代码示例来源:origin: davidmoten/rxjava2-jdbc
static String camelCaseToUnderscore(String camelCased) {
// guava has best solution for this with CaseFormat class
// but don't want to add dependency just for this method
final @RegEx String regex = "([a-z])([A-Z]+)";
final String replacement = "$1_$2";
return camelCased.replaceAll(regex, replacement);
代码示例来源:origin: com.github.davidmoten/rxjava2-jdbc
static String camelCaseToUnderscore(String camelCased) {
// guava has best solution for this with CaseFormat class
// but don't want to add dependency just for this method
final @RegEx String regex = "([a-z])([A-Z]+)";
final String replacement = "$1_$2";
return camelCased.replaceAll(regex, replacement);
代码示例来源:origin: com.phloc/phloc-commons-jdk5
public String getRegEx ()
return m_sRegEx;
代码示例来源:origin: com.helger/ph-validation
public String getRegEx ()
return m_sRegEx;
代码示例来源:origin: com.phloc/phloc-commons-jdk5
public RegExPattern (@Nonnull @Nonempty @RegEx final String sRegEx) throws IllegalArgumentException
// Default: no options
this (sRegEx, 0);
代码示例来源:origin: com.helger/ph-validation
public StringRegExValidator (@Nonnull @Nonempty @RegEx final String sRegEx)
this (sRegEx, null);
代码示例来源:origin: com.phloc/phloc-commons-jdk5
public static String stringReplacePattern (@Nonnull @RegEx final String sRegEx,
@Nonnegative final int nOptions,
@Nonnull final String sValue,
@Nullable final String sReplacement)
// Avoid NPE on invalid replacement parameter
return getMatcher (sRegEx, nOptions, sValue).replaceAll (StringHelper.getNotNull (sReplacement));
代码示例来源:origin: com.phloc/phloc-commons-jdk5
* A shortcut helper method to determine whether a string matches a certain
* regular expression or not.
* @param sRegEx
* The regular expression to be used. The compiled regular expression
* pattern is cached. May neither be <code>null</code> nor empty.
* @param sValue
* The string value to compare against the regular expression.
* @return <code>true</code> if the string matches the regular expression,
* <code>false</code> otherwise.
public static boolean stringMatchesPattern (@Nonnull @RegEx final String sRegEx, @Nonnull final String sValue)
return getMatcher (sRegEx, sValue).matches ();
代码示例来源:origin: com.phloc/phloc-commons-jdk5
@IsLocked (ELockType.WRITE)
protected Pattern getValueToCache (@Nullable @RegEx final RegExPattern aRegEx)
return aRegEx == null ? null : aRegEx.getAsPattern ();
代码示例来源:origin: com.phloc/phloc-commons-jdk5
* Get the Java Matcher object for the passed pair of regular expression and
* value.
* @param sRegEx
* The regular expression to use. May neither be <code>null</code> nor
* empty.
* @param sValue
* The value to create the matcher for. May not be <code>null</code>.
* @return A non-<code>null</code> matcher.
public static Matcher getMatcher (@Nonnull @RegEx final String sRegEx, @Nonnull final String sValue)
ValueEnforcer.notNull (sValue, "Value");
return RegExPool.getPattern (sRegEx).matcher (sValue);
代码示例来源:origin: com.helger/ph-validation
* Constructor with custom error message.
* @param sRegEx
* Regular expression to use. May neither be <code>null</code> nor
* empty.
* @param aErrorText
* Optional error text. May be <code>null</code>.
public StringRegExValidator (@Nonnull @Nonempty @RegEx final String sRegEx,
@Nullable final IHasDisplayText aErrorText)
ValueEnforcer.notEmpty (sRegEx, "RegEx");
m_sRegEx = sRegEx;
m_aErrorText = aErrorText;
代码示例来源:origin: com.phloc/phloc-commons-jdk5
* Split the passed text with the given regular expression. If you do not need
* a regular expression, {@link StringHelper#getExploded(String, String)} is a
* faster option.
* @param sText
* The text to be split. May be <code>null</code>.
* @param sRegEx
* The regular expression to use for splitting. May neither be
* <code>null</code> nor empty.
* @return An empty list if the text is <code>null</code>, a non-
* <code>null</code> list otherwise. If both text and regular
* expression are <code>null</code> an empty list is returned as well
* since the text parameter is checked first.
public static List <String> getSplitToList (@Nullable final CharSequence sText, @Nonnull @RegEx final String sRegEx)
return ContainerHelper.newList (getSplitToArray (sText, sRegEx));
代码示例来源:origin: com.phloc/phloc-commons-jdk5
* Get the cached regular expression pattern.
* @param sRegEx
* The regular expression to retrieve. May neither be <code>null</code>
* nor empty.
* @param nOptions
* The options used for Pattern.compile
* @return The compiled regular expression pattern and never <code>null</code>
* .
* @see Pattern#compile(String, int)
* @throws IllegalArgumentException
* If the passed regular expression has an illegal syntax
public static Pattern getPattern (@Nonnull @Nonempty @RegEx final String sRegEx, @Nonnegative final int nOptions)
return s_aInstance.getFromCache (new RegExPattern (sRegEx, nOptions));
代码示例来源:origin: com.phloc/phloc-commons-jdk5
* Get the cached regular expression pattern.
* @param sRegEx
* The regular expression to retrieve. May neither be <code>null</code>
* nor empty.
* @return The compiled regular expression pattern and never <code>null</code>
* .
* @throws IllegalArgumentException
* If the passed regular expression has an illegal syntax
public static Pattern getPattern (@Nonnull @Nonempty @RegEx final String sRegEx)
return s_aInstance.getFromCache (new RegExPattern (sRegEx));
代码示例来源:origin: neuhalje/bouncy-gpg
public static Matcher<PGPPublicKeyRing> pubKeyRingForUidRegexp(@RegEx final String uidRegexp) {
return PublicKeyringWithUserIdMatcher.regexp(uidRegexp);
代码示例来源:origin: com.phloc/phloc-commons-jdk5
public RegExPattern (@Nonnull @Nonempty @RegEx final String sRegEx, @Nonnegative final int nOptions) throws IllegalArgumentException
ValueEnforcer.notEmpty (sRegEx, "RegEx");
ValueEnforcer.isGE0 (nOptions, "Options");
m_sRegEx = sRegEx;
m_nOptions = nOptions;
if (areDebugConsistencyChecksEnabled ())
checkPatternConsistency (sRegEx);
m_aPattern = Pattern.compile (m_sRegEx, m_nOptions);
catch (final PatternSyntaxException ex)
throw new IllegalArgumentException ("Regular expression '" +
m_sRegEx +
"' is illegal" +
(m_nOptions == 0 ? "" : " with options " + m_nOptions), ex);
代码示例来源:origin: neuhalje/bouncy-gpg
static PublicKeyringWithUserIdMatcher regexp(@RegEx final String uidRegexp) {
return new PublicKeyringWithUserIdMatcher(Pattern.compile(uidRegexp));
代码示例来源:origin: neuhalje/bouncy-gpg
static SecretKeyringWithUserIdMatcher regexp(@RegEx final String uidRegexp) {
return new SecretKeyringWithUserIdMatcher(Pattern.compile(uidRegexp));
代码示例来源:origin: neuhalje/bouncy-gpg
public static Matcher<PGPSecretKeyRing> secretKeyRingForUidRegexp(@RegEx final String uidRegexp) {
return SecretKeyringWithUserIdMatcher.regexp(uidRegexp);
代码示例来源:origin: com.phloc/phloc-masterdata
public VATINStructure (@Nonnull final String sCountry,
@Nonnull @RegEx final String sRegEx,
@Nonnull final Collection <String> aExamples)
ValueEnforcer.notNull (sCountry, "Country");
ValueEnforcer.notNull (sRegEx, "RegEx");
ValueEnforcer.notEmpty (aExamples, "Example");
m_aCountry = CountryCache.getCountry (sCountry);
if (m_aCountry == null)
throw new IllegalArgumentException ("country");
m_sPattern = sRegEx;
m_aPattern = RegExPool.getPattern (sRegEx);
m_aExamples = ContainerHelper.newList (aExamples);
if (GlobalDebug.isDebugMode ())
for (final String s : m_aExamples)
if (!isValid (s))
throw new IllegalArgumentException ("Example VATIN " + s + " does not match " + sRegEx);