
x33g5p2x  于2022-01-28 转载在 其他  





代码示例来源:origin: aws/aws-sdk-java

private String resolveCertCommonName(String region) {
    if (Regions.CN_NORTH_1.getName().equals(region)) {
      return "";

    if (Regions.CN_NORTHWEST_1.getName().equals(region)) {
      return "";

    if (Regions.GovCloud.getName().equals(region)) {
      return "";

    return "sns." + RegionUtils.getRegion(region).getDomain();

代码示例来源:origin: aws/aws-sdk-java

 * Sets the region to be used for the default AWS SDK metric collector;
 * or null if the default is to be used.
public static void setRegion(Regions region) {
  AwsSdkMetrics.region = RegionUtils.getRegion(region.getName());

代码示例来源:origin: aws/aws-sdk-java

 * Returns the region with the id given, or null if it cannot be found in
 * the current regions.xml file.
public static Region getRegion(Regions region) {
  return RegionUtils.getRegion(region.getName());

代码示例来源:origin: aws/aws-sdk-java

 * Returns a region enum corresponding to the given region name.
 * @param regionName
 *            The name of the region. Ex.: eu-west-1
 * @return Region enum representing the given region name.
public static Regions fromName(String regionName) {
  for (Regions region : Regions.values()) {
    if (region.getName().equals(regionName)) {
      return region;
  throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cannot create enum from " + regionName + " value!");

代码示例来源:origin: aws/aws-sdk-java

 * Sets the region to be used by the client. This will be used to determine both the
 * service endpoint (eg: and signing region (eg: us-west-1)
 * for requests. If neither region or endpoint configuration {@link #setEndpointConfiguration(EndpointConfiguration)}
 * are explicitly provided in the builder the {@link #DEFAULT_REGION_PROVIDER} is consulted.
 * <p> For regions not explicitly in the {@link Regions} enum use the {@link
 * #withRegion(String)} overload.</p>
 * @param region Region to use
 * @return This object for method chaining.
public final Subclass withRegion(Regions region) {
  return withRegion(region.getName());

代码示例来源:origin: aws/aws-sdk-java

 * Sets the signing region to be used by the client. This region will <b>NOT</b> be used to compute the endpoint, the endpoint
 * must be explicitly provided via the {@link #setEndpoint(URI)} or {@link #withEndpoint(URI)} methods.
 * <p>
 * For regions that are not in the {@link Regions} enum, {@link #setRegion(String)} or {@link #withRegion(String)} should
 * be used instead.
 * </p>
 * @param region Region to sign with.
 * @return This object for method chaining.
 * @see <a href="">AWS Region Selection</a>
public AmazonKinesisVideoPutMediaClientBuilder withRegion(Regions region) {
  return this;

代码示例来源:origin: apache/nifi

protected static AllowableValue createAllowableValue(final Regions region) {
  return new AllowableValue(region.getName(), region.getDescription(), "AWS Region Code : " + region.getName());

代码示例来源:origin: aws/aws-sdk-java

 * If the response doesn't have the x-amz-region header we have to resort to sending a request
 * to s3-external-1
 * @return
private AuthRetryParameters redirectToS3External() {
  AWSS3V4Signer v4Signer = buildSigV4Signer(Regions.US_EAST_1.getName());
  try {
    URI bucketEndpoint = new URI(
        String.format("", endpointResolver.getBucketName()));
    return buildRetryParams(v4Signer, bucketEndpoint);
  } catch (URISyntaxException e) {
    throw new SdkClientException(
        "Failed to re-send the request to \"\". " + V4_REGION_WARNING, e);

代码示例来源:origin: aws-amplify/aws-sdk-android

 * Determines the logins key for the token.
 * This currently varies for cn-north-1 region only.
 * @return logins key used in the logins map
protected String getLoginsKey() {
  if (Regions.CN_NORTH_1.getName().equals(this.region)) {
    return "";
  } else {
    return "";

代码示例来源:origin: com.amazonaws/aws-java-sdk-core

 * Sets the region to be used for the default AWS SDK metric collector;
 * or null if the default is to be used.
public static void setRegion(Regions region) {
  AwsSdkMetrics.region = RegionUtils.getRegion(region.getName());

代码示例来源:origin: com.amazonaws/aws-java-sdk-core

 * Returns the region with the id given, or null if it cannot be found in
 * the current regions.xml file.
public static Region getRegion(Regions region) {
  return RegionUtils.getRegion(region.getName());

代码示例来源:origin: aws-amplify/aws-sdk-android

 * @param region the region.
 * @return the region with the id given, or null if it cannot be found in
 * the current regions.xml file.
public static Region getRegion(Regions region) {
  return RegionUtils.getRegion(region.getName());

代码示例来源:origin: aws-amplify/aws-sdk-android

 * Returns a region enum corresponding to the given region name.
 * @param regionName The name of the region. Ex.: eu-west-1
 * @return Region enum representing the given region name.
public static Regions fromName(String regionName) {
  for (final Regions region : Regions.values()) {
    if (regionName.equals(region.getName())) {
      return region;
  throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cannot create enum from " + regionName + " value!");

代码示例来源:origin: com.amazonaws/aws-java-sdk-core

 * Sets the region to be used by the client. This will be used to determine both the
 * service endpoint (eg: and signing region (eg: us-west-1)
 * for requests. If neither region or endpoint configuration {@link #setEndpointConfiguration(EndpointConfiguration)}
 * are explicitly provided in the builder the {@link #DEFAULT_REGION_PROVIDER} is consulted.
 * <p> For regions not explicitly in the {@link Regions} enum use the {@link
 * #withRegion(String)} overload.</p>
 * @param region Region to use
 * @return This object for method chaining.
public final Subclass withRegion(Regions region) {
  return withRegion(region.getName());

代码示例来源:origin: com.amazonaws/aws-java-sdk-core

 * Returns a region enum corresponding to the given region name.
 * @param regionName
 *            The name of the region. Ex.: eu-west-1
 * @return Region enum representing the given region name.
public static Regions fromName(String regionName) {
  for (Regions region : Regions.values()) {
    if (region.getName().equals(regionName)) {
      return region;
  throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cannot create enum from " + regionName + " value!");

代码示例来源:origin: neo4j-contrib/neo4j-apoc-procedures

public static StreamConnection openS3InputStream(URL url) throws IOException {
  S3Params s3Params = S3ParamsExtractor.extract(url);
  String region = Objects.nonNull(s3Params.getRegion()) ? s3Params.getRegion() : Regions.US_EAST_1.getName();
  return new S3Aws(s3Params, region).getS3AwsInputStream(s3Params);

代码示例来源:origin: aws-amplify/aws-sdk-android

public void testSetRegion() {
  final Regions region = Regions.US_WEST_2;
  assertEquals(region.getName(), s3.clientRegion);

代码示例来源:origin: aws-amplify/aws-sdk-android

public void testCreateSigner() {
  final Regions region = Regions.US_WEST_2;
  final String bucketName = "bucket";
  final String key = "key";
  final HttpMethodName method = HttpMethodName.GET;
  final GetObjectRequest originalRequest = new GetObjectRequest(bucketName, key);
  final Request<?> request = s3.createRequest(bucketName, key, originalRequest, method);
  final Signer signer = s3.createSigner(request, bucketName, key);
  assertTrue(signer instanceof AWSS3V4Signer);
  signer.sign(request, creds);
  final String authorization = request.getHeaders().get("Authorization");
  final String regionName = authorization.split("/")[2];
  assertEquals(region.getName(), regionName);

代码示例来源:origin: aws-amplify/aws-sdk-android

public void testCreateSignerWithSpecialCharacterKeys() {
  final Regions region = Regions.US_WEST_2;
  final String bucketName = "bucket";
  final String key = "key%^!@#*()";
  final HttpMethodName method = HttpMethodName.GET;
  final GetObjectRequest originalRequest = new GetObjectRequest(bucketName, key);
  final Request<?> request = s3.createRequest(bucketName, key, originalRequest, method);
  final Signer signer = s3.createSigner(request, bucketName, key);
  assertTrue(signer instanceof AWSS3V4Signer);
  signer.sign(request, creds);
  final String authorization = request.getHeaders().get("Authorization");
  final String regionName = authorization.split("/")[2];
  assertEquals(region.getName(), regionName);

代码示例来源:origin: aws-amplify/aws-sdk-android

  public void testFromName() {
    final Regions usEast1 = Regions.fromName("us-east-1");
    assertEquals(usEast1, Regions.US_EAST_1);
    final Regions cn1 = Regions.fromName("cn-north-1");
    assertEquals(cn1, Regions.CN_NORTH_1);
    final Regions govCloud = Regions.fromName("us-gov-west-1");
    assertEquals(govCloud, Regions.GovCloud);
    assertEquals(usEast1.getName(), "us-east-1");
