
x33g5p2x  于2022-01-28 转载在 其他  



[英]Tells the registry to regularly poll the collection and report its size as a gauge. The registration will keep a weak reference to the collection so it will not prevent garbage collection. The collection implementation used should be thread safe. Note that calling java.util.Collection#size() can be expensive for some collection implementations and should be considered before registering. For more information see #gauge(Id,Object,ToDoubleFunction).


代码示例来源:origin: org.springframework.metrics/spring-metrics

public <T extends Collection<?>> T collectionSize(Id id, T collection) {
  return composite.collectionSize(id, collection);

代码示例来源:origin: org.springframework.metrics/spring-metrics

public <T extends Collection<?>> T collectionSize(String name, T collection) {
  return composite.collectionSize(name, collection);

代码示例来源:origin: Netflix/spectator

 * Tells the registry to regularly poll the collection and report its size as a gauge.
 * See {@link #collectionSize(Id, Collection)} for more information.
 * @param name
 *     Name of the metric being registered.
 * @param collection
 *     Thread-safe implementation of {@link Collection} used to access the value.
 * @return
 *     The collection that was passed in so the registration can be done as part of an assignment
 *     statement.
 * @deprecated
 *     Use {@link PolledMeter} instead. This method has been deprecated to help
 *     reduce confusion between active gauges that are explicitly updated by the
 *     user and passive gauges that are polled in the background. Going forward
 *     the registry methods will only be used for the core types directly updated
 *     by the user. Other patterns such as {@link PolledMeter}s will be handled
 *     separately. Scheduled to be removed in 2.0.
default <T extends Collection<?>> T collectionSize(String name, T collection) {
 return collectionSize(createId(name), collection);


 * Tells the registry to regularly poll the collection and report its size as a gauge.
 * See {@link #collectionSize(Id, Collection)} for more information.
 * @param name
 *     Name of the metric being registered.
 * @param collection
 *     Thread-safe implementation of {@link Collection} used to access the value.
 * @return
 *     The collection that was passed in so the registration can be done as part of an assignment
 *     statement.
 * @deprecated
 *     Use {@link PolledMeter} instead. This method has been deprecated to help
 *     reduce confusion between active gauges that are explicitly updated by the
 *     user and passive gauges that are polled in the background. Going forward
 *     the registry methods will only be used for the core types directly updated
 *     by the user. Other patterns such as {@link PolledMeter}s will be handled
 *     separately. Scheduled to be removed in 2.0.
default <T extends Collection<?>> T collectionSize(String name, T collection) {
 return collectionSize(createId(name), collection);

代码示例来源:origin: Netflix/metacat


   * Register the pool properties.
   * @param registry Spectator registry
   * @param name name of the monitor
   * @param pool thread pool
  public static void registerThreadPool(final Registry registry,
    final String name,
    final ThreadPoolExecutor pool) {
    registry.gauge(NAME_MONITORED_POOL + name + "_" + "activeCount", pool, ThreadPoolExecutor::getActiveCount);
    registry.gauge(NAME_MONITORED_POOL + name + "_" + "completedTaskCount", pool,
    registry.gauge(NAME_MONITORED_POOL + name + "_" + "corePoolSize", pool, ThreadPoolExecutor::getCorePoolSize);
      .gauge(NAME_MONITORED_POOL + name + "_" + "maximumPoolSize", pool, ThreadPoolExecutor::getMaximumPoolSize);
    registry.gauge(NAME_MONITORED_POOL + name + "_" + "poolSize", pool, ThreadPoolExecutor::getPoolSize);
    registry.collectionSize(NAME_MONITORED_POOL + name + "_" + "queueSize", pool.getQueue());
    registry.gauge(NAME_MONITORED_POOL + name + "_" + "taskCount", pool, ThreadPoolExecutor::getTaskCount);



   * Register the pool properties.
   * @param registry Spectator registry
   * @param name name of the monitor
   * @param pool thread pool
  public static void registerThreadPool(final Registry registry,
    final String name,
    final ThreadPoolExecutor pool) {
    registry.gauge(NAME_MONITORED_POOL + name + "_" + "activeCount", pool, ThreadPoolExecutor::getActiveCount);
    registry.gauge(NAME_MONITORED_POOL + name + "_" + "completedTaskCount", pool,
    registry.gauge(NAME_MONITORED_POOL + name + "_" + "corePoolSize", pool, ThreadPoolExecutor::getCorePoolSize);
      .gauge(NAME_MONITORED_POOL + name + "_" + "maximumPoolSize", pool, ThreadPoolExecutor::getMaximumPoolSize);
    registry.gauge(NAME_MONITORED_POOL + name + "_" + "poolSize", pool, ThreadPoolExecutor::getPoolSize);
    registry.collectionSize(NAME_MONITORED_POOL + name + "_" + "queueSize", pool.getQueue());
    registry.gauge(NAME_MONITORED_POOL + name + "_" + "taskCount", pool, ThreadPoolExecutor::getTaskCount);

代码示例来源:origin: Netflix/spectator

public void testCollectionSizeHelpers() {
 Registry r = newRegistry(true, 10000);
 LinkedBlockingDeque<String> q1 = new LinkedBlockingDeque<>();
 LinkedBlockingDeque<String> q2 = r.collectionSize("queueSize", q1);
 Assertions.assertSame(q1, q2);
 Id id = r.createId("queueSize");
 assertGaugeValue(r, id, 0.0);
 assertGaugeValue(r, id, 1.0);
