
x33g5p2x  于2022-01-28 转载在 其他  





代码示例来源:origin: apache/phoenix

public boolean getBoolean(int columnIndex) throws SQLException {
  wasNull = getCurrentRow().isNullAt(columnIndex-1);
  return wasNull ? false : getCurrentRow().getBoolean(columnIndex-1);

代码示例来源:origin: cloudera-labs/envelope

public boolean getBoolean(int arg0) {
 return internalRow.getBoolean(arg0);

代码示例来源:origin: cloudera-labs/envelope

private boolean evaluateStepByValueDecision(Set<Step> steps) {
 Optional<Step> optionalStep = StepUtils.getStepForName(stepByValueStepName, steps);
 if (!optionalStep.isPresent()) {
  throw new RuntimeException("Unknown decision step's value step: " + stepByValueStepName);
 if (!(optionalStep.get() instanceof DataStep)) {
  throw new RuntimeException("Decision step's value step is not a data step: " + optionalStep.get().getName());
 Dataset<Row> valueDataset = ((DataStep)optionalStep.get()).getData();
 if (valueDataset.schema().fields().length != 1 ||
   valueDataset.schema().fields()[0].dataType() != DataTypes.BooleanType ||
   valueDataset.count() != 1)
  throw new RuntimeException("Decision step's value step must contain a single boolean column with a single row");
 boolean decision = valueDataset.collectAsList().get(0).getBoolean(0);
 return decision;

代码示例来源:origin: org.apache.spark/spark-sql_2.10

Assert.assertEquals(doubleValue, simpleRow.get(11));
Assert.assertEquals(decimalValue, simpleRow.get(12));
Assert.assertEquals(booleanValue, simpleRow.getBoolean(13));
Assert.assertEquals(booleanValue, simpleRow.get(13));
Assert.assertEquals(booleanValue, simpleRow.getBoolean(14));
Assert.assertEquals(booleanValue, simpleRow.get(14));
Assert.assertEquals(stringValue, simpleRow.getString(15));

代码示例来源:origin: org.apache.spark/spark-sql_2.11

Assert.assertEquals(doubleValue, simpleRow.get(11));
Assert.assertEquals(decimalValue, simpleRow.get(12));
Assert.assertEquals(booleanValue, simpleRow.getBoolean(13));
Assert.assertEquals(booleanValue, simpleRow.get(13));
Assert.assertEquals(booleanValue, simpleRow.getBoolean(14));
Assert.assertEquals(booleanValue, simpleRow.get(14));
Assert.assertEquals(stringValue, simpleRow.getString(15));

代码示例来源:origin: org.apache.spark/spark-sql

Assert.assertEquals(doubleValue, simpleRow.get(11));
Assert.assertEquals(decimalValue, simpleRow.get(12));
Assert.assertEquals(booleanValue, simpleRow.getBoolean(13));
Assert.assertEquals(booleanValue, simpleRow.get(13));
Assert.assertEquals(booleanValue, simpleRow.getBoolean(14));
Assert.assertEquals(booleanValue, simpleRow.get(14));
Assert.assertEquals(stringValue, simpleRow.getString(15));

代码示例来源:origin: cloudera-labs/envelope

boolean decision = decisionDataset.collectAsList().get(0).getBoolean(1);

代码示例来源:origin: cerner/bunsen

 * Returns the latest versions of a given set of value sets.
 * @param uris a set of URIs for which to retrieve the latest versions, or null to load them all
 * @param includeExperimental whether to include value sets marked as experimental
 * @return a map of value set URIs to the latest versions for them.
public Map<String,String> getLatestVersions(final Set<String> uris, boolean includeExperimental) {
 // Reduce by the concept map URI to return only the latest version
 // per concept map. Spark's provided max aggregation function
 // only works on numeric types, so we jump into RDDs and perform
 // the reduce by hand.
 JavaRDD<UrlAndVersion> members ="url", "version", "experimental")
   .filter(row -> (uris == null || uris.contains(row.getString(0)))
     && (includeExperimental || row.isNullAt(2) || !row.getBoolean(2)))
   .mapToPair(row -> new Tuple2<>(row.getString(0), row.getString(1)))
   .reduceByKey((leftVersion, rightVersion) ->
     leftVersion.compareTo(rightVersion) > 0 ? leftVersion : rightVersion)
   .map(tuple -> new UrlAndVersion(tuple._1, tuple._2));
 return spark.createDataset(members.rdd(), URL_AND_VERSION_ENCODER)

代码示例来源:origin: com.cerner.bunsen/bunsen-core

 * Returns the latest versions of a given set of value sets.
 * @param uris a set of URIs for which to retrieve the latest versions, or null to load them all
 * @param includeExperimental whether to include value sets marked as experimental
 * @return a map of value set URIs to the latest versions for them.
public Map<String,String> getLatestVersions(final Set<String> uris, boolean includeExperimental) {
 // Reduce by the concept map URI to return only the latest version
 // per concept map. Spark's provided max aggregation function
 // only works on numeric types, so we jump into RDDs and perform
 // the reduce by hand.
 JavaRDD<UrlAndVersion> members ="url", "version", "experimental")
   .filter(row -> (uris == null || uris.contains(row.getString(0)))
     && (includeExperimental || row.isNullAt(2) || !row.getBoolean(2)))
   .mapToPair(row -> new Tuple2<>(row.getString(0), row.getString(1)))
   .reduceByKey((leftVersion, rightVersion) ->
     leftVersion.compareTo(rightVersion) > 0 ? leftVersion : rightVersion)
   .map(tuple -> new UrlAndVersion(tuple._1, tuple._2));
 return spark.createDataset(members.rdd(), URL_AND_VERSION_ENCODER)

代码示例来源:origin: com.cerner.bunsen/bunsen-core

 * Returns the latest versions of a given set of concept maps.
 * @param urls a set of URLs to retrieve the latest version for, or null to load them all.
 * @param includeExperimental flag to include concept maps marked as experimental
 * @return a map of concept map URLs to the latest version for them.
public Map<String,String> getLatestVersions(final Set<String> urls,
  boolean includeExperimental) {
 // Reduce by the concept map URI to return only the latest version
 // per concept map. Spark's provided max aggregation function
 // only works on numeric types, so we jump into RDDs and perform
 // the reduce by hand.
 JavaRDD<UrlAndVersion> changes ="url"),
   .filter(row -> (urls == null || urls.contains(row.getString(0)))
     && (includeExperimental || row.isNullAt(2) || !row.getBoolean(2)))
   .mapToPair(row -> new Tuple2<>(row.getString(0), row.getString(1)))
   .reduceByKey((leftVersion, rightVersion) ->
     leftVersion.compareTo(rightVersion) > 0 ? leftVersion : rightVersion)
   .map(tuple -> new UrlAndVersion(tuple._1, tuple._2));
 return this.spark.createDataset(changes.rdd(), URL_AND_VERSION_ENCODER)

代码示例来源:origin: cerner/bunsen

 * Returns the latest versions of a given set of concept maps.
 * @param urls a set of URLs to retrieve the latest version for, or null to load them all.
 * @param includeExperimental flag to include concept maps marked as experimental
 * @return a map of concept map URLs to the latest version for them.
public Map<String,String> getLatestVersions(final Set<String> urls,
  boolean includeExperimental) {
 // Reduce by the concept map URI to return only the latest version
 // per concept map. Spark's provided max aggregation function
 // only works on numeric types, so we jump into RDDs and perform
 // the reduce by hand.
 JavaRDD<UrlAndVersion> changes ="url"),
   .filter(row -> (urls == null || urls.contains(row.getString(0)))
     && (includeExperimental || row.isNullAt(2) || !row.getBoolean(2)))
   .mapToPair(row -> new Tuple2<>(row.getString(0), row.getString(1)))
   .reduceByKey((leftVersion, rightVersion) ->
     leftVersion.compareTo(rightVersion) > 0 ? leftVersion : rightVersion)
   .map(tuple -> new UrlAndVersion(tuple._1, tuple._2));
 return this.spark.createDataset(changes.rdd(), URL_AND_VERSION_ENCODER)

代码示例来源:origin: cloudera-labs/envelope

case BOOL:
 kuduRow.addBoolean(fieldName, plan.getBoolean(fieldIndex));
case BINARY:

代码示例来源:origin: Netflix/iceberg

return row.getBoolean(ord);
 return row.getInt(ord);
