN_MILLISECONDS, parsedMilliseconds <= MINUTE_IN_MILLISECONDS);
assertTrue("Parsed date as duration is too low! Expected value is between " + MINUTE_IN_MILLISECONDS + " and " + FIFTY_NINE_SECONDS_IN_MILLISECONDS + " but is " + parsedMilliseconds, parsedMilliseconds > FIFTY_NINE_SECONDS_IN_MILLISECONDS);
代码示例来源:origin: kiegroup/jbpm
public void testParseRepeatablePeriodAndEndDateTime() {
OffsetDateTime twoMinutesFromNow = OffsetDateTime.now().plusMinutes(2);
String twoMinutesFromNowFormatted = twoMinutesFromNow.format(DateTimeFormatter.ISO_DATE_TIME);
String isoString = "R5/PT1M/" + twoMinutesFromNowFormatted;
long[] parsedRepeatable = DateTimeUtils.parseRepeatableDateTime(isoString);
assertEquals(5L, parsedRepeatable[0]);
assertTrue("Parsed delay is bigger than " + MINUTE_IN_MILLISECONDS, parsedRepeatable[1] <= MINUTE_IN_MILLISECONDS);
assertTrue("Parsed delay is too low! Expected value is between " + MINUTE_IN_MILLISECONDS + " and " + FIFTY_NINE_SECONDS_IN_MILLISECONDS + " but is " + parsedRepeatable[1], parsedRepeatable[1] > FIFTY_NINE_SECONDS_IN_MILLISECONDS);
assertEquals("Parsed period should be one minute in milliseconds but is " + parsedRepeatable[2], MINUTE_IN_MILLISECONDS, parsedRepeatable[2]);
代码示例来源:origin: kiegroup/jbpm
public void testParseRepeatableStartDateTimeAndPeriod() {
OffsetDateTime oneMinuteFromNow = OffsetDateTime.now().plusMinutes(1);
String oneMinuteFromNowFormatted = oneMinuteFromNow.format(DateTimeFormatter.ISO_DATE_TIME);
String isoString = "R5/" + oneMinuteFromNowFormatted + "/PT1M";
long[] parsedRepeatable = DateTimeUtils.parseRepeatableDateTime(isoString);
assertEquals(5L, parsedRepeatable[0]);
assertTrue("Parsed delay is bigger than " + MINUTE_IN_MILLISECONDS, parsedRepeatable[1] <= MINUTE_IN_MILLISECONDS);
assertTrue("Parsed delay is too low! Expected value is between " + MINUTE_IN_MILLISECONDS + " and " + FIFTY_NINE_SECONDS_IN_MILLISECONDS + " but is " + parsedRepeatable[1], parsedRepeatable[1] > FIFTY_NINE_SECONDS_IN_MILLISECONDS);
assertEquals("Parsed period should be one minute in milliseconds but is " + parsedRepeatable[2], MINUTE_IN_MILLISECONDS, parsedRepeatable[2]);
代码示例来源:origin: com.github.seratch/java-time-backport
* Returns a copy of this {@code OffsetDateTime} with the specified period in minutes subtracted.
* <p>
* This instance is immutable and unaffected by this method call.
* @param minutes the minutes to subtract, may be negative
* @return an {@code OffsetDateTime} based on this date-time with the minutes subtracted, not null
* @throws DateTimeException if the result exceeds the supported date range
public OffsetDateTime minusMinutes(long minutes) {
return (minutes == Long.MIN_VALUE ? plusMinutes(Long.MAX_VALUE).plusMinutes(1) : plusMinutes(-minutes));
代码示例来源:origin: stackoverflow.com
import java.time.OffsetDateTime;
OffsetDateTime dt = OffsetDateTime.now();
OffsetDateTime dt1 = dt.plusMinutes(5);
代码示例来源:origin: stackoverflow.com
Map<String, Object> claims = new HashMap<>();
OffsetDateTime now = OffsetDateTime.now(clock);
OffsetDateTime exp = now.plusMinutes(1);
代码示例来源:origin: org.openbase.bco/ontology.lib
* Method adds/subtracts time from the current dateTime.
* @param minutes are the minutes.
* @param hours are the hours.
* @param days are the days.
* @param months are the months.
* @param years are the years.
* @return the changed dateTime as String.
public static String addTimeToCurrentDateTime(final int minutes, final int hours, final int days, final int months, final int years) {
final OffsetDateTime now = OffsetDateTime.now();
return now.toString();
代码示例来源:origin: FlareBot/FlareBot
public void onGuildJoin(GuildJoinEvent event) {
if (event.getJDA().getStatus() == JDA.Status.CONNECTED &&
event.getGuild().getSelfMember().getJoinDate().plusMinutes(2).isAfter(OffsetDateTime.now())) {
Constants.getGuildLogChannel().sendMessage(new EmbedBuilder()
.setColor(new Color(96, 230, 144))
.setFooter(event.getGuild().getId(), event.getGuild().getIconUrl())
.setAuthor(event.getGuild().getName(), null, event.getGuild().getIconUrl())
.setDescription("Guild Created: `" + event.getGuild().getName() + "` :smile: :heart:\n" +
"Guild Owner: " + event.getGuild().getOwner().getUser().getName() + "\nGuild Members: " +