文章13 | 阅读 5908 | 点赞0
// 泛型T控制底层底层存放数据的实现
// 如字节数组byte[],Java NIO的ByteBuffer
abstract class PooledByteBuf<T> extends AbstractReferenceCountedByteBuf {
// 核心字段recyclerHandle
// 每个对象实例包含一个recyclerHandle字段,
// 该字段作为中介,将该对象实例放到该对象实例所在的类的对象池(类级别字段)中
// Handle类的value字段指向该对象
private final Recycler.Handle<PooledByteBuf<T>> recyclerHandle;
protected PoolChunk<T> chunk;
protected long handle;
protected T memory;
protected int offset;
protected int length;
int maxLength;
PoolThreadCache cache;
private ByteBuffer tmpNioBuf;
private ByteBufAllocator allocator;
// 中间省略其他方法
// 该对象引用计数为0时,释放该对象
// 调用recycle方法,将该对象实例放到其所在类的对象缓存池中
protected final void deallocate() {
if (handle >= 0) {
final long handle = this.handle;
this.handle = -1;
memory = null;
tmpNioBuf = null;
chunk.arena.free(chunk, handle, maxLength, cache);
chunk = null;
private void recycle() {
final class PooledDirectByteBuf extends PooledByteBuf<ByteBuffer> {
private static final Recycler<PooledDirectByteBuf> RECYCLER = new Recycler<PooledDirectByteBuf>() {
protected PooledDirectByteBuf newObject(Handle<PooledDirectByteBuf> handle) {
return new PooledDirectByteBuf(handle, 0);
static PooledDirectByteBuf newInstance(int maxCapacity) {
PooledDirectByteBuf buf = RECYCLER.get();
return buf;
/** * Method must be called before reuse this {@link PooledByteBufAllocator} */
final void reuse(int maxCapacity) {
setIndex0(0, 0);
class PooledHeapByteBuf extends PooledByteBuf<byte[]> {
private static final Recycler<PooledHeapByteBuf> RECYCLER = new Recycler<PooledHeapByteBuf>() {
protected PooledHeapByteBuf newObject(Handle<PooledHeapByteBuf> handle) {
return new PooledHeapByteBuf(handle, 0);
static PooledHeapByteBuf newInstance(int maxCapacity) {
PooledHeapByteBuf buf = RECYCLER.get();
return buf;
public abstract class Recycler<T>
private static final Recycler<PooledHeapByteBuf> RECYCLER = new Recycler<PooledHeapByteBuf>() {
protected PooledHeapByteBuf newObject(Handle<PooledHeapByteBuf> handle) {
return new PooledHeapByteBuf(handle, 0);
private final FastThreadLocal<Stack<T>> threadLocal = new FastThreadLocal<Stack<T>>() {
protected Stack<T> initialValue() {
return new Stack<T>(Recycler.this, Thread.currentThread(), maxCapacityPerThread, maxSharedCapacityFactor,
ratioMask, maxDelayedQueuesPerThread);
protected void onRemoval(Stack<T> value) {
// Let us remove the WeakOrderQueue from the WeakHashMap directly if its safe to remove some overhead
if (value.threadRef.get() == Thread.currentThread()) {
public final T get() {
if (maxCapacityPerThread == 0) {
return newObject((Handle<T>) NOOP_HANDLE);
Stack<T> stack = threadLocal.get();
DefaultHandle<T> handle = stack.pop();
if (handle == null) {
handle = stack.newHandle();
handle.value = newObject(handle);
return (T) handle.value;
DEFAULT_INITIAL_MAX_CAPACITY_PER_THREAD = 4 * 1024; // Use 4k instances as default.
private static final Recycler<PooledHeapByteBuf> RECYCLER = new Recycler<PooledHeapByteBuf>() {
protected PooledHeapByteBuf newObject(Handle<PooledHeapByteBuf> handle) {
return new PooledHeapByteBuf(handle, 0);
static final class DefaultHandle<T> implements Handle<T> {
private int lastRecycledId;
private int recycleId;
boolean hasBeenRecycled;
private Stack<?> stack;
private Object value;
DefaultHandle(Stack<?> stack) {
this.stack = stack;
public void recycle(Object object) {
if (object != value) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("object does not belong to handle");
ratioMask的值也可以通过构造函数传入,则netty会调整为2的次方减一大小,这个设计是参照了hashmap的,2的次方减一的数字,转为二进制就全部都是1了,这样方便进行位运算,如判断逻辑:++handleRecycleCount & ratioMask != 0,其中handleRecycleCount默认值为-1,如ratioMask为7,则只有第1次,第8次,第16次,这个才会返回false,才能入栈。
1. maxCapacityPerThread的默认大小:
private static final int DEFAULT_INITIAL_MAX_CAPACITY_PER_THREAD = 4 * 1024; // Use 4k instances as default.
2. maxCapacityPerThread为0时,每次新建对象实例Recycle的get方法:
public final T get() {
if (maxCapacityPerThread == 0) {
return newObject((Handle<T>) NOOP_HANDLE);
Stack<T> stack = threadLocal.get();
DefaultHandle<T> handle = stack.pop();
if (handle == null) {
handle = stack.newHandle();
handle.value = newObject(handle);
return (T) handle.value;
3. ratioMask的默认大小:-1,则第一个入栈的实例可以成功。
// By default we allow one push to a Recycler for each 8th try on handles that were never recycled before.
// This should help to slowly increase the capacity of the recycler while not be too sensitive to allocation
// bursts.
RATIO = safeFindNextPositivePowerOfTwo(SystemPropertyUtil.getInt("io.netty.recycler.ratio", 8));
4. ratioMask调整为2的次方减一:Recycler的构造函数
protected Recycler(int maxCapacityPerThread, int maxSharedCapacityFactor,
int ratio, int maxDelayedQueuesPerThread) {
// ratio为的2的次方,如传入ratio为11,则调整后ratioMask等于15
ratioMask = safeFindNextPositivePowerOfTwo(ratio) - 1;
if (maxCapacityPerThread <= 0) {
this.maxCapacityPerThread = 0;
this.maxSharedCapacityFactor = 1;
this.maxDelayedQueuesPerThread = 0;
} else {
this.maxCapacityPerThread = maxCapacityPerThread;
this.maxSharedCapacityFactor = max(1, maxSharedCapacityFactor);
this.maxDelayedQueuesPerThread = max(0, maxDelayedQueuesPerThread);
5. Stack入栈实例对象判断是否入栈缓存该对象的逻辑:
(1)Stack的入栈push:size >= maxCapacity || dropHandle(item)判断
private void pushNow(DefaultHandle<?> item) {
if ((item.recycleId | item.lastRecycledId) != 0) {
throw new IllegalStateException("recycled already");
item.recycleId = item.lastRecycledId = OWN_THREAD_ID;
int size = this.size;
if (size >= maxCapacity || dropHandle(item)) {
// Hit the maximum capacity or should drop - drop the possibly youngest object.
if (size == elements.length) {
elements = Arrays.copyOf(elements, min(size << 1, maxCapacity));
elements[size] = item;
this.size = size + 1;
boolean dropHandle(DefaultHandle<?> handle) {
if (!handle.hasBeenRecycled) {
// handleRecycleCount默认值为-1,如ratioMask为7,
// 只有第1次,第8次,第16次,这个才会返回false,才能入栈。
if ((++handleRecycleCount & ratioMask) != 0) {
// Drop the object.
return true;
handle.hasBeenRecycled = true;
return false;
class PooledHeapByteBuf extends PooledByteBuf<byte[]> {
private static final Recycler<PooledHeapByteBuf> RECYCLER = new Recycler<PooledHeapByteBuf>() {
protected PooledHeapByteBuf newObject(Handle<PooledHeapByteBuf> handle) {
return new PooledHeapByteBuf(handle, 0);
final class PooledDirectByteBuf extends PooledByteBuf<ByteBuffer> {
private static final Recycler<PooledDirectByteBuf> RECYCLER = new Recycler<PooledDirectByteBuf>() {
protected PooledDirectByteBuf newObject(Handle<PooledDirectByteBuf> handle) {
return new PooledDirectByteBuf(handle, 0);
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原文链接 : https://xieyizun.blog.csdn.net/article/details/85549276