[英]Executes the work in a new transaction, repeating up to limitTries times when a ConcurrentModificationException is thrown. This requires your Work to be idempotent; otherwise limit tries to 1.
Within Work.run(), obtain the new transactional Objectify instance by calling ObjectifyService.ofy()
代码示例来源:origin: com.googlecode.luceneappengine/luceneappengine
* Delete the segment specified.
* @param name The name of the segment
protected void deleteSegment(final String name) {
ofy().transactNew(4, new Work<Void>() {
public Void run() {
deleteSegment(ofy(), name);
return null;
代码示例来源:origin: com.googlecode.luceneappengine/luceneappengine
* Delete this directory.
* @throws IOException If an error occurs
public void delete() throws IOException {
ofy().transactNew(3, new Work<Void>() {
public Void run() {
Objectify objectify = ofy();
for(String name : listAll())
deleteSegment(objectify, name);
return null;
代码示例来源:origin: instacount/appengine-counter
ObjectifyService.ofy().transactNew(new VoidWork()
代码示例来源:origin: com.googlecode.luceneappengine/luceneappengine
public void close() throws LockReleaseFailedException {
try {
ofy().transactNew(3, new Work<Void>() {
public Void run() {
final GaeLock gaeLock = ofy().load().key(Key.create(indexKey, GaeLock.class, lockName)).now();
if (gaeLock != null && gaeLock.locked) {
log.debug("Unlocking Lock '{}'.", lockName);
gaeLock.locked = false;
} else {
log.warn("Trying to release a non locked Lock '{}'.", lockName);
return null;
} catch (RuntimeException e) {
log.error("Error closing lock:{} error:{}", lockName, e.getMessage(), e);
throw new LockReleaseFailedException("Error closing lock:" + lockName, e);
} finally {
closed = true;
代码示例来源:origin: instacount/appengine-counter
final Integer numCounterShards = ObjectifyService.ofy().transactNew(new Work<Integer>()
ObjectifyService.ofy().transactNew(new VoidWork()
ObjectifyService.ofy().transactNew(new VoidWork()
代码示例来源:origin: com.googlecode.luceneappengine/luceneappengine
boolean obtainedLock;
try {
obtainedLock = ofy().transactNew(new Work<Boolean>() {
public Boolean run() {
代码示例来源:origin: com.googlecode.luceneappengine/luceneappengine
public static <T> T getOrCreate(final Key<T> key, final ObjectifyBuilder<T> builder) {
final Objectify objectify = ofy();
T t = objectify.load().key(key).now();
if(t == null) {
t = objectify.transactNew(4, new Work<T>() {
public T run() {
T t = ofy().load().key(key).now();
if(t == null) {
t = builder.newInstance(key);
return t;
return t;
代码示例来源:origin: instacount/appengine-counter
* Test an increment where there is an active parent transaction, but the counter does not exist (ExistingTx: T;
* ExistingCounter: F)
public void increment_TransactionActive_NoExistingCounter_CounterNotCached()
final String counterName = UUID.randomUUID().toString();
// Perform another increment in a Work, but abort it before it can commit.
ObjectifyService.ofy().transactNew(new VoidWork()
public void vrun()
// Do something else as part of the TX.
final Key<CounterShardData> counterShardDataKey = CounterShardData.key(
CounterData.key(UUID.randomUUID().toString()), 0);
final CounterShardData counterShardData = new CounterShardData(counterShardDataKey);
// The actual test.
singleShardShardedCounterService.increment(counterName, 10L);
this.assertCounterShardValue(counterName, 10L);
代码示例来源:origin: instacount/appengine-counter
* Test an increment where there is an active transaction, but the counter does not exist (ExistingTx: T;
* ExistingCounter: F), and then the transaction aborts after the call to increment.
public void decrement_Abort_TransactionActive_NoExistingCounter_CounterNotCached()
final String counterName = UUID.randomUUID().toString();
// Perform another increment in a Work, but abort it before it can commit.
ObjectifyService.ofy().transactNew(new VoidWork()
public void vrun()
// The actual test.
CounterOperation decrementAmount = singleShardShardedCounterService.decrement(counterName, 10L);
assertThat(decrementAmount.getAppliedAmount(), is(10L));
throw new RuntimeException("Abort the Transaction!");
catch (Exception e)
// Eat the Exception.
assertThat(this.singleShardShardedCounterService.getCounter(counterName).isPresent(), is(false));
this.assertCounterShardValue(counterName, null);
代码示例来源:origin: instacount/appengine-counter
* Test an increment where there is an active parent transaction, but the counter does not exist (ExistingTx: T;
* ExistingCounter: F)
public void decrement_TransactionActive_NoExistingCounter_CounterNotCached()
final String counterName = UUID.randomUUID().toString();
// Perform another increment in a Work, but abort it before it can commit.
ObjectifyService.ofy().transactNew(new VoidWork()
public void vrun()
// Do something else as part of the TX.
final Key<CounterShardData> counterShardDataKey = CounterShardData.key(
CounterData.key(UUID.randomUUID().toString()), 0);
final CounterShardData counterShardData = new CounterShardData(counterShardDataKey);
// The actual test.
singleShardShardedCounterService.increment(counterName, 10L);
assertThat(this.singleShardShardedCounterService.getCounter(counterName).get().getCount(), is(BigInteger.TEN));
this.assertCounterShardValue(counterName, 10L);
代码示例来源:origin: instacount/appengine-counter
ObjectifyService.ofy().transactNew(new VoidWork()
代码示例来源:origin: instacount/appengine-counter
* Test an increment where there is an active parent transaction, but the counter does not exist (ExistingTx: T;
* ExistingCounter: T)
public void increment_TransactionActive_ExistingCounter_CounterCached()
final String counterName = UUID.randomUUID().toString();
singleShardShardedCounterService.increment(counterName, 1L);
// Perform another increment in a Work, but abort it before it can commit.
ObjectifyService.ofy().transactNew(new VoidWork()
public void vrun()
// Do something else as part of the TX.
final Key<CounterShardData> counterShardDataKey = CounterShardData.key(
CounterData.key(UUID.randomUUID().toString()), 0);
final CounterShardData counterShardData = new CounterShardData(counterShardDataKey);
// The actual test.
singleShardShardedCounterService.increment(counterName, 10L);
this.assertCounterShardValue(counterName, 11L);
代码示例来源:origin: instacount/appengine-counter
* Test an increment where there is an active parent transaction, but the counter does not exist (ExistingTx: T;
* ExistingCounter: T)
public void decrement_TransactionActive_ExistingCounter_CounterCached()
final String counterName = UUID.randomUUID().toString();
singleShardShardedCounterService.increment(counterName, 10L);
assertThat(this.singleShardShardedCounterService.getCounter(counterName).get().getCount(), is(BigInteger.TEN));
this.assertCounterShardValue(counterName, 10L);
// Perform another increment in a Work, but abort it before it can commit.
ObjectifyService.ofy().transactNew(new VoidWork()
public void vrun()
// The actual test.
singleShardShardedCounterService.decrement(counterName, 1L);
this.assertCounterShardValue(counterName, 9L);
代码示例来源:origin: instacount/appengine-counter
ObjectifyService.ofy().transactNew(new VoidWork()
代码示例来源:origin: instacount/appengine-counter
ObjectifyService.ofy().transactNew(1, new VoidWork()
代码示例来源:origin: instacount/appengine-counter
ObjectifyService.ofy().transactNew(new VoidWork()
代码示例来源:origin: instacount/appengine-counter
ObjectifyService.ofy().transactNew(new VoidWork()
ObjectifyService.ofy().transactNew(new VoidWork()
代码示例来源:origin: instacount/appengine-counter
ObjectifyService.ofy().transactNew(new VoidWork()
代码示例来源:origin: instacount/appengine-counter
ObjectifyService.ofy().transactNew(new VoidWork()
代码示例来源:origin: instacount/appengine-counter
ObjectifyService.ofy().transactNew(new VoidWork()