
x33g5p2x  于2022-01-31 转载在 其他  



[英]Fetches a native pointer from a given memory address. If the address is zero, or does not point into a block obtained from #allocateMemory, the results are undefined.

If the native pointer is less than 64 bits wide, it is extended as an unsigned number to a Java long. The pointer may be indexed by any given byte offset, simply by adding that offset (as a simple integer) to the long representing the pointer. The number of bytes actually read from the target address maybe determined by consulting #addressSize.
如果本机指针的宽度小于64位,则会将其作为无符号数扩展到Java long。指针可以通过任何给定的字节偏移量进行索引,只需将该偏移量(作为一个简单的整数)添加到表示指针的long中即可。从目标地址实际读取的字节数可能由#addressSize决定。


代码示例来源:origin: cubedb/cubedb

public boolean hasNext() {
 while (offset < map.partitionCount) {
  long locationAddress =
    map.unsafe.getAddress(map.partitionAddress + (offset * map.addressSize));
  if (locationAddress == 0) {
 return offset < map.partitionCount;

代码示例来源:origin: org.lwjgl.lwjgl/lwjgl_util

public static long aget(long addr) {
  return INSTANCE.getAddress(addr);

代码示例来源:origin: cubedb/cubedb

public boolean hasNext() {
 while (offset < map.partitionCount) {
  long locationAddress =
    map.unsafe.getAddress(map.partitionAddress + (offset * map.addressSize));
  if (locationAddress == 0) {
 return offset < map.partitionCount;

代码示例来源:origin: Devexperts/lin-check

public static final long getAddress(long address) {
 return UNSAFE.getAddress(address);

代码示例来源:origin: serkan-ozal/mysafe

public long getAddress(Unsafe unsafe, long address) {
  return unsafe.getAddress(address);

代码示例来源:origin: Devexperts/lin-check

private static final long pg_AvailableChunks_pop(long addressPage) {
 //long availableChunks = addressPage+ZMPAGE_AVAILABLECHUNKS_OFFSET;
 long head = UNSAFE.getAddress(addressPage);
 if (head != NULL_ADDRESS) {
  UNSAFE.putAddress(addressPage, UNSAFE.getAddress(head));
  long numAvailableChunks = addressPage+ZMPAGE_NUMAVAILABLECHUNKS_OFFSET;
  UNSAFE.putInt(numAvailableChunks, UNSAFE.getInt(numAvailableChunks) - 1);
 }//meet a full zmalloc page when head ==0L
 return head;

代码示例来源:origin: net.bramp.unsafe/unsafe-helper

public static long jvm7_32_sizeOf(Object object){
  // This is getting the size out of the class header (at offset 12)
  return unsafe.getAddress(normalize(unsafe.getInt(object, 4L)) + 12L);

代码示例来源:origin: bramp/unsafe

public static long jvm7_32_sizeOf(Object object) {
 // This is getting the size out of the class header (at offset 12)
 return unsafe.getAddress(normalize(unsafe.getInt(object, 4L)) + 12L);

代码示例来源:origin: Devexperts/lin-check

private static final void pg_AvailableChunks_push(long addressPage,
                         long addressChunk) {
 //availableChunks = addressPage
 long head = UNSAFE.getAddress(addressPage);
 UNSAFE.putAddress(addressPage, addressChunk);
 UNSAFE.putAddress(addressChunk, head);
 long numAvailableChunks = addressPage+ZMPAGE_NUMAVAILABLECHUNKS_OFFSET;
 UNSAFE.putInt(numAvailableChunks, UNSAFE.getInt(numAvailableChunks) + 1);

代码示例来源:origin: apache/mnemonic

public Customer getCustomer() throws RetrieveDurableEntityError {
 if (null == m_customer_680E5D) {
  long phandler = m_unsafe_0DCC8A.getAddress(m_holder_A8BF22.get() + 16);
  if (0L != phandler) {
   m_customer_680E5D = org.apache.mnemonic.examples.CustomerFactory.restore(m_allocator_42A80A, null, null, phandler, m_autoreclaim_FA3692, m_reclaimcontext_D713D9);
 return m_customer_680E5D;

代码示例来源:origin: apache/mnemonic

public DurableSinglyLinkedList<Product> getItems() throws RetrieveDurableEntityError {
 if (null == m_items_2E6397) {
  long phandler = m_unsafe_0DCC8A.getAddress(m_holder_A8BF22.get() + 24);
  if (0L != phandler) {
   m_items_2E6397 = org.apache.mnemonic.collections.DurableSinglyLinkedListFactory.restore(m_allocator_42A80A, m_node_efproxies, m_node_gftypes, phandler, m_autoreclaim_FA3692, m_reclaimcontext_D713D9);
 return m_items_2E6397;

代码示例来源:origin: apache/mnemonic

public TreeNode<E> getLeft() {
 if (null == m_left_491DCA) {
  long phandler = m_unsafe_EE978A.getAddress(m_holder_E5EEE3.get() + 8);
  if (0L != phandler) {
   m_left_491DCA = org.apache.mnemonic.collections.TreeNodeFactory.restore(m_allocator_873DA6, m_node_efproxies, m_node_gftypes, phandler, m_autoreclaim_3AECF4, m_reclaimcontext_11DAB9);
 return m_left_491DCA;

代码示例来源:origin: apache/mnemonic

public TreeNode<E> getRight() {
 if (null == m_right_EE76A8) {
  long phandler = m_unsafe_EE978A.getAddress(m_holder_E5EEE3.get() + 16);
  if (0L != phandler) {
   m_right_EE76A8 = org.apache.mnemonic.collections.TreeNodeFactory.restore(m_allocator_873DA6, m_node_efproxies, m_node_gftypes, phandler, m_autoreclaim_3AECF4, m_reclaimcontext_11DAB9);
 return m_right_EE76A8;

代码示例来源:origin: apache/mnemonic

public SinglyLinkedNode<E> getNext() {
 if (null == m_next_AE9475) {
  long phandler = m_unsafe_14FE52.getAddress(m_holder_2B4355.get() + 8);
  if (0L != phandler) {
   m_next_AE9475 = org.apache.mnemonic.collections.SinglyLinkedNodeFactory.restore(m_allocator_506034, m_node_efproxies, m_node_gftypes, phandler, m_autoreclaim_8BE701, m_reclaimcontext_24E34B);
 return m_next_AE9475;

代码示例来源:origin: apache/mnemonic

public TreeNode<E> getParent() {
 if (null == m_parent_CA94DC) {
  long phandler = m_unsafe_EE978A.getAddress(m_holder_E5EEE3.get() + 24);
  if (0L != phandler) {
   m_parent_CA94DC = org.apache.mnemonic.collections.TreeNodeFactory.restore(m_allocator_873DA6, m_node_efproxies, m_node_gftypes, phandler, m_autoreclaim_3AECF4, m_reclaimcontext_11DAB9);
 return m_parent_CA94DC;

代码示例来源:origin: apache/mnemonic

public String getId() throws RetrieveDurableEntityError {
 if (null == m_id_367F9B) {
  long phandler = m_unsafe_0DCC8A.getAddress(m_holder_A8BF22.get() + 0);
  if (0L != phandler) {
   m_id_367F9B = m_allocator_42A80A.retrieveBuffer(phandler, m_autoreclaim_FA3692, m_reclaimcontext_D713D9);
   if (null == m_id_367F9B) {
    throw new RetrieveDurableEntityError("Retrieve String Buffer Failure.");
 return null == m_id_367F9B ? null : m_id_367F9B.get().asCharBuffer().toString();

代码示例来源:origin: apache/mnemonic

public String getName() throws RetrieveDurableEntityError {
 if (null == m_name_9807CF) {
  long phandler = m_unsafe_760FBE.getAddress(m_holder_68BA57.get() + 0);
  if (0L != phandler) {
   m_name_9807CF = m_allocator_77CA34.retrieveBuffer(phandler, m_autoreclaim_7E4A25, m_reclaimcontext_B5B531);
   if (null == m_name_9807CF) {
    throw new RetrieveDurableEntityError("Retrieve String Buffer Failure.");
 return null == m_name_9807CF ? null : m_name_9807CF.get().asCharBuffer().toString();

代码示例来源:origin: apache/mnemonic

public String getStr() throws RetrieveDurableEntityError {
 if (null == m_str_A55313) {
  long phandler = m_unsafe_AE4FB2.getAddress(m_holder_5BC267.get() + 0);
  if (0L != phandler) {
   m_str_A55313 = m_allocator_CF10A9.retrieveBuffer(phandler, m_autoreclaim_8F4B75, m_reclaimcontext_998750);
   if (null == m_str_A55313) {
    throw new RetrieveDurableEntityError("Retrieve String Buffer Failure.");
 return null == m_str_A55313 ? null : m_str_A55313.get().asCharBuffer().toString();

代码示例来源:origin: org.graalvm.compiler/compiler

@Operation(opcode = Opcode.READ_POINTER)
public <T extends WordBase> T readWord(WordBase offset, LocationIdentity locationIdentity) {
  return box(UNSAFE.getAddress(add((Word) offset).unbox()));

代码示例来源:origin: org.graalvm.compiler/compiler

@Operation(opcode = Opcode.READ_POINTER)
public <T extends WordBase> T readWord(WordBase offset) {
  return box(UNSAFE.getAddress(add((Word) offset).unbox()));

