[英]Throw this exception to indicate that a partial function doesn't match.
代码示例来源:origin: com.typesafe.play/play_2.12
* Acceptor for JSON WebSockets.
* @param in The class of the incoming messages, used to decode them from the JSON.
* @param <In> The websocket's input type (what it receives from clients)
* @param <Out> The websocket's output type (what it writes to clients)
* @return The WebSocket acceptor.
public static <In, Out> MappedWebSocketAcceptor<In, Out> json(Class<In> in) {
return new MappedWebSocketAcceptor<>(Scala.partialFunction(message -> {
try {
if (message instanceof Message.Binary) {
return F.Either.Left(play.libs.Json.mapper().readValue(((Message.Binary) message).data().iterator().asInputStream(), in));
} else if (message instanceof Message.Text) {
return F.Either.Left(play.libs.Json.mapper().readValue(((Message.Text) message).data(), in));
} catch (Exception e) {
return F.Either.Right(new Message.Close(CloseCodes.Unacceptable(), e.getMessage()));
throw Scala.noMatch();
}), outMessage -> {
try {
return new Message.Text(play.libs.Json.mapper().writeValueAsString(outMessage));
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
代码示例来源:origin: com.typesafe.play/play_2.11
* Acceptor for JSON WebSockets.
* @param in The class of the incoming messages, used to decode them from the JSON.
* @param <In> The websocket's input type (what it receives from clients)
* @param <Out> The websocket's output type (what it writes to clients)
* @return The WebSocket acceptor.
public static <In, Out> MappedWebSocketAcceptor<In, Out> json(Class<In> in) {
return new MappedWebSocketAcceptor<>(Scala.partialFunction(message -> {
try {
if (message instanceof Message.Binary) {
return F.Either.Left(play.libs.Json.mapper().readValue(((Message.Binary) message).data().iterator().asInputStream(), in));
} else if (message instanceof Message.Text) {
return F.Either.Left(play.libs.Json.mapper().readValue(((Message.Text) message).data(), in));
} catch (Exception e) {
return F.Either.Right(new Message.Close(CloseCodes.Unacceptable(), e.getMessage()));
throw Scala.noMatch();
}), outMessage -> {
try {
return new Message.Text(play.libs.Json.mapper().writeValueAsString(outMessage));
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
代码示例来源:origin: com.typesafe.play/play
* Acceptor for JSON WebSockets.
* @param in The class of the incoming messages, used to decode them from the JSON.
* @param <In> The websocket's input type (what it receives from clients)
* @param <Out> The websocket's output type (what it writes to clients)
* @return The WebSocket acceptor.
public static <In, Out> MappedWebSocketAcceptor<In, Out> json(Class<In> in) {
return new MappedWebSocketAcceptor<>(Scala.partialFunction(message -> {
try {
if (message instanceof Message.Binary) {
return F.Either.Left(play.libs.Json.mapper().readValue(((Message.Binary) message).data().iterator().asInputStream(), in));
} else if (message instanceof Message.Text) {
return F.Either.Left(play.libs.Json.mapper().readValue(((Message.Text) message).data(), in));
} catch (Exception e) {
return F.Either.Right(new Message.Close(CloseCodes.Unacceptable(), e.getMessage()));
throw Scala.noMatch();
}), outMessage -> {
try {
return new Message.Text(play.libs.Json.mapper().writeValueAsString(outMessage));
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
代码示例来源:origin: com.typesafe.play/play_2.12
return x.left.get();
} else {
throw Scala.noMatch();
return x.right.get();
} else {
throw Scala.noMatch();
代码示例来源:origin: com.typesafe.play/play
return x.left.get();
} else {
throw Scala.noMatch();
return x.right.get();
} else {
throw Scala.noMatch();
代码示例来源:origin: com.typesafe.play/play_2.11
return x.left.get();
} else {
throw Scala.noMatch();
return x.right.get();
} else {
throw Scala.noMatch();