
x33g5p2x  于2022-01-29 转载在 其他  





代码示例来源:origin: apache/nifi

  1. @Tags({"lookup", "cache", "enrich", "join", "xml", "reloadable", "key", "value"})
  2. @CapabilityDescription("A reloadable XML file-based lookup service." +
  3. " This service uses Apache Commons Configuration." +
  4. " Example XML configuration file and how to access specific configuration can be found at" +
  5. "")
  6. public class XMLFileLookupService extends CommonsConfigurationLookupService<XMLConfiguration> {
  7. }

代码示例来源:origin: apache/nifi

  1. @Tags({"lookup", "cache", "enrich", "join", "properties", "reloadable", "key", "value"})
  2. @CapabilityDescription("A reloadable properties file-based lookup service")
  3. public class PropertiesFileLookupService extends CommonsConfigurationLookupService<PropertiesConfiguration> {
  4. }

代码示例来源:origin: apache/nifi

  1. /**
  2. * GCPCredentialsService interface to support getting Google Cloud Platform
  3. * GoogleCredentials used for instantiating Google cloud services.
  4. *
  5. * @see <a href="">GoogleCredentials</a>
  6. */
  7. @Tags({"gcp", "security", "credentials", "auth", "session"})
  8. @CapabilityDescription("Provides GCP GoogleCredentials.")
  9. public interface GCPCredentialsService extends ControllerService {
  10. /**
  11. * Get Google Credentials
  12. * @return Valid Google Credentials suitable for authorizing requests on the platform.
  13. * @throws ProcessException process exception in case there is problem in getting credentials
  14. */
  15. public GoogleCredentials getGoogleCredentials() throws ProcessException;
  16. }

代码示例来源:origin: apache/nifi

  1. /**
  2. * AWSCredentialsProviderService interface to support getting AWSCredentialsProvider used for instantiating
  3. * aws clients
  4. *
  5. * @see <a href="">AWSCredentialsProvider</a>
  6. */
  7. @Tags({"aws", "security", "credentials", "provider", "session"})
  8. @CapabilityDescription("Provides AWSCredentialsProvider.")
  9. public interface AWSCredentialsProviderService extends ControllerService {
  10. /**
  11. * Get credentials provider
  12. * @return credentials provider
  13. * @throws ProcessException process exception in case there is problem in getting credentials provider
  14. *
  15. * @see <a href="">AWSCredentialsProvider</a>
  16. */
  17. AWSCredentialsProvider getCredentialsProvider() throws ProcessException;
  18. }

代码示例来源:origin: apache/nifi

  1. /**
  2. * Definition for Database Connection Pooling Service.
  3. *
  4. */
  5. @Tags({"dbcp", "jdbc", "database", "connection", "pooling", "store"})
  6. @CapabilityDescription("Provides Database Connection Pooling Service. Connections can be asked from pool and returned after usage.")
  7. public interface DBCPService extends ControllerService {
  8. Connection getConnection() throws ProcessException;
  9. /**
  10. * Allows a Map of attributes to be passed to the DBCPService for use in configuration, etc.
  11. * An implementation will want to override getConnection() to return getConnection(Collections.emptyMap()),
  12. * and override this method (possibly with its existing getConnection() implementation).
  13. * @param attributes a Map of attributes to be passed to the DBCPService. The use of these
  14. * attributes is implementation-specific, and the source of the attributes
  15. * is processor-specific
  16. * @return a Connection from the specifed/configured connection pool(s)
  17. * @throws ProcessException if an error occurs while getting a connection
  18. */
  19. default Connection getConnection(Map<String,String> attributes) throws ProcessException {
  20. // default implementation (for backwards compatibility) is to call getConnection()
  21. // without attributes
  22. return getConnection();
  23. }
  24. }

代码示例来源:origin: apache/nifi

  1. @Tags({"lookup", "enrich", "key", "value", "couchbase"})
  2. @CapabilityDescription("Lookup a string value from Couchbase Server associated with the specified key."
  3. + " The coordinates that are passed to the lookup must contain the key 'key'.")
  4. public class CouchbaseKeyValueLookupService extends AbstractCouchbaseLookupService implements StringLookupService {

代码示例来源:origin: apache/nifi

  1. @Tags({"csv", "result", "set", "recordset", "record", "writer", "serializer", "row", "tsv", "tab", "separated", "delimited"})
  2. @CapabilityDescription("Writes the contents of a RecordSet as CSV data. The first line written "
  3. + "will be the column names (unless the 'Include Header Line' property is false). All subsequent lines will be the values "
  4. + "corresponding to the record fields.")

代码示例来源:origin: apache/nifi

  1. @Tags({"lookup", "enrich", "key", "value"})
  2. @CapabilityDescription("Allows users to add key/value pairs as User-defined Properties. Each property that is added can be looked up by Property Name. "
  3. + "The coordinates that are passed to the lookup must contain the key 'key'.")
  4. public class SimpleKeyValueLookupService extends AbstractControllerService implements StringLookupService {

代码示例来源:origin: apache/nifi

  1. @Tags({"distributed", "set", "distinct", "cache", "server"})
  2. @CapabilityDescription("Provides a set (collection of unique values) cache that can be accessed over a socket. "
  3. + "Interaction with this service is typically accomplished via a DistributedSetCacheClient service.")
  4. public class DistributedSetCacheServer extends DistributedCacheServer {

代码示例来源:origin: apache/nifi

  1. @Tags({"text", "freeform", "expression", "language", "el", "record", "recordset", "resultset", "writer", "serialize"})
  2. @CapabilityDescription("Writes the contents of a RecordSet as free-form text. The configured "
  3. + "text is able to make use of the Expression Language to reference each of the fields that are available "
  4. + "in a Record. Each record in the RecordSet will be separated by a single newline character.")

代码示例来源:origin: apache/nifi

  1. @Tags({"redis", "cache"})
  2. @CapabilityDescription("A service that provides connections to Redis.")
  3. public class RedisConnectionPoolService extends AbstractControllerService implements RedisConnectionPool {

代码示例来源:origin: apache/nifi

  1. @Tags({"tls", "ssl", "secure", "certificate", "keystore", "truststore", "jks", "p12", "pkcs12", "pkcs"})
  2. @CapabilityDescription("Restricted implementation of the SSLContextService. Provides the ability to configure "
  3. + "keystore and/or truststore properties once and reuse that configuration throughout the application, "
  4. + "but only allows a restricted set of TLS/SSL protocols to be chosen (no SSL protocols are supported). The set of protocols selectable will "

代码示例来源:origin: apache/nifi

  1. @CapabilityDescription("Defines credentials for Google Cloud Platform processors. " +
  2. "Uses Application Default credentials without configuration. " +
  3. "Application Default credentials support environmental variable (GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS) pointing to " +
  4. "a credential file, the config generated by `gcloud auth application-default login`, AppEngine/Compute Engine" +
  5. " service accounts, etc.")
  6. @Tags({ "gcp", "credentials","provider" })
  7. public class GCPCredentialsControllerService extends AbstractControllerService implements GCPCredentialsService {

代码示例来源:origin: apache/nifi

  1. @Tags({"ssl", "secure", "certificate", "keystore", "truststore", "jks", "p12", "pkcs12", "pkcs"})
  2. @CapabilityDescription("Provides the ability to configure keystore and/or truststore properties once and reuse "
  3. + "that configuration throughout the application")
  4. public interface SSLContextService extends ControllerService {

代码示例来源:origin: apache/nifi

  1. @Tags({"disk", "storage", "warning", "monitoring", "repo"})
  2. @CapabilityDescription("Checks the amount of storage space available for the specified directory"
  3. + " and warns (via a log message and a System-Level Bulletin) if the partition on which it lives exceeds"
  4. + " some configurable threshold of storage space")

代码示例来源:origin: apache/nifi

  1. @Tags({ "example", "resources" })
  2. @CapabilityDescription("This example processor loads a resource from the nar and writes it to the FlowFile content")
  3. public class WriteResourceToStream extends AbstractProcessor {

代码示例来源:origin: apache/nifi

  1. @CapabilityDescription("Defines credentials for Amazon Web Services processors. " +
  2. "Uses default credentials without configuration. " +
  3. "Default credentials support EC2 instance profile/role, default user profile, environment variables, etc. " +
  4. "Additional options include access key / secret key pairs, credentials file, named profile, and assume role credentials.")
  5. @Tags({ "aws", "credentials","provider" })
  6. public class AWSCredentialsProviderControllerService extends AbstractControllerService implements AWSCredentialsProviderService {

代码示例来源:origin: apache/nifi

  1. @Tags({"json", "tree", "record", "reader", "parser"})
  2. @CapabilityDescription("Parses JSON into individual Record objects. While the reader expects each record "
  3. + "to be well-formed JSON, the content of a FlowFile may consist of many records, each as a well-formed "
  4. + "JSON array or JSON object with optional whitespace between them, such as the common 'JSON-per-line' format. "

代码示例来源:origin: apache/nifi

  1. @InputRequirement(Requirement.INPUT_FORBIDDEN)
  2. @CapabilityDescription("Consumes messages from Email Server using POP3 protocol. "
  3. + "The raw-bytes of each received email message are written as contents of the FlowFile")
  4. @Tags({ "Email", "POP3", "Get", "Ingest", "Ingress", "Message", "Consume" })
  5. public class ConsumePOP3 extends AbstractEmailProcessor<Pop3MailReceiver> {

代码示例来源:origin: apache/nifi

  1. @Tags({"distributed", "cluster", "map", "cache", "server", "key/value"})
  2. @CapabilityDescription("Provides a map (key/value) cache that can be accessed over a socket. Interaction with this service"
  3. + " is typically accomplished via a DistributedMapCacheClient service.")
  4. @SeeAlso(classNames = {"org.apache.nifi.distributed.cache.client.DistributedMapCacheClientService", "org.apache.nifi.ssl.StandardSSLContextService"})
