
x33g5p2x  于2022-01-26 转载在 其他  



[英]Access the configuration properties for this tool placement - not including those from the tool registration.


代码示例来源:origin: org.sakaiproject.portal/sakai-portal-render-impl

public SakaiPortletConfig(Placement placement)
  if (placement == null)
  Properties toolProperties = placement.getPlacementConfig();
  if (toolProperties != null)
    contextPath = toolProperties
    portletName = toolProperties.getProperty(PortalService.TOOL_PORTLET_NAME);
  Properties configProperties = placement.getConfig();
  if (configProperties != null)
    if (isEmpty(contextPath))
      contextPath = configProperties
    if (isEmpty(portletName))
      portletName = configProperties
  portlet = !(isEmpty(contextPath) || isEmpty(portletName));

代码示例来源:origin: org.sakaiproject.portal/sakai-portal-render-impl

public PortletDD getPortletDD(Placement placement)
  Properties toolProperties = placement.getPlacementConfig();
  String portletName = null;
  String appName = null;

代码示例来源:origin: sakaiproject/sakai

 * Respond to a request by dispatching to a portlet like "do" method based on the portlet mode and tool mode
protected void doGet(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse res) throws ServletException
  // set in VmServlet
  ParameterParser params = (ParameterParser) req.getAttribute(ATTR_PARAMS);
  // we will need some covers... Note: parameters are parsed (i.e. files are read) here
  Context context = new Context(this, req);
  Placement placement = ToolManager.getCurrentPlacement();
  PortletConfig config = new PortletConfig(getServletConfig(), placement.getPlacementConfig(), placement.getTool()
      .getRegisteredConfig(), placement);
  VelocityPortlet portlet = new VelocityPortlet(getPid(req), config);
  JetspeedRunData rundata = new JetspeedRunData(req, getState(req), getPid(req), params);
  req.setAttribute(ATTR_CONTEXT, context);
  req.setAttribute(ATTR_CONFIG, config);
  req.setAttribute(ATTR_PORTLET, portlet);
  req.setAttribute(ATTR_RUNDATA, rundata);
  super.doGet(req, res);

代码示例来源:origin: org.sakaiproject.velocity/sakai-velocity-tool

 * Respond to a request by dispatching to a portlet like "do" method based on the portlet mode and tool mode
protected void doGet(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse res) throws ServletException
  // set in VmServlet
  ParameterParser params = (ParameterParser) req.getAttribute(ATTR_PARAMS);
  // we will need some covers... Note: parameters are parsed (i.e. files are read) here
  Context context = new Context(this, req);
  Placement placement = ToolManager.getCurrentPlacement();
  PortletConfig config = new PortletConfig(getServletConfig(), placement.getPlacementConfig(), placement.getTool()
      .getRegisteredConfig(), placement);
  VelocityPortlet portlet = new VelocityPortlet(getPid(req), config);
  JetspeedRunData rundata = new JetspeedRunData(req, getState(req), getPid(req), params);
  req.setAttribute(ATTR_CONTEXT, context);
  req.setAttribute(ATTR_CONFIG, config);
  req.setAttribute(ATTR_PORTLET, portlet);
  req.setAttribute(ATTR_RUNDATA, rundata);
  super.doGet(req, res);
