
x33g5p2x  于2022-01-30 转载在 其他  





代码示例来源:origin: org.elasticsearch/elasticsearch

public NodeStats stats(CommonStatsFlags indices, boolean os, boolean process, boolean jvm, boolean threadPool,
            boolean fs, boolean transport, boolean http, boolean circuitBreaker,
            boolean script, boolean discoveryStats, boolean ingest, boolean adaptiveSelection) {
  // for indices stats we want to include previous allocated shards stats as well (it will
  // only be applied to the sensible ones to use, like refresh/merge/flush/indexing stats)
  return new NodeStats(transportService.getLocalNode(), System.currentTimeMillis(),
      indices.anySet() ? indicesService.stats(true, indices) : null,
      os ? monitorService.osService().stats() : null,
      process ? monitorService.processService().stats() : null,
      jvm ? monitorService.jvmService().stats() : null,
      threadPool ? this.threadPool.stats() : null,
      fs ? monitorService.fsService().stats() : null,
      transport ? transportService.stats() : null,
      http ? (httpServerTransport == null ? null : httpServerTransport.stats()) : null,
      circuitBreaker ? circuitBreakerService.stats() : null,
      script ? scriptService.stats() : null,
      discoveryStats ? discovery.stats() : null,
      ingest ? ingestService.stats() : null,
      adaptiveSelection ? responseCollectorService.getAdaptiveStats(searchTransportService.getPendingSearchRequests()) : null

代码示例来源:origin: harbby/presto-connectors

public NodeStats stats() throws IOException {
  // for indices stats we want to include previous allocated shards stats as well (it will
  // only be applied to the sensible ones to use, like refresh/merge/flush/indexing stats)
  return new NodeStats(discovery.localNode(), System.currentTimeMillis(),
      httpServer == null ? null : httpServer.stats(),

代码示例来源:origin: harbby/presto-connectors

public NodeStats stats(CommonStatsFlags indices, boolean os, boolean process, boolean jvm, boolean threadPool,
              boolean fs, boolean transport, boolean http, boolean circuitBreaker,
              boolean script) {
    // for indices stats we want to include previous allocated shards stats as well (it will
    // only be applied to the sensible ones to use, like refresh/merge/flush/indexing stats)
    return new NodeStats(discovery.localNode(), System.currentTimeMillis(),
        indices.anySet() ? indicesService.stats(true, indices) : null,
        os ? monitorService.osService().stats() : null,
        process ? monitorService.processService().stats() : null,
        jvm ? monitorService.jvmService().stats() : null,
        threadPool ? this.threadPool.stats() : null,
        fs ? monitorService.fsService().stats() : null,
        transport ? transportService.stats() : null,
        http ? (httpServer == null ? null : httpServer.stats()) : null,
        circuitBreaker ? circuitBreakerService.stats() : null,
        script ? scriptService.stats() : null

代码示例来源:origin: com.strapdata.elasticsearch/elasticsearch

public NodeStats stats(CommonStatsFlags indices, boolean os, boolean process, boolean jvm, boolean threadPool,
            boolean fs, boolean transport, boolean http, boolean circuitBreaker,
            boolean script, boolean discoveryStats, boolean ingest) {
  // for indices stats we want to include previous allocated shards stats as well (it will
  // only be applied to the sensible ones to use, like refresh/merge/flush/indexing stats)
  return new NodeStats(discovery.localNode(), System.currentTimeMillis(),
      indices.anySet() ? indicesService.stats(true, indices) : null,
      os ? monitorService.osService().stats() : null,
      process ? monitorService.processService().stats() : null,
      jvm ? monitorService.jvmService().stats() : null,
      threadPool ? this.threadPool.stats() : null,
      fs ? monitorService.fsService().stats() : null,
      transport ? transportService.stats() : null,
      http ? (httpServerTransport == null ? null : httpServerTransport.stats()) : null,
      circuitBreaker ? circuitBreakerService.stats() : null,
      script ? scriptService.stats() : null,
      discoveryStats ? discovery.stats() : null,
      ingest ? ingestService.getPipelineExecutionService().stats() : null

代码示例来源:origin: apache/servicemix-bundles

public NodeStats stats(CommonStatsFlags indices, boolean os, boolean process, boolean jvm, boolean threadPool,
            boolean fs, boolean transport, boolean http, boolean circuitBreaker,
            boolean script, boolean discoveryStats, boolean ingest, boolean adaptiveSelection) {
  // for indices stats we want to include previous allocated shards stats as well (it will
  // only be applied to the sensible ones to use, like refresh/merge/flush/indexing stats)
  return new NodeStats(transportService.getLocalNode(), System.currentTimeMillis(),
      indices.anySet() ? indicesService.stats(true, indices) : null,
      os ? monitorService.osService().stats() : null,
      process ? monitorService.processService().stats() : null,
      jvm ? monitorService.jvmService().stats() : null,
      threadPool ? this.threadPool.stats() : null,
      fs ? monitorService.fsService().stats() : null,
      transport ? transportService.stats() : null,
      http ? (httpServerTransport == null ? null : httpServerTransport.stats()) : null,
      circuitBreaker ? circuitBreakerService.stats() : null,
      script ? scriptService.stats() : null,
      discoveryStats ? discovery.stats() : null,
      ingest ? ingestService.getPipelineExecutionService().stats() : null,
      adaptiveSelection ? responseCollectorService.getAdaptiveStats(searchTransportService.getPendingSearchRequests()) : null

代码示例来源:origin: org.apache.servicemix.bundles/org.apache.servicemix.bundles.elasticsearch

public NodeStats stats(CommonStatsFlags indices, boolean os, boolean process, boolean jvm, boolean threadPool,
            boolean fs, boolean transport, boolean http, boolean circuitBreaker,
            boolean script, boolean discoveryStats, boolean ingest, boolean adaptiveSelection) {
  // for indices stats we want to include previous allocated shards stats as well (it will
  // only be applied to the sensible ones to use, like refresh/merge/flush/indexing stats)
  return new NodeStats(transportService.getLocalNode(), System.currentTimeMillis(),
      indices.anySet() ? indicesService.stats(true, indices) : null,
      os ? monitorService.osService().stats() : null,
      process ? monitorService.processService().stats() : null,
      jvm ? monitorService.jvmService().stats() : null,
      threadPool ? this.threadPool.stats() : null,
      fs ? monitorService.fsService().stats() : null,
      transport ? transportService.stats() : null,
      http ? (httpServerTransport == null ? null : httpServerTransport.stats()) : null,
      circuitBreaker ? circuitBreakerService.stats() : null,
      script ? scriptService.stats() : null,
      discoveryStats ? discovery.stats() : null,
      ingest ? ingestService.stats() : null,
      adaptiveSelection ? responseCollectorService.getAdaptiveStats(searchTransportService.getPendingSearchRequests()) : null
