
x33g5p2x  于2022-02-01 转载在 其他  



[英]Wrap a CheckedIntConsumer in a IntConsumer.

Example: `` int[] { 1, 2 }).forEach(Unchecked.intConsumer(i -> { 
if (i < 0) 
throw new Exception("Only positive numbers allowed"); 

示例:`` int[] { 1, 2 }).forEach(Unchecked.intConsumer(i -> { 
if (i < 0) 
throw new Exception("Only positive numbers allowed"); 


代码示例来源:origin: org.jooq/jool

 * @see {@link Unchecked#intConsumer(CheckedIntConsumer)}
static IntConsumer unchecked(CheckedIntConsumer consumer) {
  return Unchecked.intConsumer(consumer);

代码示例来源:origin: org.jooq/jool

   * @see {@link Unchecked#intConsumer(CheckedIntConsumer, Consumer)}
  static IntConsumer unchecked(CheckedIntConsumer consumer, Consumer<Throwable> handler) {
    return Unchecked.intConsumer(consumer, handler);

代码示例来源:origin: org.jooq/jool-java-8

 * @see {@link Unchecked#intConsumer(CheckedIntConsumer)}
static IntConsumer unchecked(CheckedIntConsumer consumer) {
  return Unchecked.intConsumer(consumer);

代码示例来源:origin: org.jooq/jool-java-8

   * @see {@link Unchecked#intConsumer(CheckedIntConsumer, Consumer)}
  static IntConsumer unchecked(CheckedIntConsumer consumer, Consumer<Throwable> handler) {
    return Unchecked.intConsumer(consumer, handler);

代码示例来源:origin: org.jooq/jool

 * Wrap a {@link CheckedIntConsumer} in a {@link IntConsumer}.
 * <p>
 * Example:
 * <code><pre>
 * int[] { 1, 2 }).forEach(Unchecked.intConsumer(i -> {
 *     if (i &lt; 0)
 *         throw new Exception("Only positive numbers allowed");
 * }));
 * </pre></code>
public static IntConsumer intConsumer(CheckedIntConsumer consumer) {
  return intConsumer(consumer, THROWABLE_TO_RUNTIME_EXCEPTION);

代码示例来源:origin: org.jooq/jool

 * Wrap a {@link CheckedIntConsumer} in a {@link IntConsumer}.
 * <p>
 * Example:
 * <code><pre>
 * int[] { 1, 2 }).forEach(Unchecked.intConsumer(i -> {
 *     if (i &lt; 0)
 *         throw new Exception("Only positive numbers allowed");
 * }));
 * </pre></code>
public static IntConsumer intConsumer(CheckedIntConsumer consumer) {
  return Unchecked.intConsumer(consumer, Unchecked.RETHROW_ALL);

代码示例来源:origin: org.jooq/jool-java-8

 * Wrap a {@link CheckedIntConsumer} in a {@link IntConsumer}.
 * <p>
 * Example:
 * <code><pre>
 * int[] { 1, 2 }).forEach(Unchecked.intConsumer(i -> {
 *     if (i &lt; 0)
 *         throw new Exception("Only positive numbers allowed");
 * }));
 * </pre></code>
public static IntConsumer intConsumer(CheckedIntConsumer consumer) {
  return Unchecked.intConsumer(consumer, Unchecked.RETHROW_ALL);

代码示例来源:origin: org.jooq/jool-java-8

 * Wrap a {@link CheckedIntConsumer} in a {@link IntConsumer}.
 * <p>
 * Example:
 * <code><pre>
 * int[] { 1, 2 }).forEach(Unchecked.intConsumer(i -> {
 *     if (i &lt; 0)
 *         throw new Exception("Only positive numbers allowed");
 * }));
 * </pre></code>
public static IntConsumer intConsumer(CheckedIntConsumer consumer) {
  return intConsumer(consumer, THROWABLE_TO_RUNTIME_EXCEPTION);

代码示例来源:origin: RankSys/RankSys

 * Saves a PreferenceData instance in two files for user and item preferences, respectively. The format of the user preferences stream consists on one list per line, starting with the identifier of the user followed by the identifier-rating pairs of the items related to that. The item preferences stream follows the same format by swapping the roles of users and items.
 * @param prefData preferences
 * @param uo stream of user preferences
 * @param io stream of user preferences
public void write(FastPreferenceData<?, ?> prefData, OutputStream uo, OutputStream io) {
  BiConsumer<FastPreferenceData<?, ?>, OutputStream> saver = Unchecked.biConsumer((prefs, os) -> {
    try (BufferedWriter writer = new BufferedWriter(new OutputStreamWriter(os))) {
      prefs.getUidxWithPreferences().forEach(Unchecked.intConsumer(uidx -> {
        String a = prefs.getUidxPreferences(uidx)
            .sorted((p1, p2) ->, p2.v1))
            .map(p -> p.v1 + "\t" + (int) p.v2)
        writer.write(uidx + "\t" + a);
  saver.accept(prefData, uo);
  saver.accept(new TransposedPreferenceData<>(prefData), io);

代码示例来源:origin: RankSys/RankSys

 * Saves a PreferenceData instance in two files for user and item preferences, respectively. The format of the user preferences stream consists on one list per line, starting with the identifier of the user followed by the identifiers of the items related to that. The item preferences stream follows the same format by swapping the roles of users and items.
 * @param prefData preferences
 * @param uo stream of user preferences
 * @param io stream of user preferences
public void write(FastPreferenceData<?, ?> prefData, OutputStream uo, OutputStream io) {
  BiConsumer<FastPreferenceData<?, ?>, OutputStream> saver = Unchecked.biConsumer((prefs, os) -> {
    try (BufferedWriter writer = new BufferedWriter(new OutputStreamWriter(os))) {
      prefs.getUidxWithPreferences().forEach(Unchecked.intConsumer(uidx -> {
        String a = prefs.getUidxPreferences(uidx)
        writer.write(uidx + "\t" + a);
  saver.accept(prefData, uo);
  saver.accept(new TransposedPreferenceData<>(prefData), io);
