[英]Associates a key and a value in the ScriptEngine ENGINE_SCOPE bindings.
代码示例来源:origin: internetarchive/heritrix3
protected void innerProcess(CrawlURI curi) {
// depending on previous configuration, engine may
// be local to this thread or shared
ScriptEngine engine = getEngine();
synchronized(engine) {
// synchronization is harmless for local thread engine,
// necessary for shared engine
engine.put("appCtx", appCtx);
try {
} catch (ScriptException e) {
} finally {
engine.put("curi", null);
engine.put("appCtx", null);
代码示例来源:origin: internetarchive/heritrix3
public DecideResult innerDecide(CrawlURI uri) {
// depending on previous configuration, engine may
// be local to this thread or shared
ScriptEngine engine = getEngine();
synchronized(engine) {
// synchronization is harmless for local thread engine,
// necessary for shared engine
try {
engine.put("appCtx", appCtx);
return (DecideResult)engine.eval("decisionFor(object)");
} catch (ScriptException e) {
return DecideResult.NONE;
} finally {
engine.put("object", null);
engine.put("appCtx", null);
代码示例来源:origin: zendesk/maxwell
public Scripting(String filename) throws IOException, ScriptException, NoSuchMethodException {
ScriptEngineManager manager = new ScriptEngineManager();
ScriptEngine engine = manager.getEngineByName("nashorn");
String externJS = new String(Files.readAllBytes(Paths.get(filename)));
engine.put("logger", LOGGER);
processRowFunc = getFunc(engine, "process_row", filename);
processHeartbeatFunc = getFunc(engine, "process_heartbeat", filename);
processDDLFunc = getFunc(engine, "process_ddl", filename);
if ( processRowFunc == null && processHeartbeatFunc == null && processDDLFunc == null )
LOGGER.warn("expected " + filename + " to define at least one of: process_row,process_heartbeat,process_ddl");
代码示例来源:origin: kiegroup/optaplanner
public static int resolveThreadPoolSizeScript(String propertyName, String script, String... magicValues) {
final String scriptLanguage = "JavaScript";
ScriptEngine scriptEngine = new ScriptEngineManager().getEngineByName(scriptLanguage);
if (scriptEngine == null) {
throw new IllegalStateException("The " + propertyName + " (" + script
+ ") could not resolve because the JVM doesn't support scriptLanguage (" + scriptLanguage + ").\n"
+ "Maybe try running in a normal JVM.");
scriptEngine.put(AVAILABLE_PROCESSOR_COUNT, Runtime.getRuntime().availableProcessors());
Object scriptResult;
try {
scriptResult = scriptEngine.eval(script);
} catch (ScriptException e) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("The " + propertyName + " (" + script
+ ") is not in magicValues (" + Arrays.toString(magicValues)
+ ") and cannot be parsed in " + scriptLanguage
+ " with the variables ([" + AVAILABLE_PROCESSOR_COUNT + "]).", e);
if (!(scriptResult instanceof Number)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("The " + propertyName + " (" + script
+ ") is resolved to scriptResult (" + scriptResult + ") in " + scriptLanguage
+ " but is not a " + Number.class.getSimpleName() + ".");
return ((Number) scriptResult).intValue();
代码示例来源:origin: internetarchive/heritrix3
* Create a new ScriptEngine instance, preloaded with any supplied
* source file and the variables 'self' (this ScriptedDecideRule)
* and 'context' (the ApplicationContext).
* @return the new Interpreter instance
protected ScriptEngine newEngine() {
ScriptEngine interpreter = new ScriptEngineManager().getEngineByName(engineName);
interpreter.put("self", this);
interpreter.put("context", appCtx);
Reader reader = null;
try {
reader = getScriptSource().obtainReader();
} catch (ScriptException e) {
logger.log(Level.SEVERE,"script problem",e);
} finally {
return interpreter;
代码示例来源:origin: internetarchive/heritrix3
* Create a new {@link ScriptEngine} instance, preloaded with any supplied
* source file and the variables 'self' (this {@link ScriptedProcessor}) and
* 'context' (the {@link ApplicationContext}).
* @return the new ScriptEngine instance
protected ScriptEngine newEngine() {
ScriptEngine interpreter = new ScriptEngineManager().getEngineByName(engineName);
interpreter.put("self", this);
interpreter.put("context", appCtx);
Reader reader = null;
try {
reader = getScriptSource().obtainReader();
} catch (ScriptException e) {
logger.log(Level.SEVERE,"script problem",e);
} finally {
return interpreter;
代码示例来源:origin: kiegroup/jbpm
public void execute(ProcessContext context) throws Exception {
ScriptEngineManager factory = new ScriptEngineManager();
ScriptEngine engine = factory.getEngineByName("JavaScript");
engine.put("kcontext", context);
// insert globals into context
Globals globals = context.getKieRuntime().getGlobals();
if (globals != null && globals.getGlobalKeys() != null) {
for (String gKey : globals.getGlobalKeys()) {
engine.put(gKey, globals.get(gKey));
if (context.getProcessInstance() != null && context.getProcessInstance().getProcess() != null) {
// insert process variables
VariableScopeInstance variableScope = (VariableScopeInstance) ((WorkflowProcessInstance)context.getProcessInstance())
Map<String, Object> variables = variableScope.getVariables();
if (variables != null ) {
for (Entry<String, Object> variable : variables.entrySet()) {
engine.put(variable.getKey(), variable.getValue());
代码示例来源:origin: kiegroup/jbpm
engine.put(gKey, globals.get(gKey));
engine.put("kcontext", context);
if (context.getProcessInstance() != null && context.getProcessInstance().getProcess() != null) {
if (variables != null ) {
for (Entry<String, Object> variable : variables.entrySet()) {
engine.put(variable.getKey(), variable.getValue());
Object value = engine.eval(expr);
代码示例来源:origin: jphp-group/jphp
public void testVariableSet() throws Exception {
ScriptEngineManager factory = new ScriptEngineManager();
ScriptEngine engine = factory.getEngineByName("jphp");
engine.put("foo", "bar");
Object value = engine.eval("<?php return $foo;");
Assert.assertEquals("bar", value.toString());
代码示例来源:origin: groovy/groovy-core
public void testSimpleExample() throws ScriptException {
// tag::jsr223_init[]
ScriptEngineManager factory = new ScriptEngineManager();
ScriptEngine engine = factory.getEngineByName("groovy");
// end::jsr223_init[]
// tag::jsr223_basic[]
Integer sum = (Integer) engine.eval("(1..10).sum()");
assertEquals(new Integer(55), sum);
// end::jsr223_basic[]
// tag::jsr223_variables[]
engine.put("first", "HELLO");
engine.put("second", "world");
String result = (String) engine.eval("first.toLowerCase() + ' ' + second.toUpperCase()");
assertEquals("hello WORLD", result);
// end::jsr223_variables[]
代码示例来源:origin: oblac/jodd
protected String run(String html, String query) throws ScriptException {
Jerry doc = Jerry.jerry(html);
scriptEngine.put("doc", doc);
return doc.html();
代码示例来源:origin: stackoverflow.com
int eval(String code) {
code = "function f () {" + code + "} f()"; // Or otherwise
ScriptEngineManager factory = new ScriptEngineManager();
ScriptEngine engine = factory.getEngineByName("JavaScript");
engine.put("score", 1.4);
Number num = (Number) engine.eval(code);
return num.intValue();
代码示例来源:origin: jwpttcg66/NettyGameServer
* 执行指定的脚本内容
* @param content 脚本内容
* @param params 执行参数
* @return 脚本执行结果的返回值
public static Object executeScriptContent(String content,
Map<String, Object> params) {
ScriptEngine engine = manager.getEngineByName("JavaScript");
if (params != null) {
for (Map.Entry<String, Object> pair : params.entrySet()) {
engine.put(pair.getKey(), pair.getValue());
try {
return engine.eval(content);
} catch (ScriptException e) {
logger.error("", e);
return null;
代码示例来源:origin: stackoverflow.com
// build a Map
Map<String, String> map = new HashMap<String, String>();
map.put("bye", "now");
// Convert it to a NativeObject (yes, this could have been done directly)
NativeObject nobj = new NativeObject();
for (Map.Entry<String, String> entry : map.entrySet()) {
nobj.defineProperty(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue(), NativeObject.READONLY);
// Get Engine and place native object into the context
ScriptEngineManager factory = new ScriptEngineManager();
ScriptEngine engine = factory.getEngineByName("javascript");
engine.put("map", nobj);
// Standard Javascript dot notation prints 'now' (as it should!)
代码示例来源:origin: lenskit/lenskit
public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException, ScriptException {
File scriptFile = new File(args[0]);
ScriptEngineManager sem = new ScriptEngineManager();
String ext = Files.getFileExtension(scriptFile.getName());
ScriptEngine engine = sem.getEngineByExtension(ext);
engine.put("cmdArgs", Arrays.asList(args).subList(1, args.length));
try (Reader reader = Files.newReader(scriptFile, Charsets.UTF_8)) {
代码示例来源:origin: jwpttcg66/NettyGameServer
if (params != null) {
for (Map.Entry<String, Object> pair : params.entrySet()) {
engine.put(pair.getKey(), pair.getValue());
reader = new InputStreamReader(new FileInputStream(path),
return engine.eval(reader);
} catch (FileNotFoundException | UnsupportedEncodingException | ScriptException e) {
logger.error("", e);
代码示例来源:origin: lenskit/lenskit
private void writeSvgFile(DAGNode<Component, Dependency> graph, File outFile) throws IOException, LenskitCommandException {
StringWriter sw = new StringWriter();
logger.info("writing graph to memory");
GraphDumper.renderGraph(graph, sw);
String dotSrc = sw.toString();
logger.debug("setting up script engine");
ScriptEngineManager sem = new ScriptEngineManager();
ScriptEngine engine = sem.getEngineByMimeType("text/javascript");
try (InputStream istr = Graph.class.getResourceAsStream("/META-INF/resources/webjars/viz.js/1.5.1/viz.js");
Reader rdr = new InputStreamReader(istr)) {
logger.debug("loading Viz.js");
engine.put(ScriptEngine.FILENAME, "viz.js");
} catch (ScriptException e) {
logger.error("error loading Viz.js", e);
throw new LenskitCommandException("Could not load Viz.js", e);
engine.put("dotSrc", dotSrc);
engine.put("outFile", outFile);
try (InputStream istr = Graph.class.getResourceAsStream("render-graph.js");
Reader rdr = new InputStreamReader(istr)) {
logger.info("rendering graph to {}", outFile);
engine.put(ScriptEngine.FILENAME, "render-graph.js");
} catch (ScriptException e) {
logger.error("error evaluating render script", e);
throw new LenskitCommandException("could not evaluate SVG renderer", e);
代码示例来源:origin: SeanDragon/protools
engine.put(key, paramMap.get(key));
代码示例来源:origin: bluejoe2008/openwebflow
public void notify(UserDetailsEntity[] users, Task task) throws Exception
for (UserDetailsEntity user : users)
if (user == null)
ScriptEngine scriptEngine = new JuelScriptEngineFactory().getScriptEngine();
scriptEngine.put("user", user);
scriptEngine.put("task", task);
String email = user.getProperty(UserDetailsEntity.STRING_PROPERTY_EMAIL);
if (email != null)
_mailSender.sendMail(email, (String) scriptEngine.eval(_subjectTemplate),
(String) scriptEngine.eval(_messageTemplate));
代码示例来源:origin: naver/ngrinder
public void testPerfTestScript() throws ScriptException {
ScriptEngine engine = new ScriptEngineManager().getEngineByName("javascript");
engine.put("A", 10);
engine.put("B", 4);
System.out.println(engine.eval(" [(A / 2), (A + 3)];"));