代码示例来源:origin: apache/hbase
public Set<String> getNamespacesWithQuotas() {
Set<String> namespaces = new HashSet<>();
for (TableName tn : tablesWithNamespaceQuotas) {
return namespaces;
代码示例来源:origin: apache/hbase
private void addTable(TableName tableName, int regionCount) throws IOException {
NamespaceTableAndRegionInfo info =
if(info != null) {
info.addTable(tableName, regionCount);
} else {
throw new IOException("Bad state : Namespace quota information not found for namespace : "
+ tableName.getNamespaceAsString());
代码示例来源:origin: apache/hbase
synchronized void addTable(TableName tableName, int regionCount) {
if (!name.equalsIgnoreCase(tableName.getNamespaceAsString())) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Table : " + tableName + " does not belong to namespace "
+ name);
if (!tableAndRegionInfo.containsKey(tableName)) {
tableAndRegionInfo.put(tableName, new AtomicInteger(regionCount));
} else {
throw new IllegalStateException("Table already in the cache " + tableName);
代码示例来源:origin: apache/hbase
synchronized void removeTable(TableName tableName) {
NamespaceTableAndRegionInfo info =
if (info != null) {
代码示例来源:origin: apache/hbase
public boolean apply(Entry<RegionInfo,Long> input) {
return namespace.equals(input.getKey().getTable().getNamespaceAsString());
代码示例来源:origin: apache/hbase
public static String qualifyMetricsName(TableName tableName, String metric) {
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
return sb.toString();
代码示例来源:origin: apache/hbase
private String getHFilePath(TableName table, BulkLoadDescriptor bld, String storeFile,
byte[] family) {
return new StringBuilder(100).append(table.getNamespaceAsString()).append(Path.SEPARATOR)
代码示例来源:origin: apache/hbase
* Returns the Table directory under the WALRootDir for the specified table name
* @param conf configuration used to get the WALRootDir
* @param tableName Table to get the directory for
* @return a path to the WAL table directory for the specified table
* @throws IOException if there is an exception determining the WALRootDir
public static Path getWALTableDir(final Configuration conf, final TableName tableName)
throws IOException {
return new Path(new Path(getWALRootDir(conf), tableName.getNamespaceAsString()),
代码示例来源:origin: apache/hbase
protected Path getBulkOutputDirForTable(TableName table) {
Path tablePath = getBulkOutputDir();
tablePath = new Path(tablePath, table.getNamespaceAsString());
tablePath = new Path(tablePath, table.getQualifierAsString());
return new Path(tablePath, "data");
代码示例来源:origin: apache/hbase
* Ideally, getNameAsString should contain namespace within it,
* but if the namespace is default, it just returns the name. This method
* takes care of this corner case.
public String getNameWithNamespaceInclAsString() {
if(getNamespaceAsString().equals(NamespaceDescriptor.DEFAULT_NAMESPACE_NAME_STR)) {
return NamespaceDescriptor.DEFAULT_NAMESPACE_NAME_STR +
TableName.NAMESPACE_DELIM + getNameAsString();
return getNameAsString();
代码示例来源:origin: apache/hbase
* Returns the {@link org.apache.hadoop.fs.Path} object representing the table directory under
* path rootdir
* @param rootdir qualified path of HBase root directory
* @param tableName name of table
* @return {@link org.apache.hadoop.fs.Path} for table
public static Path getTableDir(Path rootdir, final TableName tableName) {
return new Path(getNamespaceDir(rootdir, tableName.getNamespaceAsString()),
代码示例来源:origin: apache/hbase
public MetricsTableSourceImpl(String tblName,
MetricsTableAggregateSourceImpl aggregate, MetricsTableWrapperAggregate tblWrapperAgg) {
LOG.debug("Creating new MetricsTableSourceImpl for table '{}'", tblName);
this.tableName = TableName.valueOf(tblName);
this.agg = aggregate;
this.tableWrapperAgg = tblWrapperAgg;
this.registry = agg.getMetricsRegistry();
this.tableNamePrefix = "Namespace_" + this.tableName.getNamespaceAsString() +
"_table_" + this.tableName.getQualifierAsString() + "_metric_";
this.hashCode = this.tableName.hashCode();
代码示例来源:origin: apache/hbase
public synchronized void removeRegionFromTable(RegionInfo hri) throws IOException {
String namespace = hri.getTable().getNamespaceAsString();
NamespaceTableAndRegionInfo nsInfo = nsStateCache.get(namespace);
if (nsInfo != null) {
nsInfo.decrementRegionCountForTable(hri.getTable(), 1);
} else {
throw new IOException("Namespace state found null for namespace : " + namespace);
代码示例来源:origin: apache/hbase
* Returns a view of all tables that reside in a namespace with a namespace
* quota, grouped by the namespace itself.
public Multimap<String,TableName> getTablesByNamespace() {
Multimap<String,TableName> tablesByNS = HashMultimap.create();
for (TableName tn : tablesWithNamespaceQuotas) {
tablesByNS.put(tn.getNamespaceAsString(), tn);
return tablesByNS;
代码示例来源:origin: apache/hbase
public String getNamespace() {
TableDescriptor tableDesc = this.region.getTableDescriptor();
if (tableDesc == null) {
return UNKNOWN;
return tableDesc.getTableName().getNamespaceAsString();
代码示例来源:origin: apache/hbase
/*********************************** Observer implementations ***********************************/
public void preCreateTable(ObserverContext<MasterCoprocessorEnvironment> c,
TableDescriptor desc, RegionInfo[] regions) throws IOException {
Set<byte[]> families = desc.getColumnFamilyNames();
Map<byte[], Set<byte[]>> familyMap = new TreeMap<>(Bytes.BYTES_COMPARATOR);
for (byte[] family: families) {
familyMap.put(family, null);
requireNamespacePermission(c, "createTable",
desc.getTableName().getNamespaceAsString(), desc.getTableName(), familyMap, Action.CREATE);
代码示例来源:origin: apache/hbase
private TableQueue getTableQueue(TableName tableName) {
TableQueue node = AvlTree.get(tableMap, tableName, TABLE_QUEUE_KEY_COMPARATOR);
if (node != null) return node;
node = new TableQueue(tableName, MasterProcedureUtil.getTablePriority(tableName),
locking.getTableLock(tableName), locking.getNamespaceLock(tableName.getNamespaceAsString()));
tableMap = AvlTree.insert(tableMap, node);
return node;
代码示例来源:origin: apache/hbase
public boolean evaluate() throws Exception {
SpaceQuotaSnapshot snapshot = (SpaceQuotaSnapshot) conn.getAdmin()
LOG.debug("Namespace snapshot after initial ingest: " + snapshot);
if (snapshot == null) {
return false;
return snapshot.getLimit() == nsLimit && snapshot.getUsage() > 0;
代码示例来源:origin: apache/hbase
public boolean evaluate() throws Exception {
SpaceQuotaSnapshot snapshot = (SpaceQuotaSnapshot) conn.getAdmin()
LOG.debug("Namespace snapshot after second ingest: " + snapshot);
if (snapshot == null) {
return false;
return snapshot.getUsage() > nsUsage.get() && !snapshot.getQuotaStatus().isInViolation();
代码示例来源:origin: apache/hbase
private TableName validateNames(TableName expected, Names names) {
assertEquals(expected.getNameAsString(), names.nn);
assertArrayEquals(expected.getName(), names.nnb);
assertEquals(expected.getQualifierAsString(), names.tn);
assertArrayEquals(expected.getQualifier(), names.tnb);
assertEquals(expected.getNamespaceAsString(), names.ns);
assertArrayEquals(expected.getNamespace(), names.nsb);
return expected;