
x33g5p2x  于2022-01-29 转载在 其他  



[英]Returns the respective AWS region.


代码示例来源:origin: aws/aws-sdk-java

 * Returns a client for the requested region, or throws an exception when
 * unable.
 * @param region
 *            The region the returned {@link AmazonS3} will be
 *            configured to use.
 * @return A client for the given region from the cache, either instantiated
 *         automatically from the provided {@link AWSCredentials} or
 *         provided with {@link #useClient(AmazonS3)}.
 * @throws IllegalArgumentException
 *             When a region is requested that has not been provided to the
 *             cache with {@link #useClient(AmazonS3)}, and the cache
 *             has no {@link AWSCredentials} with which a client may be
 *             instantiated.
public AmazonS3 getClient(Region region) {
  if (region == null) {
    throw new IllegalArgumentException("S3 region must be specified");
  return getClient(region.toAWSRegion().getName());

代码示例来源:origin: aws/aws-sdk-java

 * Returns a {@link TransferManager} for the given region, or throws an
 * exception when unable. The returned {@link TransferManager} will always
 * be instantiated from whatever {@link AmazonS3} is in the cache,
 * whether provided with {@link #useClient(AmazonS3)} or instantiated
 * automatically from {@link AWSCredentials}.
 * Any {@link TransferManager} returned could be shut down if a new
 * underlying {@link AmazonS3} is provided with
 * {@link #useClient(AmazonS3)}.
 * @param region
 *            The region the returned {@link TransferManager} will be
 *            configured to use.
 * @return A transfer manager for the given region from the cache, or one
 *         instantiated automatically from any existing
 *         {@link AmazonS3},
public TransferManager getTransferManager(Region region) {
  return getTransferManager(region.toAWSRegion().getName());

代码示例来源:origin: aws/aws-sdk-java

private ServiceEndpointBuilder getBuilder(URI endpoint, String protocol, boolean useDefaultBuilder) {
  if(clientOptions.isDualstackEnabled() && !clientOptions.isAccelerateModeEnabled()) {
    return new DualstackEndpointBuilder(getServiceNameIntern(), protocol, getRegion().toAWSRegion());
  } else {
    if(useDefaultBuilder) {
      return new DefaultServiceEndpointBuilder(getServiceName(), protocol);
    } else {
      return new IdentityEndpointBuilder(endpoint);

代码示例来源:origin: aws-amplify/aws-sdk-android

client = new AmazonS3Client(credentials);
final AmazonS3Client prev = clientsByRegion.putIfAbsent(s3region, client);
return prev == null ? client : prev;

代码示例来源:origin: aws-amplify/aws-sdk-android

public void toAWSRegion_UsStandard_ReturnsUsEast1Region() {
  assertEquals("us-east-1", Region.US_Standard.toAWSRegion().getName());


public URL getURL() throws IOException {
  Region region = this.amazonS3.getRegion().toAWSRegion();
  return new URL("https", region.getServiceEndpoint(AmazonS3Client.S3_SERVICE_NAME), "/" + this.bucketName + "/" + this.objectName);

代码示例来源:origin: spring-cloud/spring-cloud-aws

public URL getURL() throws IOException {
  Region region = this.amazonS3.getRegion().toAWSRegion();
  return new URL("https", region.getServiceEndpoint(AmazonS3Client.S3_SERVICE_NAME), "/" + this.bucketName + "/" + this.objectName);

代码示例来源:origin: com.amazonaws/aws-java-sdk-dynamodb

 * Returns a client for the requested region, or throws an exception when
 * unable.
 * @param region
 *            The region the returned {@link AmazonS3} will be
 *            configured to use.
 * @return A client for the given region from the cache, either instantiated
 *         automatically from the provided {@link AWSCredentials} or
 *         provided with {@link #useClient(AmazonS3)}.
 * @throws IllegalArgumentException
 *             When a region is requested that has not been provided to the
 *             cache with {@link #useClient(AmazonS3)}, and the cache
 *             has no {@link AWSCredentials} with which a client may be
 *             instantiated.
public AmazonS3 getClient(Region region) {
  if (region == null) {
    throw new IllegalArgumentException("S3 region must be specified");
  return getClient(region.toAWSRegion().getName());

代码示例来源:origin: com.amazonaws/aws-java-sdk-dynamodb

 * Returns a {@link TransferManager} for the given region, or throws an
 * exception when unable. The returned {@link TransferManager} will always
 * be instantiated from whatever {@link AmazonS3} is in the cache,
 * whether provided with {@link #useClient(AmazonS3)} or instantiated
 * automatically from {@link AWSCredentials}.
 * Any {@link TransferManager} returned could be shut down if a new
 * underlying {@link AmazonS3} is provided with
 * {@link #useClient(AmazonS3)}.
 * @param region
 *            The region the returned {@link TransferManager} will be
 *            configured to use.
 * @return A transfer manager for the given region from the cache, or one
 *         instantiated automatically from any existing
 *         {@link AmazonS3},
public TransferManager getTransferManager(Region region) {
  return getTransferManager(region.toAWSRegion().getName());

代码示例来源:origin: dremio/dremio-oss

 public FileSystem create() throws IOException {
  final String bucketRegion = s3.getBucketLocation(bucketName);
  final String projectedBucketEndPoint = "s3." + bucketRegion + "";
  String regionEndPoint = projectedBucketEndPoint;
  try {
   Region region = Region.fromValue(bucketRegion);
   com.amazonaws.regions.Region awsRegion = region.toAWSRegion();
   if (awsRegion != null) {
    regionEndPoint = awsRegion.getServiceEndpoint("s3");
  } catch (IllegalArgumentException iae) {
   // try heuristic mapping if not found
   regionEndPoint = projectedBucketEndPoint;
   logger.warn("Unknown or unmapped region {} for bucket {}. Will use following fs.s3a.endpoint: {}",
    bucketRegion, bucketName, regionEndPoint);
  // it could be null because no mapping from Region to aws region or there is no such region is the map of endpoints
  // not sure if latter is possible
  if (regionEndPoint == null) {
   logger.error("Could not get AWSRegion for bucket {}. Will use following fs.s3a.endpoint: " + "{} ",
    bucketName, projectedBucketEndPoint);
  String location = S3_URI_SCHEMA + bucketName + "/";
  final Configuration bucketConf = new Configuration(parentConf);
  bucketConf.set(ENDPOINT, (regionEndPoint != null) ? regionEndPoint : projectedBucketEndPoint);
  FileSystem.setDefaultUri(bucketConf, new Path(location).toUri());
  return FileSystem.get(bucketConf);

代码示例来源:origin: org.duracloud/s3storageprovider

public static AmazonS3Client getAmazonS3Client(String accessKey,
                        String secretKey,
                        Map<String, String> options) {
  AmazonS3Client client = s3Clients.get(key(accessKey, secretKey));
  if (null == client) {
    Region region = null;
    if (options != null && options.get( != null) {
      region =
    client = newS3Client(accessKey, secretKey, region);
    s3Clients.put(key(accessKey, secretKey), client);
  return client;

代码示例来源:origin: tmobile/pacbot

  String bucketLocation = amazonS3Client.getBucketLocation(bucket.getName());
  bucketRegion =;
  AmazonS3 s3Client = regionS3map.get(bucketRegion);
  versionconfig =  s3Client.getBucketVersioningConfiguration(bucket.getName());

代码示例来源:origin: Nextdoor/bender

private ServiceEndpointBuilder getBuilder(URI endpoint, String protocol, boolean useDefaultBuilder) {
  if(clientOptions.isDualstackEnabled() && !clientOptions.isAccelerateModeEnabled()) {
    return new DualstackEndpointBuilder(getServiceNameIntern(), protocol, getRegion().toAWSRegion());
  } else {
    if(useDefaultBuilder) {
      return new DefaultServiceEndpointBuilder(getServiceName(), protocol);
    } else {
      return new IdentityEndpointBuilder(endpoint);

代码示例来源:origin: pentaho/big-data-plugin

 public PricingClient createClient( String accessKey, String secretKey, String region ) {
  AmazonClientCredentials clientCredentials = new AmazonClientCredentials( accessKey, secretKey, region );

  AWSPricing awsPricingClient =
   AWSPricingAsyncClientBuilder.standard().withRegion( Region.US_Standard.toAWSRegion().getName() )
    .withCredentials( new AWSStaticCredentialsProvider( clientCredentials.getAWSCredentials() ) ).build();

  PricingClient pricingClient = new PricingClientImpl( awsPricingClient, region );

  return pricingClient;
