代码示例来源:origin: pentaho/pentaho-kettle
public void addColumnResizeListeners( Table table ) {
TableColumn[] columns = table.getColumns();
int len = Math.min( weights.length, columns.length );
for ( int i = 0; i < len - 1; i++ ) {
if ( weights[i] > 0 ) {
columns[i].addListener( SWT.Resize, getColumnResizeListener( i ) );
代码示例来源:origin: pentaho/pentaho-kettle
tablecolumn[i].addListener( SWT.Selection, lsSort );
代码示例来源:origin: net.sf.okapi.lib/okapi-lib-verification-ui
void linkTable (Table newTable,
Listener sortListener)
table = newTable;
TableColumn col = new TableColumn(table, SWT.NONE);
col.addListener(SWT.Selection, sortListener);
col = new TableColumn(table, SWT.NONE);
col.addListener(SWT.Selection, sortListener);
col = new TableColumn(table, SWT.NONE);
col.setText("Text Unit");
col.addListener(SWT.Selection, sortListener);
col = new TableColumn(table, SWT.NONE);
col.addListener(SWT.Selection, sortListener);
col = new TableColumn(table, SWT.NONE);
col.addListener(SWT.Selection, sortListener);
代码示例来源:origin: stackoverflow.com
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
final TableColumn column = new TableColumn(table, SWT.NONE);
column.setText("Column " + i);
column.addListener(SWT.Selection, new Listener()
public void handleEvent(Event arg0)
代码示例来源:origin: org.eclipse.scout.sdk.deps/org.eclipse.swt.win32.win32.x86
* Adds the listener to the collection of listeners who will
* be notified when the control is moved or resized, by sending
* it one of the messages defined in the <code>ControlListener</code>
* interface.
* @param listener the listener which should be notified
* @exception IllegalArgumentException <ul>
* <li>ERROR_NULL_ARGUMENT - if the listener is null</li>
* </ul>
* @exception SWTException <ul>
* <li>ERROR_WIDGET_DISPOSED - if the receiver has been disposed</li>
* <li>ERROR_THREAD_INVALID_ACCESS - if not called from the thread that created the receiver</li>
* </ul>
* @see ControlListener
* @see #removeControlListener
public void addControlListener(ControlListener listener) {
checkWidget ();
if (listener == null) error (SWT.ERROR_NULL_ARGUMENT);
TypedListener typedListener = new TypedListener (listener);
addListener (SWT.Resize,typedListener);
addListener (SWT.Move,typedListener);
代码示例来源:origin: org.eclipse.platform/org.eclipse.swt.gtk.linux.ppc
* Adds the listener to the collection of listeners who will
* be notified when the control is moved or resized, by sending
* it one of the messages defined in the <code>ControlListener</code>
* interface.
* @param listener the listener which should be notified
* @exception IllegalArgumentException <ul>
* <li>ERROR_NULL_ARGUMENT - if the listener is null</li>
* </ul>
* @exception SWTException <ul>
* <li>ERROR_WIDGET_DISPOSED - if the receiver has been disposed</li>
* <li>ERROR_THREAD_INVALID_ACCESS - if not called from the thread that created the receiver</li>
* </ul>
* @see ControlListener
* @see #removeControlListener
public void addControlListener(ControlListener listener) {
if (listener == null) error (SWT.ERROR_NULL_ARGUMENT);
TypedListener typedListener = new TypedListener (listener);
addListener (SWT.Resize,typedListener);
addListener (SWT.Move,typedListener);
代码示例来源:origin: org.eclipse.swt.cocoa.macosx/x86_64
if (listener == null) error (SWT.ERROR_NULL_ARGUMENT);
TypedListener typedListener = new TypedListener (listener);
addListener (SWT.Selection,typedListener);
addListener (SWT.DefaultSelection,typedListener);
代码示例来源:origin: org.eclipse.platform/org.eclipse.swt.gtk.linux.ppc
if (listener == null) error (SWT.ERROR_NULL_ARGUMENT);
TypedListener typedListener = new TypedListener (listener);
addListener (SWT.Selection,typedListener);
addListener (SWT.DefaultSelection,typedListener);
代码示例来源:origin: org.eclipse.platform/org.eclipse.swt.gtk.aix.ppc
* Adds the listener to the collection of listeners who will
* be notified when the control is moved or resized, by sending
* it one of the messages defined in the <code>ControlListener</code>
* interface.
* @param listener the listener which should be notified
* @exception IllegalArgumentException <ul>
* <li>ERROR_NULL_ARGUMENT - if the listener is null</li>
* </ul>
* @exception SWTException <ul>
* <li>ERROR_WIDGET_DISPOSED - if the receiver has been disposed</li>
* <li>ERROR_THREAD_INVALID_ACCESS - if not called from the thread that created the receiver</li>
* </ul>
* @see ControlListener
* @see #removeControlListener
public void addControlListener(ControlListener listener) {
if (listener == null) error (SWT.ERROR_NULL_ARGUMENT);
TypedListener typedListener = new TypedListener (listener);
addListener (SWT.Resize,typedListener);
addListener (SWT.Move,typedListener);
代码示例来源:origin: org.eclipse.swt.cocoa.macosx/x86_64
* Adds the listener to the collection of listeners who will
* be notified when the control is moved or resized, by sending
* it one of the messages defined in the <code>ControlListener</code>
* interface.
* @param listener the listener which should be notified
* @exception IllegalArgumentException <ul>
* <li>ERROR_NULL_ARGUMENT - if the listener is null</li>
* </ul>
* @exception SWTException <ul>
* <li>ERROR_WIDGET_DISPOSED - if the receiver has been disposed</li>
* <li>ERROR_THREAD_INVALID_ACCESS - if not called from the thread that created the receiver</li>
* </ul>
* @see ControlListener
* @see #removeControlListener
public void addControlListener(ControlListener listener) {
checkWidget ();
if (listener == null) error (SWT.ERROR_NULL_ARGUMENT);
TypedListener typedListener = new TypedListener (listener);
addListener (SWT.Resize,typedListener);
addListener (SWT.Move,typedListener);
代码示例来源:origin: org.eclipse.platform/org.eclipse.swt.gtk.linux.s390x
* Adds the listener to the collection of listeners who will
* be notified when the control is moved or resized, by sending
* it one of the messages defined in the <code>ControlListener</code>
* interface.
* @param listener the listener which should be notified
* @exception IllegalArgumentException <ul>
* <li>ERROR_NULL_ARGUMENT - if the listener is null</li>
* </ul>
* @exception SWTException <ul>
* <li>ERROR_WIDGET_DISPOSED - if the receiver has been disposed</li>
* <li>ERROR_THREAD_INVALID_ACCESS - if not called from the thread that created the receiver</li>
* </ul>
* @see ControlListener
* @see #removeControlListener
public void addControlListener(ControlListener listener) {
if (listener == null) error (SWT.ERROR_NULL_ARGUMENT);
TypedListener typedListener = new TypedListener (listener);
addListener (SWT.Resize,typedListener);
addListener (SWT.Move,typedListener);
代码示例来源:origin: org.eclipse.rap/org.eclipse.rap.rwt
* Adds the listener to the collection of listeners who will
* be notified when the control is moved or resized, by sending
* it one of the messages defined in the <code>ControlListener</code>
* interface.
* @param listener the listener which should be notified
* @exception IllegalArgumentException <ul>
* <li>ERROR_NULL_ARGUMENT - if the listener is null</li>
* </ul>
* @exception SWTException <ul>
* <li>ERROR_WIDGET_DISPOSED - if the receiver has been disposed</li>
* <li>ERROR_THREAD_INVALID_ACCESS - if not called from the thread that created the receiver</li>
* </ul>
* @see ControlListener
* @see #removeControlListener
public void addControlListener( ControlListener listener ) {
if( listener == null ) {
TypedListener typedListener = new TypedListener( listener );
addListener( SWT.Move, typedListener );
addListener( SWT.Resize, typedListener );
代码示例来源:origin: org.eclipse.platform/org.eclipse.swt.gtk.aix.ppc
if (listener == null) error (SWT.ERROR_NULL_ARGUMENT);
TypedListener typedListener = new TypedListener (listener);
addListener (SWT.Selection,typedListener);
addListener (SWT.DefaultSelection,typedListener);
代码示例来源:origin: org.eclipse.scout.sdk.deps/org.eclipse.swt.win32.win32.x86
if (listener == null) error (SWT.ERROR_NULL_ARGUMENT);
TypedListener typedListener = new TypedListener (listener);
addListener (SWT.Selection,typedListener);
addListener (SWT.DefaultSelection,typedListener);
代码示例来源:origin: org.eclipse.platform/org.eclipse.swt.gtk.linux.s390x
if (listener == null) error (SWT.ERROR_NULL_ARGUMENT);
TypedListener typedListener = new TypedListener (listener);
addListener (SWT.Selection,typedListener);
addListener (SWT.DefaultSelection,typedListener);
代码示例来源:origin: org.eclipse.rap/org.eclipse.rap.rwt
addListener( SWT.Selection, typedListener );
addListener( SWT.DefaultSelection, typedListener );
代码示例来源:origin: org.eclipse.swt.cocoa.macosx/x86_64
column.addListener(SWT.Dispose, disposeColumnListener);
column.addListener(SWT.Move, resizeListener);
column.addListener(SWT.Resize, resizeListener);
代码示例来源:origin: org.eclipse.platform/org.eclipse.swt.gtk.linux.ppc
column.addListener(SWT.Dispose, disposeColumnListener);
column.addListener(SWT.Move, resizeListener);
column.addListener(SWT.Resize, resizeListener);
代码示例来源:origin: org.eclipse.platform/org.eclipse.swt.gtk.linux.s390x
column.addListener(SWT.Dispose, disposeColumnListener);
column.addListener(SWT.Move, resizeListener);
column.addListener(SWT.Resize, resizeListener);
代码示例来源:origin: org.eclipse.platform/org.eclipse.swt.gtk.aix.ppc
column.addListener(SWT.Dispose, disposeColumnListener);
column.addListener(SWT.Move, resizeListener);
column.addListener(SWT.Resize, resizeListener);