代码示例来源:origin: apache/tinkerpop
public Graph graph() {
return this.inVertex.graph();
代码示例来源:origin: apache/tinkerpop
* {@inheritDoc}
public default Graph graph() {
return this.element().graph();
代码示例来源:origin: apache/tinkerpop
public static Edge createEdge(final Attachable<Edge> attachableEdge, final Vertex hostVertex) {
return Method.createEdge(attachableEdge, hostVertex.graph()); // TODO (make local to vertex)
代码示例来源:origin: hugegraph/hugegraph
private Iterator<Vertex> vertices(Traverser.Admin<Vertex> traverser) {
HugeGraph graph = (HugeGraph) traverser.get().graph();
Vertex vertex = traverser.get();
Iterator<Edge> edges = this.edges(traverser);
Iterator<Vertex> vertices = graph.adjacentVertices(edges);
if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
LOG.debug("HugeVertexStep.vertices(): is there adjacent " +
"vertices of {}: {}, has={}",
vertex.id(), vertices.hasNext(), this.hasContainers);
if (this.hasContainers.isEmpty()) {
return vertices;
// TODO: query by vertex index to optimize
return TraversalUtil.filterResult(this.hasContainers, vertices);
代码示例来源:origin: apache/tinkerpop
* Assign key/value pairs as properties to an {@link org.apache.tinkerpop.gremlin.structure.Vertex}. If the value of {@link T#id} or
* {@link T#label} is in the set of pairs, then they are ignored.
* The {@link org.apache.tinkerpop.gremlin.structure.VertexProperty.Cardinality} of the key is determined from the {@link org.apache.tinkerpop.gremlin.structure.Graph.Features.VertexFeatures}.
* @param vertex the graph vertex to assign the {@code propertyKeyValues}
* @param propertyKeyValues the key/value pairs to assign to the {@code element}
* @throws ClassCastException if the value of the key is not a {@link String}
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the value of {@code element} is null
public static void attachProperties(final Vertex vertex, final Object... propertyKeyValues) {
if (null == vertex)
throw Graph.Exceptions.argumentCanNotBeNull("vertex");
for (int i = 0; i < propertyKeyValues.length; i = i + 2) {
if (!propertyKeyValues[i].equals(T.id) && !propertyKeyValues[i].equals(T.label))
vertex.property(vertex.graph().features().vertex().getCardinality((String) propertyKeyValues[i]), (String) propertyKeyValues[i], propertyKeyValues[i + 1]);
代码示例来源:origin: apache/tinkerpop
* Set the provided key to the provided value using default {@link VertexProperty.Cardinality} for that key.
* The default cardinality can be vendor defined and is usually tied to the graph schema.
* The default implementation of this method determines the cardinality
* {@code graph().features().vertex().getCardinality(key)}. The provided key/values are the properties of the
* newly created {@link VertexProperty}. These key/values must be provided in an even number where the odd
* numbered arguments are {@link String}.
* @param key the key of the vertex property
* @param value The value of the vertex property
* @param keyValues the key/value pairs to turn into vertex property properties
* @param <V> the type of the value of the vertex property
* @return the newly created vertex property
public default <V> VertexProperty<V> property(final String key, final V value, final Object... keyValues) {
return this.property(graph().features().vertex().getCardinality(key), key, value, keyValues);
代码示例来源:origin: apache/tinkerpop
public static VertexProperty createVertexProperty(final Attachable<VertexProperty> attachableVertexProperty, final Vertex hostVertex) {
final VertexProperty<Object> baseVertexProperty = attachableVertexProperty.get();
final VertexProperty vertexProperty = hostVertex.graph().features().vertex().properties().willAllowId(baseVertexProperty.id()) ?
hostVertex.property(hostVertex.graph().features().vertex().getCardinality(baseVertexProperty.key()), baseVertexProperty.key(), baseVertexProperty.value(), T.id, baseVertexProperty.id()) :
hostVertex.property(hostVertex.graph().features().vertex().getCardinality(baseVertexProperty.key()), baseVertexProperty.key(), baseVertexProperty.value());
baseVertexProperty.properties().forEachRemaining(p -> vertexProperty.property(p.key(), p.value()));
return vertexProperty;
代码示例来源:origin: apache/tinkerpop
public <O extends OutputShim> void write(final KryoShim<?, O> kryo, final O output, final Vertex vertex) {
kryo.writeClassAndObject(output, vertex.id());
final Iterator<? extends VertexProperty> properties = vertex.properties();
while (properties.hasNext()) {
final VertexProperty vp = properties.next();
kryo.writeClassAndObject(output, vp.id());
kryo.writeClassAndObject(output, vp.value());
if (vp instanceof DetachedVertexProperty || (vertex.graph().features().vertex().supportsMetaProperties())) {
writeElementProperties(kryo, output, vp);
} else {
代码示例来源:origin: org.apache.tinkerpop/tinkergraph-gremlin
public Graph graph() {
return this.inVertex.graph();
代码示例来源:origin: io.shiftleft/tinkergraph-gremlin
public Graph graph() {
return this.inVertex.graph();
代码示例来源:origin: apache/tinkerpop
* Creates a new {@link StarGraph} from a {@link Vertex}.
public static StarGraph of(final Vertex vertex) {
if (vertex instanceof StarVertex) return (StarGraph) vertex.graph();
// else convert to a star graph
final StarGraph starGraph = new StarGraph();
final StarVertex starVertex = (StarVertex) starGraph.addVertex(T.id, vertex.id(), T.label, vertex.label());
final boolean supportsMetaProperties = vertex.graph().features().vertex().supportsMetaProperties();
vertex.properties().forEachRemaining(vp -> {
final VertexProperty<?> starVertexProperty = starVertex.property(VertexProperty.Cardinality.list, vp.key(), vp.value(), T.id, vp.id());
if (supportsMetaProperties)
vp.properties().forEachRemaining(p -> starVertexProperty.property(p.key(), p.value()));
vertex.edges(Direction.IN).forEachRemaining(edge -> {
final Edge starEdge = starVertex.addInEdge(edge.label(), starGraph.addVertex(T.id, edge.outVertex().id()), T.id, edge.id());
edge.properties().forEachRemaining(p -> starEdge.property(p.key(), p.value()));
vertex.edges(Direction.OUT).forEachRemaining(edge -> {
final Edge starEdge = starVertex.addOutEdge(edge.label(), starGraph.addVertex(T.id, edge.inVertex().id()), T.id, edge.id());
edge.properties().forEachRemaining(p -> starEdge.property(p.key(), p.value()));
return starGraph;
代码示例来源:origin: hugegraph/hugegraph
private Iterator<Edge> edges(Traverser.Admin<Vertex> traverser) {
HugeGraph graph = (HugeGraph) traverser.get().graph();
List<HasContainer> conditions = this.hasContainers;
代码示例来源:origin: org.apache.tinkerpop/gremlin-core
* {@inheritDoc}
public default Graph graph() {
return this.element().graph();
代码示例来源:origin: org.apache.tinkerpop/gremlin-core
public static Edge createEdge(final Attachable<Edge> attachableEdge, final Vertex hostVertex) {
return Method.createEdge(attachableEdge, hostVertex.graph()); // TODO (make local to vertex)
代码示例来源:origin: apache/tinkerpop
public <V> Property<V> setProperty(final Neo4jVertexProperty vertexProperty, final String key, final V value) {
final Neo4jNode vertexPropertyNode = Neo4jHelper.getVertexPropertyNode(vertexProperty);
if (null != vertexPropertyNode) {
vertexPropertyNode.setProperty(key, value);
return new Neo4jProperty<>(vertexProperty, key, value);
} else {
final Neo4jNode vertexNode = ((Neo4jVertex) vertexProperty.element()).getBaseVertex();
final Neo4jNode newVertexPropertyNode = ((WrappedGraph<Neo4jGraphAPI>) vertexProperty.element().graph()).getBaseGraph().createNode(VERTEX_PROPERTY_LABEL, vertexProperty.label());
newVertexPropertyNode.setProperty(T.key.getAccessor(), vertexProperty.key());
newVertexPropertyNode.setProperty(T.value.getAccessor(), vertexProperty.value());
newVertexPropertyNode.setProperty(vertexProperty.key(), vertexProperty.value());
newVertexPropertyNode.setProperty(key, value);
vertexNode.connectTo(newVertexPropertyNode, Graph.Hidden.hide(vertexProperty.key()));
vertexNode.setProperty(vertexProperty.key(), VERTEX_PROPERTY_TOKEN);
Neo4jHelper.setVertexPropertyNode(vertexProperty, newVertexPropertyNode);
return new Neo4jProperty<>(vertexProperty, key, value);
代码示例来源:origin: MartinHaeusler/chronos
* Sets the EClass for the EObject represented by the given vertex.
* @param registry The {@linkplain ChronoEPackageRegistry package} to work with. Must not be <code>null</code>.
* @param vertex The vertex representing the EObject to set the EClass for. Must not be <code>null</code>.
* @param eClass The eClass to use. Must be part of the given package. Must not be <code>null</code>.
public static void setEClassForEObjectVertex(final ChronoEPackageRegistry registry, final Vertex vertex,
final EClass eClass) {
checkNotNull(registry, "Precondition violation - argument 'registry' must not be NULL!");
checkNotNull(vertex, "Precondition violation - argument 'vertex' must not be NULL!");
checkNotNull(eClass, "Precondition violation - argument 'eClass' must not be NULL!");
ChronoGraph graph = (ChronoGraph) vertex.graph();
Vertex eClassVertex = getVertexForEClass(registry, graph, eClass);
vertex.property(V_PROP__ECLASS_ID, (String) eClassVertex.id());
代码示例来源:origin: com.baidu.hugegraph/hugegraph-core
private Iterator<Vertex> vertices(Traverser.Admin<Vertex> traverser) {
HugeGraph graph = (HugeGraph) traverser.get().graph();
Vertex vertex = traverser.get();
Iterator<Edge> edges = this.edges(traverser);
Iterator<Vertex> vertices = graph.adjacentVertices(edges);
if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
LOG.debug("HugeVertexStep.vertices(): is there adjacent " +
"vertices of {}: {}, has={}",
vertex.id(), vertices.hasNext(), this.hasContainers);
if (this.hasContainers.isEmpty()) {
return vertices;
// TODO: query by vertex index to optimize
return TraversalUtil.filterResult(this.hasContainers, vertices);
代码示例来源:origin: org.apache.tinkerpop/gremlin-core
* Assign key/value pairs as properties to an {@link org.apache.tinkerpop.gremlin.structure.Vertex}. If the value of {@link T#id} or
* {@link T#label} is in the set of pairs, then they are ignored.
* The {@link org.apache.tinkerpop.gremlin.structure.VertexProperty.Cardinality} of the key is determined from the {@link org.apache.tinkerpop.gremlin.structure.Graph.Features.VertexFeatures}.
* @param vertex the graph vertex to assign the {@code propertyKeyValues}
* @param propertyKeyValues the key/value pairs to assign to the {@code element}
* @throws ClassCastException if the value of the key is not a {@link String}
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the value of {@code element} is null
public static void attachProperties(final Vertex vertex, final Object... propertyKeyValues) {
if (null == vertex)
throw Graph.Exceptions.argumentCanNotBeNull("vertex");
for (int i = 0; i < propertyKeyValues.length; i = i + 2) {
if (!propertyKeyValues[i].equals(T.id) && !propertyKeyValues[i].equals(T.label))
vertex.property(vertex.graph().features().vertex().getCardinality((String) propertyKeyValues[i]), (String) propertyKeyValues[i], propertyKeyValues[i + 1]);
代码示例来源:origin: org.apache.tinkerpop/gremlin-core
* Set the provided key to the provided value using default {@link VertexProperty.Cardinality} for that key.
* The default cardinality can be vendor defined and is usually tied to the graph schema.
* The default implementation of this method determines the cardinality
* {@code graph().features().vertex().getCardinality(key)}. The provided key/values are the properties of the
* newly created {@link VertexProperty}. These key/values must be provided in an even number where the odd
* numbered arguments are {@link String}.
* @param key the key of the vertex property
* @param value The value of the vertex property
* @param keyValues the key/value pairs to turn into vertex property properties
* @param <V> the type of the value of the vertex property
* @return the newly created vertex property
public default <V> VertexProperty<V> property(final String key, final V value, final Object... keyValues) {
return this.property(graph().features().vertex().getCardinality(key), key, value, keyValues);
代码示例来源:origin: org.apache.tinkerpop/gremlin-core
public static VertexProperty createVertexProperty(final Attachable<VertexProperty> attachableVertexProperty, final Vertex hostVertex) {
final VertexProperty<Object> baseVertexProperty = attachableVertexProperty.get();
final VertexProperty vertexProperty = hostVertex.graph().features().vertex().properties().willAllowId(baseVertexProperty.id()) ?
hostVertex.property(hostVertex.graph().features().vertex().getCardinality(baseVertexProperty.key()), baseVertexProperty.key(), baseVertexProperty.value(), T.id, baseVertexProperty.id()) :
hostVertex.property(hostVertex.graph().features().vertex().getCardinality(baseVertexProperty.key()), baseVertexProperty.key(), baseVertexProperty.value());
baseVertexProperty.properties().forEachRemaining(p -> vertexProperty.property(p.key(), p.value()));
return vertexProperty;