[英]Returns the order registered for the given property.
代码示例来源:origin: spring-projects/spring-data-mongodb
private static Direction toDirection(Sort sort, String property) {
if (sort.isUnsorted()) {
return Direction.DESC;
Order order = sort.getOrderFor(property);
return order == null ? Direction.DESC : order.isAscending() ? Direction.ASC : Direction.DESC;
代码示例来源:origin: org.springframework.data/spring-data-mongodb
private static Direction toDirection(Sort sort, String property) {
if (sort.isUnsorted()) {
return Direction.DESC;
Order order = sort.getOrderFor(property);
return order == null ? Direction.DESC : order.isAscending() ? Direction.ASC : Direction.DESC;
代码示例来源:origin: apache/servicemix-bundles
* Returns in which direction to sort revisions for the given {@link Sort} instance. Defaults to
* {@link Direction#ASC}.
* @param sort must not be {@literal null}.
* @return
public static Direction getRevisionDirection(Sort sort) {
Assert.notNull(sort, "Sort must not be null!");
Order order = sort.getOrderFor(PROPERTY);
return order == null ? Direction.ASC : order.getDirection();
代码示例来源:origin: pl.edu.icm.synat/synat-business-services-impl
protected Sort processSort(Sort sort) {
if(sort.getOrderFor(DEFAULT_PERIOD_SORT_FIELD) != null){
return sort;
return sort.and(new Sort(Direction.ASC, DEFAULT_PERIOD_SORT_FIELD));
代码示例来源:origin: io.github.jpenren/thymeleaf-spring-data-dialect
* Creates an url to sort data by fieldName
* @param context execution context
* @param fieldName field name to sort
* @return sort URL
public static String createSortUrl(final ITemplateContext context, final String fieldName) {
// Params can be prefixed to manage multiple pagination on the same page
final String prefix = getParamPrefix(context);
final Collection<String> excludedParams = Arrays
.asList(new String[] { prefix.concat(SORT), prefix.concat(PAGE) });
final String baseUrl = buildBaseUrl(context, excludedParams);
final StringBuilder sortParam = new StringBuilder();
final Page<?> page = findPage(context);
final Sort sort = page.getSort();
final boolean hasPreviousOrder = sort != null && sort.getOrderFor(fieldName) != null;
if (hasPreviousOrder) {
// Sort parameters exists for this field, modify direction
Order previousOrder = sort.getOrderFor(fieldName);
Direction dir = previousOrder.isAscending() ? Direction.DESC : Direction.ASC;
} else {
return buildUrl(baseUrl, context).append(SORT).append(EQ).append(sortParam).toString();
代码示例来源:origin: jpenren/thymeleaf-spring-data-dialect
* Creates an url to sort data by fieldName
* @param context execution context
* @param fieldName field name to sort
* @param forcedDir optional, if specified then only this sort direction will be allowed
* @return sort URL
public static String createSortUrl(final ITemplateContext context, final String fieldName, final Direction forcedDir) {
// Params can be prefixed to manage multiple pagination on the same page
final String prefix = getParamPrefix(context);
final Collection<String> excludedParams = Arrays
.asList(new String[] { prefix.concat(SORT), prefix.concat(PAGE) });
final String baseUrl = buildBaseUrl(context, excludedParams);
final StringBuilder sortParam = new StringBuilder();
final Page<?> page = findPage(context);
final Sort sort = page.getSort();
final boolean hasPreviousOrder = sort != null && sort.getOrderFor(fieldName) != null;
if (forcedDir != null) {
} else if (hasPreviousOrder) {
// Sort parameters exists for this field, modify direction
Order previousOrder = sort.getOrderFor(fieldName);
Direction dir = previousOrder.isAscending() ? Direction.DESC : Direction.ASC;
} else {
return buildUrl(baseUrl, context).append(SORT).append(EQ).append(sortParam).toString();
代码示例来源:origin: sentilo/sentilo
private void saveLastSearchParams(final HttpServletRequest request, final String listName, final Pageable pageable, final String search) {
final List<Column> listColumns = SearchFilterUtils.getListColumns(request);
boolean isAsc = true;
int sortColumnPosition = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < listColumns.size(); i++) {
final Order order = pageable.getSort().getOrderFor(listColumns.get(i).getName());
if (order != null) {
isAsc = order.isAscending();
sortColumnPosition = i + 1;
final String sortDirection = isAsc ? Constants.ASC : Constants.DESC;
final LastSearchParamsDTO backSearch =
new LastSearchParamsDTO(pageable.getPageNumber(), pageable.getPageSize(), search, listName, sortColumnPosition, sortDirection);
Map<String, LastSearchParamsDTO> map = (Map<String, LastSearchParamsDTO>) request.getSession().getAttribute(LAST_SEARCH_PARAMS_MAP);
if (map == null) {
map = new HashMap<String, LastSearchParamsDTO>();
map.put(listName, backSearch);
request.getSession().setAttribute(LAST_SEARCH_PARAMS_MAP, map);
代码示例来源:origin: io.github.jpenren/thymeleaf-spring-data-dialect
protected void doProcess(ITemplateContext context, IProcessableElementTag tag, AttributeName attributeName,
String attributeValue, IElementTagStructureHandler structureHandler) {
String attrValue = String.valueOf(Expressions.evaluate(context, attributeValue)).trim();
Page<?> page = PageUtils.findPage(context);
String url = PageUtils.createSortUrl(context, attrValue);
// Append class to the element if sorted by this field
Sort sort = page.getSort();
boolean isSorted = sort != null && sort.getOrderFor(attributeValue) != null;
String clas = isSorted
? SORTED_PREFIX.concat(sort.getOrderFor(attributeValue).getDirection().toString().toLowerCase())
structureHandler.setAttribute(HREF, url);
String currentClass = tag.getAttributeValue(CLASS);
structureHandler.setAttribute(CLASS, Strings.concat(currentClass, BLANK, clas));
代码示例来源:origin: jpenren/thymeleaf-spring-data-dialect
protected void doProcess(ITemplateContext context, IProcessableElementTag tag, AttributeName attributeName,
String attributeValue, IElementTagStructureHandler structureHandler) {
String attrValue = String.valueOf(Expressions.evaluate(context, attributeValue)).trim();
Page<?> page = PageUtils.findPage(context);
String url = PageUtils.createSortUrl(context, attrValue, getForcedDirection());
// Append class to the element if sorted by this field
Sort sort = page.getSort();
boolean isSorted = sort != null && sort.getOrderFor(attrValue) != null;
String clas = isSorted
? SORTED_PREFIX.concat(sort.getOrderFor(attrValue).getDirection().toString().toLowerCase())
structureHandler.setAttribute(HREF, url);
String currentClass = tag.getAttributeValue(CLASS);
structureHandler.setAttribute(CLASS, Strings.concat(currentClass, BLANK, clas));
代码示例来源:origin: top.wboost/common-web
protected TypedQuery<T> getQuery(Specification<T> spec, Pageable pageable) {
Sort sort = pageable == null ? null : pageable.getSort();
if (sort != null) {
Field[] fields = getDomainClass().getDeclaredFields();
for (Field field : fields) {
Id id = field.getDeclaredAnnotation(Id.class);
if (id != null) {
Order order = sort.getOrderFor(field.getName());
if (order == null) {
sort = sort.and(new Sort(field.getName()));
return getQuery(spec, sort);
代码示例来源:origin: org.springframework.cloud/spring-cloud-dataflow-admin-starter
public Page<StreamDefinition> findAll(Pageable pageable) {
List<StreamDefinition> results;
List<String> allKeys = new ArrayList<>(hashOperations.keys());
int total = allKeys.size();
if (total == 0) {
results = Collections.emptyList();
else {
Collections.sort(allKeys, comparatorFor(pageable.getSort().getOrderFor("name").getDirection()));
int start = pageable.getOffset();
int end = Math.min(pageable.getOffset() + pageable.getPageSize(), total);
List<String> pageKeys = allKeys.subList(start, end);
List<String> definitions = hashOperations.multiGet(pageKeys);
results = zipToStreamDefinitions(pageKeys, definitions);
return new PageImpl<>(results, pageable, total);