代码示例来源:origin: com.github.seykron/htmlunit-maven-plugin
/** {@inheritDoc}
public void timeoutError(final HtmlPage htmlPage, final long allowedTime,
final long executionTime) {
exception = new TimeoutException("JavaScript timeout. Allowed time: "
+ allowedTime + ", Execution time: " + executionTime);
代码示例来源:origin: com.opera/operadriver
* Throws a timeout exception. This method may be overridden to throw an exception that is
* idiomatic for a particular test infrastructure, such as an AssertionError in JUnit4.
* @param message the timeout message
* @param lastException the last exception to be thrown and subsequently suppressed while waiting
* on a function
* @return nothing will ever be returned; this return type is only specified as a convenience
protected RuntimeException timeoutException(String message, Exception lastException) {
throw new TimeoutException(message, lastException);
代码示例来源:origin: net.serenity-bdd/core
protected RuntimeException timeoutException(String message, RuntimeException lastException) {
throw new TimeoutException(message, lastException);
代码示例来源:origin: net.thucydides/thucydides-core
protected RuntimeException timeoutException(String message, RuntimeException lastException) {
throw new TimeoutException(message, lastException);
代码示例来源:origin: net.serenity-bdd/serenity-core
protected RuntimeException timeoutException(String message, RuntimeException lastException) {
throw new TimeoutException(message, lastException);
代码示例来源:origin: com.opera/operadriver
private Exception propagateIfNotIgnored(Exception e) {
for (Class<? extends RuntimeException> ignoredException : ignoredExceptions) {
if (ignoredException.isInstance(e)) {
return e;
throw new TimeoutException(e);
代码示例来源:origin: com.pojosontheweb/selenium-utils-core
* Evaluates this ListFindr. Throws
* a TimeoutException if the condition chain didn't match.
* @param failureMessage A message to include in the timeout exception
* @throws TimeoutException if at least one condition in the chain failed
public void eval(String failureMessage) throws TimeoutException {
try {
} catch(TimeoutException e) {
throw new TimeoutException(failureMessage, e);
代码示例来源:origin: com.pojosontheweb/selenium-utils-core
* Evaluates this Findr, and blocks until all conditions are satisfied. Throws
* a TimeoutException otherwise.
* @param failureMessage A message to be included to the timeout exception
public void eval(String failureMessage) throws TimeoutException {
try {
} catch(TimeoutException e) {
throw new TimeoutException(failureMessage, e);
代码示例来源:origin: com.pojosontheweb/selenium-utils-core
* Evaluates this ListFindr and invokes passed callback if the whole chain suceeded. Throws
* a TimeoutException with passed failure message if the condition chain didn't match.
* @param callback the callback to call if the chain succeeds
* @param <T> the rturn type of the callback
* @return the result of the callback
* @throws TimeoutException if at least one condition in the chain failed
public <T> T eval(Function<List<WebElement>, T> callback, String failureMessage) throws TimeoutException {
try {
return eval(callback);
} catch(TimeoutException e) {
throw new TimeoutException(failureMessage, e);
代码示例来源:origin: com.pojosontheweb/selenium-utils-core
* Evaluates this Findr, and invokes passed callback if the whole chain succeeds. Throws
* a TimeoutException with passed failure message otherwise.
* @param callback the callback to invoke (called if the whole chain of conditions succeeded)
* @param <T> the return type of the callback
* @param failureMessage A message to be included to the timeout exception
* @return the result of the callback
* @throws TimeoutException if at least one condition in the chain failed
public <T> T eval(final Function<WebElement,T> callback, String failureMessage) throws TimeoutException {
try {
return eval(callback);
} catch (TimeoutException e) {
throw new TimeoutException(failureMessage, e);
代码示例来源:origin: org.seleniumhq.selenium/selenium-htmlunit-driver
* Waits for the script to signal it is done by calling {@link #callback(Object) callback}.
* @return The script result.
* @throws InterruptedException If this thread is interrupted before a result is ready.
Object waitForResult() throws InterruptedException {
long startTimeNanos = System.nanoTime();
if (isTimeout) {
long elapsedTimeNanos = System.nanoTime() - startTimeNanos;
long elapsedTimeMillis = TimeUnit.NANOSECONDS.toMillis(elapsedTimeNanos);
throw new TimeoutException(
"Timed out waiting for async script result after " + elapsedTimeMillis + "ms");
if (unloadDetected) {
throw new WebDriverException(
"Detected a page unload event; executeAsyncScript does not work across page loads");
return value;
代码示例来源:origin: com.pojosontheweb/selenium-utils-core
private <T> T wrapWebDriverWait(final Function<WebDriver,T> callback) throws TimeoutException {
try {
return new WebDriverWait(driver, waitTimeout, sleepInMillis).until(callback);
} catch(TimeoutException e) {
// failed to find element(s), build exception message
// and re-throw exception
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
for (Iterator<String> it = path.iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) {
if (it.hasNext()) {
throw new TimeoutException("Timed out trying to find path=" + sb.toString() + ", callback=" + callback, e);
代码示例来源:origin: jenkinsci/acceptance-test-harness
private void waitForOnLineSlave(final Slave s, int timeout){
logger.info(String.format("Wait for the new slave %s to come online in %s seconds",machine.getId(), timeout));
try {
long endTime = System.currentTimeMillis()+ TimeUnit.SECONDS.toMillis(timeout);
while (System.currentTimeMillis()<endTime) {
throw new org.openqa.selenium.TimeoutException(String.format("Slave could not be online in %s seconds",timeout));
} catch (RuntimeException e) {
throw e;
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new Error(String.format("An exception occurred while waiting for slave to be online in %s seconds",timeout),e);
代码示例来源:origin: com.pojosontheweb/selenium-utils-core
private <T> T wrapWebDriverWaitList(final Function<WebDriver,T> callback) throws TimeoutException {
try {
return new WebDriverWait(driver, waitTimeout, sleepInMillis).until(callback);
} catch(TimeoutException e) {
// failed to find element(s), build exception message
// and re-throw exception
ArrayList<String> newPath = new ArrayList<String>(path);
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
for (Iterator<String> it = newPath.iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) {
if (it.hasNext()) {
throw new TimeoutException("Timed out trying to find path=" + sb.toString() + ", callback=" + callback, e);
代码示例来源:origin: org.xwiki.platform/xwiki-platform-test-ui
* Wait till the livetable has finished displaying all its rows (so that we can then assert the livetable content
* without running the risk that the rows have not been updated yet).
public void waitUntilReady()
long t1 = System.currentTimeMillis();
while ((System.currentTimeMillis() - t1 < getDriver().getTimeout() * 1000L)) {
if (isReady()) {
try {
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
// Do nothing just break out
throw new TimeoutException("Livetable isn't ready after the timeout has expired.");
代码示例来源:origin: org.seleniumhq.selenium/selenium-htmlunit-driver
public void refresh() {
if (lastPage() instanceof HtmlPage) {
try {
((HtmlPage) lastPage()).refresh();
} catch (SocketTimeoutException e) {
throw new TimeoutException(e);
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new WebDriverException(e);
代码示例来源:origin: org.kurento/kurento-room-test
public void waitWhileElement(String label, Browser browser, String id) throws TimeoutException {
int originalTimeout = 60;
try {
originalTimeout = browser.getTimeout();
log.debug("Original browser timeout (s): {}, set to 1", originalTimeout);
new WebDriverWait(browser.getWebDriver(), testTimeout, POLLING_LATENCY)
} catch (org.openqa.selenium.TimeoutException e) {
log.warn("Timeout when waiting for element {} to disappear in browser {}", id, label, e);
throw new TimeoutException("Element with id='" + id + "' is present in page after "
+ testTimeout + " seconds");
} finally {
代码示例来源:origin: org.xwiki.platform/xwiki-platform-administration-test-pageobjects
* Select the specified color theme.
* @param colorThemeName name of the color theme to select
public void setColorTheme(String colorThemeName)
// Make sure the color theme that we want to set is available from the list first
try {
getDriver().waitUntilCondition(driver -> getColorThemeOptionElement(colorThemeName) != null);
} catch (TimeoutException e) {
// Collect all available options to display a nice message
List<String> options = new ArrayList<>();
for (WebElement option : getColorThemeOptions()) {
throw new TimeoutException(String.format("Color theme [%s] wasn't found among [%s]", colorThemeName,
StringUtils.join(options, ',')), e);
// Click on it to set the theme
// Waiting to be sure the change is effective
getDriver().waitUntilCondition(driver -> StringUtils.equals(getCurrentColorTheme(), colorThemeName));
代码示例来源:origin: cz.etnetera/seb
protected RuntimeException timeoutException(String message, Throwable lastException) {
TimeoutException ex = new TimeoutException(message, lastException);
ex.addInfo(WebDriverException.DRIVER_INFO, context.getDriver().getClass().getName());
if (context.getDriver() instanceof RemoteWebDriver) {
RemoteWebDriver remote = (RemoteWebDriver) context.getDriver();
if (remote.getSessionId() != null) {
ex.addInfo(WebDriverException.SESSION_ID, remote.getSessionId().toString());
if (remote.getCapabilities() != null) {
ex.addInfo("Capabilities", remote.getCapabilities().toString());
throw ex;
代码示例来源:origin: org.seleniumhq.selenium/selenium-htmlunit-driver
* Allows HtmlUnit's about:blank to be loaded in the constructor, and may be useful for other
* tests?
* @param fullUrl The URL to visit
protected void get(URL fullUrl) {
try {
// A "get" works over the entire page
currentWindow = getCurrentWindow().getTopWindow();
} catch (UnknownHostException e) {
getCurrentWindow().getTopWindow().setEnclosedPage(new UnexpectedPage(
new StringWebResponse("Unknown host", fullUrl),
} catch (ConnectException e) {
// This might be expected
} catch (SocketTimeoutException e) {
throw new TimeoutException(e);
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new WebDriverException(e);
gotPage = true;