
x33g5p2x  于2022-01-26 转载在 其他  



[英]Get the name of this pipe. Guaranteed non-null.


代码示例来源:origin: cascading/cascading-bind

private String[] makeNames( Pipe[] pipes )
 String[] names = new String[ pipes.length ];
 for( int i = 0; i < pipes.length; i++ )
  names[ i ] = pipes[ i ].getName();
 return names;

代码示例来源:origin: cwensel/cascading

private void addGroupFields( Pipe pipe, Fields fields )
 if( keyFieldsMap.containsKey( pipe.getName() ) )
  throw new IllegalArgumentException( "each input pipe branch must be uniquely named" );
 keyFieldsMap.put( pipe.getName(), fields );

代码示例来源:origin: cwensel/cascading

public String toString()
 return getClass().getSimpleName() + "(" + getName() + ")";

代码示例来源:origin: cwensel/cascading

public synchronized Map<String, Integer> getPipePos()
 if( pipePos != null )
  return pipePos;
 pipePos = new HashMap<String, Integer>();
 int pos = 0;
 for( Object pipe : pipes )
  pipePos.put( ( (Pipe) pipe ).getName(), pos++ );
 return pipePos;

代码示例来源:origin: cwensel/cascading

private void addPipe( Pipe pipe )
 if( pipe.getName() == null )
  throw new IllegalArgumentException( "each input pipe must have a name" );
 pipes.add( pipe ); // allow same pipe

代码示例来源:origin: cwensel/cascading

public int hashCode()
 return 31 * getName().hashCode() + getClass().hashCode();

代码示例来源:origin: cwensel/cascading

private static Pipe find( String name, Iterator<FlowElement> iterator )
 while( iterator.hasNext() )
  FlowElement flowElement =;
  if( flowElement instanceof Pipe && ( (Pipe) flowElement ).getName().equals( name ) )
   return (Pipe) flowElement;
 return null;

代码示例来源:origin: cascading/lingual-core

private String makeName( CascadingRelNode node, Pipe pipe )
 String name = "";
 if( node != null )
  name = node.getClass().getSimpleName() + ":";
 name += pipe.getClass().getSimpleName() + "[" + pipe.getName() + "]";
 return name;

代码示例来源:origin: cwensel/cascading

protected void printInternal( StringBuffer buffer, Scope scope )
 buffer.append( getClass().getSimpleName() ).append( "('" ).append( getName() ).append( "')" );

代码示例来源:origin: cwensel/cascading

private String makeName( Pipe[] pipes )
 String[] names = new String[ pipes.length ];
 for( int i = 0; i < pipes.length; i++ )
  names[ i ] = pipes[ i ].getName();
 String name = Util.join( names, "+" );
 if( name.length() > 32 )
  name = name.substring( 0, 32 );
 return name;

代码示例来源:origin: cwensel/cascading

 * Method addTrap adds a new trap {@link Tap} named after the given {@link Pipe} for use in the resulting {@link Flow}.
 * @param pipe of Pipe
 * @param trap of Tap
 * @return FlowDef
public FlowDef addTrap( Pipe pipe, Tap trap )
 addTrap( pipe.getName(), trap );
 return this;

代码示例来源:origin: cwensel/cascading

public String format( String trace )
 return "[" + Util.truncate( pipe.getName(), 25 ) + "][" + trace + "]";
} );

代码示例来源:origin: cwensel/cascading

 * Method addSink adds a new sink {@link Tap} named after the given {@link Pipe} for use in the resulting {@link Flow}.
 * @param tail of Pipe
 * @param sink of Tap
 * @return FlowDef
public FlowDef addSink( Pipe tail, Tap sink )
 addSink( tail.getName(), sink );
 return this;

代码示例来源:origin: LiveRamp/cascading_ext

public Map<String, Pipe> getTailsByName(){
 Map<String, Pipe> tails = Maps.newHashMap();
 for (Pipe pipe : getTails()) {
  tails.put(pipe.getName(), pipe);
 return tails;

代码示例来源:origin: cwensel/cascading

private List<Fields> getOrderedResolvedFields( Set<Scope> incomingScopes )
 Map<String, Scope> scopesMap = new HashMap<String, Scope>();
 for( Scope incomingScope : incomingScopes )
  scopesMap.put( incomingScope.getName(), incomingScope );
 List<Fields> appendableFields = new ArrayList<Fields>();
 for( Pipe pipe : pipes )
  appendableFields.add( scopesMap.get( pipe.getName() ).getIncomingSpliceFields() );
 return appendableFields;

代码示例来源:origin: cwensel/cascading

public boolean containsPipeNamed( String pipeName )
 Set<FlowElement> vertices = getElementGraph().vertexSet();
 for( FlowElement vertex : vertices )
  if( vertex instanceof Pipe && ( (Pipe) vertex ).getName().equals( pipeName ) )
   return true;
 return false;

代码示例来源:origin: cwensel/cascading

private static void collectPipes( String name, Pipe[] tails, Set<Pipe> pipes )
 for( Pipe tail : tails )
  if( !( tail instanceof SubAssembly ) && tail.getName().equals( name ) )
   pipes.add( tail );
  collectPipes( name, SubAssembly.unwind( tail.getPrevious() ), pipes );

代码示例来源:origin: cwensel/cascading

private static void collectNames( Pipe[] pipes, Set<String> names )
 for( Pipe pipe : pipes )
  if( pipe instanceof SubAssembly )
   names.addAll( asList( ( (SubAssembly) pipe ).getTailNames() ) );
   names.add( pipe.getName() );
  collectNames( SubAssembly.unwind( pipe.getPrevious() ), names );

代码示例来源:origin: cascading/cascading-hadoop2-mr1

public void testName()
 Pipe count = new Pipe( "count" );
 Pipe pipe = new GroupBy( count, new Fields( 1 ) );
 pipe = new Every( pipe, new Fields( 1 ), new Count(), new Fields( 0, 1 ) );
 assertEquals( "not equal: count.getName()", "count", count.getName() );
 assertEquals( "not equal: pipe.getName()", "count", pipe.getName() );
 pipe = new Each( count, new Fields( 1 ), new RegexSplitter( Fields.size( 2 ) ) );
 assertEquals( "not equal: pipe.getName()", "count", pipe.getName() );

代码示例来源:origin: cwensel/cascading

public void testName()
 Pipe count = new Pipe( "count" );
 Pipe pipe = new GroupBy( count, new Fields( 1 ) );
 pipe = new Every( pipe, new Fields( 1 ), new Count(), new Fields( 0, 1 ) );
 assertEquals( "not equal: count.getName()", "count", count.getName() );
 assertEquals( "not equal: pipe.getName()", "count", pipe.getName() );
 pipe = new Each( count, new Fields( 1 ), new RegexSplitter( Fields.size( 2 ) ) );
 assertEquals( "not equal: pipe.getName()", "count", pipe.getName() );
