
x33g5p2x  于2022-01-30 转载在 其他  





代码示例来源:origin: com.hurence.logisland/logisland-ml-client-service-api

  1. @Tags({"ml", "client"})
  2. @CapabilityDescription("A controller service for accessing an ML client.")
  3. public interface MLClientService extends ControllerService {
  4. PropertyDescriptor ML_MODEL_FILE_PATH = new PropertyDescriptor.Builder()
  5. .name("ml.model.file.path")
  6. .description("path to the pre-trained MNIST Deep Learning model file.")
  7. .addValidator(StandardValidators.FILE_EXISTS_VALIDATOR)
  8. .build();
  9. /**
  10. * Restore the previously computed Neural Network model.
  11. *
  12. */
  13. Model restoreModel() ;
  14. }

代码示例来源:origin: com.hurence.logisland/logisland-solr_5_5_5-client-service

  1. @Tags({ "solr", "client"})
  2. @CapabilityDescription("Implementation of ElasticsearchClientService for Solr 5.5.5.")
  3. public class Solr_5_5_5_ClientService extends SolrClientService {
  4. private static org.slf4j.Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(Solr_5_5_5_ClientService.class);
  5. protected SolrClient createCloudClient(String connectionString, String collection) {
  6. CloudSolrClient cloudSolrClient = new CloudSolrClient(connectionString);
  7. cloudSolrClient.setDefaultCollection(collection);
  8. cloudSolrClient.setZkClientTimeout(30000);
  9. cloudSolrClient.setZkConnectTimeout(30000);
  10. return cloudSolrClient;
  11. }
  12. protected SolrClient createHttpClient(String connectionString, String collection) {
  13. return new HttpSolrClient(connectionString + "/" + collection);
  14. }
  15. }

代码示例来源:origin: com.hurence.logisland/logisland-api

  1. @Tags({"stream", "mock", "test"})
  2. @CapabilityDescription("This is a stream for test purpose")
  3. public class MockRecordStream extends AbstractRecordStream {
  4. public static final PropertyDescriptor FAKE_MESSAGE = new PropertyDescriptor.Builder()
  5. .name("fake.message")
  6. .description("a fake message")
  7. .required(true)
  8. .addValidator(StandardValidators.NON_EMPTY_VALIDATOR)
  9. .defaultValue("yoyo")
  10. .build();
  11. @Override
  12. public final List<PropertyDescriptor> getSupportedPropertyDescriptors() {
  13. final List<PropertyDescriptor> descriptors = new ArrayList<>();
  14. descriptors.add(FAKE_MESSAGE);
  15. return Collections.unmodifiableList(descriptors);
  16. }
  17. }

代码示例来源:origin: com.hurence.logisland/logisland-cache-service-api

  1. @Tags({"cache", "service", "key", "value", "pair"})
  2. @CapabilityDescription("A controller service for caching data")
  3. public interface CacheService<K,V> extends ControllerService {

代码示例来源:origin: com.hurence.logisland/logisland-api

  1. @Tags({"cache", "service", "key", "value", "pair"})
  2. @CapabilityDescription("A controller service for caching data")
  3. public interface CacheService<K,V> extends ControllerService {

代码示例来源:origin: com.hurence.logisland/logisland-common-processors-plugin

  1. @Tags({"record", "fields", "remove", "delete"})
  2. @CapabilityDescription("Removes a list of fields defined by a comma separated list of field names")
  3. public class RemoveFields extends AbstractProcessor {

代码示例来源:origin: com.hurence.logisland/logisland-solr_6_6

  1. @Tags({ "solr", "client"})
  2. @CapabilityDescription("Implementation of ElasticsearchClientService for Solr 5.5.5.")
  3. public class Solr_6_6_2_ClientService extends SolrClientService {

代码示例来源:origin: com.hurence.logisland/logisland-ml-client-service

  1. @Tags({"ml", "client"})
  2. @CapabilityDescription("A controller service for accessing an Machine Learning client.")
  3. public class MLClientServiceImpl extends AbstractControllerService implements MLClientService {

代码示例来源:origin: com.hurence.logisland/logisland-common-processors-plugin

  1. @Tags({"record", "fields", "remove", "delete"})
  2. @CapabilityDescription("Keep only distinct records based on a given field")
  3. public class SelectDistinctRecords extends AbstractProcessor {

代码示例来源:origin: com.hurence.logisland/logisland-common-processors-plugin

  1. @Tags({"record", "fields", "remove", "delete"})
  2. @CapabilityDescription("Keep only records based on a given field value")
  3. public class FilterRecords extends AbstractProcessor {

代码示例来源:origin: com.hurence.logisland/logisland-cache_key_value-service-api

  1. @Tags({"cache", "service", "key", "value", "pair", "LRU"})
  2. @CapabilityDescription("A controller service for caching data by key value pair with LRU (last recently used) strategy. using LinkedHashMap")
  3. public class LRUKeyValueCacheService<K,V> extends AbstractControllerService implements CacheService<K,V> {

代码示例来源:origin: com.hurence.logisland/logisland-common-processors-plugin

  1. @Tags({"record", "properties", "parser"})
  2. @CapabilityDescription("Parse a field made of key=value fields separated by spaces\n" +
  3. "a string like \"a=1 b=2 c=3\" will add a,b & c fields, respectively with values 1,2 & 3 to the current Record")

代码示例来源:origin: com.hurence.logisland/logisland-cache_key_value-service-api

  1. @Tags({"cache", "service", "key", "value", "pair", "LRU"})
  2. @CapabilityDescription("A controller service for caching data by key value pair with LRU (last recently used) strategy. using LinkedHashMap")
  3. public class LRUCache<K, V> implements Cache<K,V> {

代码示例来源:origin: com.hurence.logisland/logisland-common-processors-plugin

  1. @Tags({"record", "debug"})
  2. @CapabilityDescription("This is a processor that logs incoming records")
  3. public class DebugStream extends AbstractProcessor {

代码示例来源:origin: com.hurence.logisland/logisland-hbase-plugin

  1. @Tags({"hadoop", "hbase"})
  2. @CapabilityDescription("Adds the Contents of a Record to HBase as the value of a single cell")
  3. public class PutHBaseCell extends AbstractPutHBase {

代码示例来源:origin: com.hurence.logisland/logisland-sampling-plugin

  1. @Tags({"analytic", "sampler", "record", "iot", "timeseries"})
  2. @CapabilityDescription("Query matching based on `Luwak <>`_\n\n" +
  3. "you can use this processor to handle custom events defined by lucene queries\n" +

代码示例来源:origin: com.hurence.logisland/logisland-elasticsearch-plugin

  1. @Tags({"elasticsearch"})
  2. @CapabilityDescription("Indexes the content of a Record in Elasticsearch using elasticsearch's bulk processor")
  3. public class BulkAddElasticsearch extends AbstractElasticsearchProcessor

代码示例来源:origin: com.hurence.logisland/logisland-common-processors-plugin

  1. @Tags({"datastore", "record", "put", "bulk"})
  2. @CapabilityDescription("Indexes the content of a Record in a Datastore using bulk processor")
  3. public class BulkPut extends AbstractDatastoreProcessor

代码示例来源:origin: com.hurence.logisland/logisland-common-processors-plugin

  1. @Tags({"record", "fields", "Add"})
  2. @CapabilityDescription("Add one or more field with a default value\n" +
  3. "...")

代码示例来源:origin: com.hurence.logisland/logisland-common-processors-plugin

  1. @Tags({"record", "fields", "Add"})
  2. @CapabilityDescription("Compute tag cross from given formulas.\n" +
  3. "- each dynamic property will return a new record according to the formula definition\n" +

