[英]Get the contained value in case of being "some" or return parameter none
代码示例来源:origin: opencast/opencast
@Override public A apply(Option<A> as) {
return as.getOrElse(none);
代码示例来源:origin: opencast/opencast
public A apply(Option<A> ao) {
return ao.getOrElse(a);
代码示例来源:origin: opencast/opencast
public StandAloneTrustedHttpClientImpl(String user, String pass, Option<Integer> nonceTimeoutRetries,
Option<Integer> retryBaseDelay, Option<Integer> retryMaximumVariableTime) {
this.user = user;
this.pass = pass;
this.nonceTimeoutRetries = nonceTimeoutRetries.getOrElse(DEFAULT_NONCE_TIMEOUT_RETRIES);
this.retryBaseDelay = retryBaseDelay.getOrElse(DEFAULT_RETRY_BASE_DELAY);
this.retryMaximumVariableTime = retryMaximumVariableTime.getOrElse(DEFAULT_RETRY_MAXIMUM_VARIABLE_TIME);
代码示例来源:origin: opencast/opencast
public T marshal(Option<T> option) throws Exception {
return option.getOrElse((T) null);
代码示例来源:origin: opencast/opencast
Transactional currentTx() {
return emStore.get().getOrElse(startTx);
代码示例来源:origin: opencast/opencast
/** Create a property. Passing none is like setting {@link #ZERO_VAL} which erases the property. */
public static Prop p(String key, Option<Val> val) {
return new Prop(key, val.getOrElse(ZERO_VAL));
代码示例来源:origin: opencast/opencast
* Returns an expression to search for any date that lies in between <code>startDate</code> and <code>endDate</code>.
* @param startDate
* the start date or none for an infinite left endpoint, "*" in solr query syntax
* @param endDate
* the end date or none for an infinite right endpoint, "*" in solr query syntax
* @return the serialized search expression
public static String serializeDateRange(Option<Date> startDate, Option<Date> endDate) {
final Function<Date, String> f = format(newSolrDateFormat());
return new StringBuilder("[")
.append(" TO ")
代码示例来源:origin: opencast/opencast
@Override public String getPrefix(final String uri) {
return option(b.getPrefix(uri)).getOrElse(new Function0<String>() {
@Override public String apply() {
return a.getPrefix(uri);
代码示例来源:origin: opencast/opencast
/** Evaluate the xpath expression against the contained document. The expression must return a list of strings (text). */
// todo replace return type with Valid once it is implemented
public List<String> strings(String expr) {
final List<String> list = new ArrayList<String>();
return nodeSet(expr).map(new Function<NodeList, List<String>>() {
public List<String> apply(NodeList nodes) {
for (int i = 0; i < nodes.getLength(); i++) {
return list;
代码示例来源:origin: opencast/opencast
* OSGI activate method.
* @param cc
* OSGI component context
public void activate(ComponentContext cc) {
acceptJobLoadsExeedingMaxLoad = getOptContextProperty(cc, ACCEPT_JOB_LOADS_EXCEEDING_PROPERTY).map(Strings.toBool)
代码示例来源:origin: opencast/opencast
/** OSGi callback */
public void activate(ComponentContext cc) {
host = option(getContextProperty(cc, OpencastConstants.SERVER_URL_PROPERTY)).bind(Strings.trimToNone).getOrElse(
for (BundleInfoDb a : db)
for (Bundle b : cc.getBundleContext().getBundles()) {
代码示例来源:origin: opencast/opencast
* Return the endpoint's server URL and the service path by extracting the relevant parameters from the
* ComponentContext.
* @param cc
* ComponentContext to get configuration from
* @param serverUrlKey
* Configuration key for the server URL
* @param servicePathKey
* Configuration key for the service path
* @return (serverUrl, servicePath)
* @throws Error
* if the service path is not configured for this component
public static Tuple<String, String> getEndpointUrl(ComponentContext cc, String serverUrlKey, String servicePathKey) {
final String serverUrl = option(cc.getBundleContext().getProperty(serverUrlKey)).getOrElse(
final String servicePath = option((String) cc.getProperties().get(servicePathKey)).getOrElse(
Option.<String> error(RestConstants.SERVICE_PATH_PROPERTY + " property not configured"));
return tuple(serverUrl, servicePath);
代码示例来源:origin: opencast/opencast
private void logBundle(final Bundle bundle) {
final BundleInfo info = bundleInfo(host, bundle.getSymbolicName(), bundle.getBundleId(), bundle.getVersion()
.toString(), getBuildNumber(bundle));
final String log = String.format("Bundle %s, id %d, version %s, build number %s", info.getBundleSymbolicName(),
info.getBundleId(), info.getBundleVersion(), info.getBuildNumber().getOrElse("n/a"));
for (BundleInfoDb a : db)
代码示例来源:origin: opencast/opencast
* OSGI callback for activating this component
* @param cc
* the osgi component context
public void activate(ComponentContext cc) throws ConfigurationException {
logger.info("Static File REST Service started.");
serverUrl = OsgiUtil.getContextProperty(cc, OpencastConstants.SERVER_URL_PROPERTY);
useWebserver = BooleanUtils.toBoolean(OsgiUtil.getOptCfg(cc.getProperties(), STATICFILES_WEBSERVER_ENABLED_KEY)
webserverURL = OsgiUtil.getOptCfg(cc.getProperties(), STATICFILES_WEBSERVER_URL_KEY);
Option<String> cfgMaxUploadSize = OsgiUtil.getOptContextProperty(cc, STATICFILES_UPLOAD_MAX_SIZE_KEY);
if (cfgMaxUploadSize.isSome())
maxUploadSize = Long.parseLong(cfgMaxUploadSize.get());
代码示例来源:origin: opencast/opencast
代码示例来源:origin: opencast/opencast
public WorkflowOperationResult start(WorkflowInstance wi, JobContext ctx) throws WorkflowOperationException {
final WorkflowOperationInstance woi = wi.getCurrentOperation();
final int code = option(woi.getConfiguration(OPT_CODE)).bind(Strings.toInt).getOrElse(1);
final Severity severity = option(woi.getConfiguration(OPT_SEVERITY)).bind(parseEnum(Severity.FAILURE)).getOrElse(Severity.INFO);
final List<Tuple<String, String>> details = Arrays.stream(ArrayUtils.nullToEmpty(
StringUtils.split(woi.getConfiguration(OPT_DETAILS), ";")))
.map((opt) -> opt.split("="))
.filter((t) -> t.length == 2)
.map((x) -> Tuple.tuple(x[0], x[1]))
final Map<String, String> params = Arrays.stream(ArrayUtils.nullToEmpty(
StringUtils.split(woi.getConfiguration(OPT_PARAMS), ";")))
.map((opt) -> opt.split("="))
.filter((t) -> t.length == 2)
.collect(Collectors.toMap(x -> x[0], x -> x[1]));
log.info("Create nop job");
final Job job = nopService.nop();
log.info("Log a dummy incident with code %d", code);
serviceRegistry.incident().record(job, severity, code, params, details);
if (!waitForStatus(job).isSuccess()) {
throw new WorkflowOperationException("Job did not complete successfully");
} else {
return createResult(WorkflowOperationResult.Action.CONTINUE);
代码示例来源:origin: opencast/opencast
* Basic sanity checking for media packages.
* <pre>
* // media package is ok
* sanityCheck(mp).isNone()
* </pre>
* @return none if the media package is a healthy condition, some([error_msgs]) otherwise
public static Option<List<String>> sanityCheck(MediaPackage mp) {
final Option<List<String>> errors = sequenceOpt(list(toOption(mp.getIdentifier() != null, "no ID"),
toOption(mp.getIdentifier() != null && isNotBlank(mp.getIdentifier().toString()), "blank ID")));
return errors.getOrElse(NIL).size() == 0 ? Option.<List<String>> none() : errors;
代码示例来源:origin: opencast/opencast
public IncidentL10n getLocalization(long id, Locale locale) throws IncidentServiceException, NotFoundException {
final Incident incident = getIncident(id);
final List<String> loc = localeToList(locale);
// check if cache map is empty
// fill cache from
final String title = findText(loc, incident.getCode(), FIELD_TITLE).getOrElse(NO_TITLE);
final String description = findText(loc, incident.getCode(), FIELD_DESCRIPTION).map(
return new IncidentL10n() {
public String getTitle() {
return title;
public String getDescription() {
return description;
代码示例来源:origin: opencast/opencast
case Analyze:
audioTrack = (TrackImpl) MediaPackageElementParser.getFromXml(arguments.get(0));
serialized = analyze(job, audioTrack).map(MediaPackageElementParser.<Track> getAsXml()).getOrElse("");
case Normalize:
Float targetRmsLevDb = new Float(arguments.get(1));
serialized = normalize(job, audioTrack, targetRmsLevDb).map(MediaPackageElementParser.<Track> getAsXml())
代码示例来源:origin: opencast/opencast
* {@inheritDoc}
* @see org.opencastproject.metadata.api.MetadataService#getMetadata(org.opencastproject.mediapackage.MediaPackage)
public StaticMetadata getMetadata(final MediaPackage mp) {
return mlist(list(mp.getCatalogs(DublinCoreCatalog.ANY_DUBLINCORE)))
.map(new Function<DublinCoreCatalog, StaticMetadata>() {
public StaticMetadata apply(DublinCoreCatalog episode) {
return newStaticMetadataFromEpisode(episode);
.getOrElse((StaticMetadata) null);