
x33g5p2x  于2022-01-25 转载在 其他  



[英]Returns if the counters for the named outputs are enabled or not.

By default these counters are disabled.

MultipleOutputs supports counters, by default the are disabled. The counters group is the MultipleOutputs class name.
The names of the counters are the same as the named outputs. For multi named outputs the name of the counter is the concatenation of the named output, and underscore '_' and the multiname.



 * Creates and initializes multiple named outputs support, it should be
 * instantiated in the Mapper/Reducer configure method.
 * @param job the job configuration object
public MultipleOutputs(JobConf job) {
 this.conf = job;
 outputFormat = new InternalFileOutputFormat();
 namedOutputs = Collections.unmodifiableSet(
  new HashSet<String>(MultipleOutputs.getNamedOutputsList(job)));
 recordWriters = new HashMap<String, RecordWriter>();
 countersEnabled = getCountersEnabled(job);

代码示例来源:origin: com.github.jiayuhan-it/hadoop-mapreduce-client-core

 * Creates and initializes multiple named outputs support, it should be
 * instantiated in the Mapper/Reducer configure method.
 * @param job the job configuration object
public MultipleOutputs(JobConf job) {
 this.conf = job;
 outputFormat = new InternalFileOutputFormat();
 namedOutputs = Collections.unmodifiableSet(
  new HashSet<String>(MultipleOutputs.getNamedOutputsList(job)));
 recordWriters = new HashMap<String, RecordWriter>();
 countersEnabled = getCountersEnabled(job);

代码示例来源:origin: io.prestosql.hadoop/hadoop-apache

 * Creates and initializes multiple named outputs support, it should be
 * instantiated in the Mapper/Reducer configure method.
 * @param job the job configuration object
public MultipleOutputs(JobConf job) {
 this.conf = job;
 outputFormat = new InternalFileOutputFormat();
 namedOutputs = Collections.unmodifiableSet(
  new HashSet<String>(MultipleOutputs.getNamedOutputsList(job)));
 recordWriters = new HashMap<String, RecordWriter>();
 countersEnabled = getCountersEnabled(job);

代码示例来源:origin: com.facebook.hadoop/hadoop-core

 * Creates and initializes multiple named outputs support, it should be
 * instantiated in the Mapper/Reducer configure method.
 * @param job the job configuration object
public MultipleOutputs(JobConf job) {
 this.conf = job;
 outputFormat = new InternalFileOutputFormat();
 namedOutputs = Collections.unmodifiableSet(
  new HashSet<String>(MultipleOutputs.getNamedOutputsList(job)));
 recordWriters = new HashMap<String, RecordWriter>();
 countersEnabled = getCountersEnabled(job);

代码示例来源:origin: org.apache.hadoop/hadoop-mapred

 * Creates and initializes multiple named outputs support, it should be
 * instantiated in the Mapper/Reducer configure method.
 * @param job the job configuration object
public MultipleOutputs(JobConf job) {
 this.conf = job;
 outputFormat = new InternalFileOutputFormat();
 namedOutputs = Collections.unmodifiableSet(
  new HashSet<String>(MultipleOutputs.getNamedOutputsList(job)));
 recordWriters = new HashMap<String, RecordWriter>();
 countersEnabled = getCountersEnabled(job);

代码示例来源:origin: io.hops/hadoop-mapreduce-client-core

 * Creates and initializes multiple named outputs support, it should be
 * instantiated in the Mapper/Reducer configure method.
 * @param job the job configuration object
public MultipleOutputs(JobConf job) {
 this.conf = job;
 outputFormat = new InternalFileOutputFormat();
 namedOutputs = Collections.unmodifiableSet(
  new HashSet<String>(MultipleOutputs.getNamedOutputsList(job)));
 recordWriters = new HashMap<String, RecordWriter>();
 countersEnabled = getCountersEnabled(job);

代码示例来源:origin: org.jvnet.hudson.hadoop/hadoop-core

 * Creates and initializes multiple named outputs support, it should be
 * instantiated in the Mapper/Reducer configure method.
 * @param job the job configuration object
public MultipleOutputs(JobConf job) {
 this.conf = job;
 outputFormat = new InternalFileOutputFormat();
 namedOutputs = Collections.unmodifiableSet(
  new HashSet<String>(MultipleOutputs.getNamedOutputsList(job)));
 recordWriters = new HashMap<String, RecordWriter>();
 countersEnabled = getCountersEnabled(job);
