
x33g5p2x  于2022-01-30 转载在 其他  



[英]Removes any capture information from the given type or method signature and returns the resulting signature. Returns the type or method signature itself if no capture information is present.

For example:

will return: "LTest<+Ljava.lang.Throwable;>;"


will return: "LTest<+Ljava.lang.Throwable;>;"


代码示例来源:origin: org.eclipse/org.eclipse.jdt.ui

 * TODO this is a temporary workaround for
 * and
 * @param signature the method signature to convert
 * @return the fixed signature
public static char[] fix83600(char[] signature) {
  if (signature == null || signature.length < 2)
    return signature;
  return Signature.removeCapture(signature);

代码示例来源:origin: org.eclipse.jdt/org.eclipse.jdt.core.manipulation

 * TODO this is a temporary workaround for
 * and
 * @param signature the method signature to convert
 * @return the fixed signature
public static char[] fix83600(char[] signature) {
  if (signature == null || signature.length < 2)
    return signature;
  return Signature.removeCapture(signature);

代码示例来源:origin: org.eclipse.scout.sdk.deps/org.eclipse.jdt.ui

 * TODO this is a temporary workaround for
 * and
 * @param signature the method signature to convert
 * @return the fixed signature
public static char[] fix83600(char[] signature) {
  if (signature == null || signature.length < 2)
    return signature;
  return Signature.removeCapture(signature);

代码示例来源:origin: org.eclipse.scout.sdk.deps/org.eclipse.jdt.core

 * Removes any capture information from the given type or method signature
 * and returns the resulting signature.
 * Returns the type or method signature itself if no capture information is
 * present.
 * <p>
 * For example:
 * <pre>
 * <code>
 * removeCapture("LTest&lt;!+Ljava.lang.Throwable;&gt;;")
 * will return: "LTest&lt;+Ljava.lang.Throwable;&gt;;"
 * </code>
 * </pre>
 * </p>
 * @param methodOrTypeSignature the signature which may have been captured
 * @return a new signature without capture information or the signature itself
 *     if no specific capture information is present
 * @exception NullPointerException if <code>methodOrTypeSignature</code> is null
 * @since 3.1
public static String removeCapture(String methodOrTypeSignature) {
  char[] array = methodOrTypeSignature.toCharArray();
  char[] result = removeCapture(array);
  if (array == result) return methodOrTypeSignature;
  return new String(result);

代码示例来源:origin: org.eclipse.jdt/org.eclipse.jdt.core

 * Removes any capture information from the given type or method signature
 * and returns the resulting signature.
 * Returns the type or method signature itself if no capture information is
 * present.
 * <p>
 * For example:
 * <pre>
 * <code>
 * removeCapture("LTest&lt;!+Ljava.lang.Throwable;&gt;;")
 * will return: "LTest&lt;+Ljava.lang.Throwable;&gt;;"
 * </code>
 * </pre>
 * </p>
 * @param methodOrTypeSignature the signature which may have been captured
 * @return a new signature without capture information or the signature itself
 *     if no specific capture information is present
 * @exception NullPointerException if <code>methodOrTypeSignature</code> is null
 * @since 3.1
public static String removeCapture(String methodOrTypeSignature) {
  char[] array = methodOrTypeSignature.toCharArray();
  char[] result = removeCapture(array);
  if (array == result) return methodOrTypeSignature;
  return new String(result);


 * Removes any capture information from the given type or method signature
 * and returns the resulting signature.
 * Returns the type or method signature itself if no capture information is
 * present.
 * <p>
 * For example:
 * <pre>
 * <code>
 * removeCapture("LTest&lt;!+Ljava.lang.Throwable;&gt;;")
 * will return: "LTest&lt;+Ljava.lang.Throwable;&gt;;"
 * </code>
 * </pre>
 * </p>
 * @param methodOrTypeSignature the signature which may have been captured
 * @return a new signature without capture information or the signature itself
 *     if no specific capture information is present
 * @exception NullPointerException if <code>methodOrTypeSignature</code> is null
 * @since 3.1
public static String removeCapture(String methodOrTypeSignature) {
  char[] array = methodOrTypeSignature.toCharArray();
  char[] result = removeCapture(array);
  if (array == result) return methodOrTypeSignature;
  return new String(result);


 * Removes any capture information from the given type or method signature
 * and returns the resulting signature.
 * Returns the type or method signature itself if no capture information is
 * present.
 * <p>
 * For example:
 * <pre>
 * <code>
 * removeCapture("LTest&lt;!+Ljava.lang.Throwable;&gt;;")
 * will return: "LTest&lt;+Ljava.lang.Throwable;&gt;;"
 * </code>
 * </pre>
 * </p>
 * @param methodOrTypeSignature the signature which may have been captured
 * @return a new signature without capture information or the signature itself
 *     if no specific capture information is present
 * @exception NullPointerException if <code>methodOrTypeSignature</code> is null
 * @since 3.1
public static String removeCapture(String methodOrTypeSignature) {
  char[] array = methodOrTypeSignature.toCharArray();
  char[] result = removeCapture(array);
  if (array == result) return methodOrTypeSignature;
  return new String(result);

代码示例来源:origin: trylimits/Eclipse-Postfix-Code-Completion

 * Removes any capture information from the given type or method signature
 * and returns the resulting signature.
 * Returns the type or method signature itself if no capture information is
 * present.
 * <p>
 * For example:
 * <pre>
 * <code>
 * removeCapture("LTest&lt;!+Ljava.lang.Throwable;&gt;;")
 * will return: "LTest&lt;+Ljava.lang.Throwable;&gt;;"
 * </code>
 * </pre>
 * </p>
 * @param methodOrTypeSignature the signature which may have been captured
 * @return a new signature without capture information or the signature itself
 *     if no specific capture information is present
 * @exception NullPointerException if <code>methodOrTypeSignature</code> is null
 * @since 3.1
public static String removeCapture(String methodOrTypeSignature) {
  char[] array = methodOrTypeSignature.toCharArray();
  char[] result = removeCapture(array);
  if (array == result) return methodOrTypeSignature;
  return new String(result);

代码示例来源:origin: org.eclipse.tycho/org.eclipse.jdt.core

 * Removes any capture information from the given type or method signature
 * and returns the resulting signature.
 * Returns the type or method signature itself if no capture information is
 * present.
 * <p>
 * For example:
 * <pre>
 * <code>
 * removeCapture("LTest&lt;!+Ljava.lang.Throwable;&gt;;")
 * will return: "LTest&lt;+Ljava.lang.Throwable;&gt;;"
 * </code>
 * </pre>
 * </p>
 * @param methodOrTypeSignature the signature which may have been captured
 * @return a new signature without capture information or the signature itself
 *     if no specific capture information is present
 * @exception NullPointerException if <code>methodOrTypeSignature</code> is null
 * @since 3.1
public static String removeCapture(String methodOrTypeSignature) {
  char[] array = methodOrTypeSignature.toCharArray();
  char[] result = removeCapture(array);
  if (array == result) return methodOrTypeSignature;
  return new String(result);

代码示例来源:origin: com.vaadin/vaadin-client-compiler-deps

char[] source = Signature.removeCapture(typeSignature.toCharArray());
CharOperation.replace(source, '$', '.');

代码示例来源:origin: org.eclipse.tycho/org.eclipse.jdt.core

char[] source = Signature.removeCapture(typeSignature.toCharArray());
CharOperation.replace(source, '$', '.');

代码示例来源:origin: org.eclipse.scout.sdk.deps/org.eclipse.jdt.core

char[] source = Signature.removeCapture(typeSignature.toCharArray());
CharOperation.replace(source, '$', '.');

代码示例来源:origin: org.eclipse.jdt/org.eclipse.jdt.core

char[] source = Signature.removeCapture(typeSignature.toCharArray());
CharOperation.replace(source, '$', '.');


char[] source = Signature.removeCapture(typeSignature.toCharArray());
CharOperation.replace(source, '$', '.');


char[] source = Signature.removeCapture(typeSignature.toCharArray());
CharOperation.replace(source, '$', '.');

代码示例来源:origin: org.eclipse.jdt/org.eclipse.jdt.core

  public boolean canUseDiamond(CompletionContext coreContext) {
    if (this.getKind() != CONSTRUCTOR_INVOCATION) return false;
    if (coreContext instanceof InternalCompletionContext) {
      InternalCompletionContext internalCompletionContext = (InternalCompletionContext) coreContext;
      if (internalCompletionContext.extendedContext == null) return false;
      char[] name1 = this.declarationPackageName;
      char[] name2 = this.declarationTypeName;
      char[] declarationType = CharOperation.concat(name1, name2, '.');  // fully qualified name
      // even if the type arguments used in the method have been substituted,
      // extract the original type arguments only, since thats what we want to compare with the class
      // type variables (Substitution might have happened when the constructor is coming from another
      // CU and not the current one).
      char[] sign = (this.originalSignature != null)? this.originalSignature : getSignature();
      if (!(sign == null || sign.length < 2)) {
        sign = Signature.removeCapture(sign);
      char[][] types= Signature.getParameterTypes(sign);
      String[] paramTypeNames= new String[types.length];
      for (int i= 0; i < types.length; i++) {
        paramTypeNames[i]= new String(Signature.toCharArray(types[i]));
      return internalCompletionContext.extendedContext.canUseDiamond(paramTypeNames,declarationType);
    else {
      return false;

代码示例来源:origin: org.eclipse.tycho/org.eclipse.jdt.core

public boolean canUseDiamond(CompletionContext coreContext) {
    if (this.getKind() != CONSTRUCTOR_INVOCATION) return false;
    if (coreContext instanceof InternalCompletionContext) {
      InternalCompletionContext internalCompletionContext = (InternalCompletionContext) coreContext;
      if (internalCompletionContext.extendedContext == null) return false;
      char[] name1 = this.declarationPackageName;
      char[] name2 = this.declarationTypeName;
      char[] declarationType = CharOperation.concat(name1, name2, '.');  // fully qualified name
      // even if the type arguments used in the method have been substituted,
      // extract the original type arguments only, since thats what we want to compare with the class
      // type variables (Substitution might have happened when the constructor is coming from another
      // CU and not the current one).
      char[] sign = (this.originalSignature != null)? this.originalSignature : getSignature();
      if (!(sign == null || sign.length < 2)) {
        sign = Signature.removeCapture(sign);
      char[][] types= Signature.getParameterTypes(sign);
      String[] paramTypeNames= new String[types.length];
      for (int i= 0; i < types.length; i++) {
        paramTypeNames[i]= new String(Signature.toCharArray(types[i]));
      return internalCompletionContext.extendedContext.canUseDiamond(paramTypeNames,declarationType);
    else {
      return false;


public boolean canUseDiamond(CompletionContext coreContext) {
    if (this.getKind() != CONSTRUCTOR_INVOCATION) return false;
    if (coreContext instanceof InternalCompletionContext) {
      InternalCompletionContext internalCompletionContext = (InternalCompletionContext) coreContext;
      if (internalCompletionContext.extendedContext == null) return false;
      char[] name1 = this.declarationPackageName;
      char[] name2 = this.declarationTypeName;
      char[] declarationType = CharOperation.concat(name1, name2, '.');  // fully qualified name
      // even if the type arguments used in the method have been substituted,
      // extract the original type arguments only, since thats what we want to compare with the class
      // type variables (Substitution might have happened when the constructor is coming from another
      // CU and not the current one).
      char[] sign = (this.originalSignature != null)? this.originalSignature : getSignature();
      if (!(sign == null || sign.length < 2)) {
        sign = Signature.removeCapture(sign);
      char[][] types= Signature.getParameterTypes(sign);
      String[] paramTypeNames= new String[types.length];
      for (int i= 0; i < types.length; i++) {
        paramTypeNames[i]= new String(Signature.toCharArray(types[i]));
      return internalCompletionContext.extendedContext.canUseDiamond(paramTypeNames,declarationType);
    else {
      return false;

代码示例来源:origin: trylimits/Eclipse-Postfix-Code-Completion

public boolean canUseDiamond(CompletionContext coreContext) {
    if (this.getKind() != CONSTRUCTOR_INVOCATION) return false;
    if (coreContext instanceof InternalCompletionContext) {
      InternalCompletionContext internalCompletionContext = (InternalCompletionContext) coreContext;
      if (internalCompletionContext.extendedContext == null) return false;
      char[] name1 = this.declarationPackageName;
      char[] name2 = this.declarationTypeName;
      char[] declarationType = CharOperation.concat(name1, name2, '.');  // fully qualified name
      // even if the type arguments used in the method have been substituted,
      // extract the original type arguments only, since thats what we want to compare with the class
      // type variables (Substitution might have happened when the constructor is coming from another
      // CU and not the current one).
      char[] sign = (this.originalSignature != null)? this.originalSignature : getSignature();
      if (!(sign == null || sign.length < 2)) {
        sign = Signature.removeCapture(sign);
      char[][] types= Signature.getParameterTypes(sign);
      String[] paramTypeNames= new String[types.length];
      for (int i= 0; i < types.length; i++) {
        paramTypeNames[i]= new String(Signature.toCharArray(types[i]));
      return internalCompletionContext.extendedContext.canUseDiamond(paramTypeNames,declarationType);
    else {
      return false;

代码示例来源:origin: org.eclipse.scout.sdk.deps/org.eclipse.jdt.core

public boolean canUseDiamond(CompletionContext coreContext) {
    if (this.getKind() != CONSTRUCTOR_INVOCATION) return false;
    if (coreContext instanceof InternalCompletionContext) {
      InternalCompletionContext internalCompletionContext = (InternalCompletionContext) coreContext;
      if (internalCompletionContext.extendedContext == null) return false;
      char[] name1 = this.declarationPackageName;
      char[] name2 = this.declarationTypeName;
      char[] declarationType = CharOperation.concat(name1, name2, '.');  // fully qualified name
      // even if the type arguments used in the method have been substituted,
      // extract the original type arguments only, since thats what we want to compare with the class
      // type variables (Substitution might have happened when the constructor is coming from another
      // CU and not the current one).
      char[] sign = (this.originalSignature != null)? this.originalSignature : getSignature();
      if (!(sign == null || sign.length < 2)) {
        sign = Signature.removeCapture(sign);
      char[][] types= Signature.getParameterTypes(sign);
      String[] paramTypeNames= new String[types.length];
      for (int i= 0; i < types.length; i++) {
        paramTypeNames[i]= new String(Signature.toCharArray(types[i]));
      return internalCompletionContext.extendedContext.canUseDiamond(paramTypeNames,declarationType);
    else {
      return false;
