
x33g5p2x  于2022-02-01 转载在 其他  



[英]Returns the default hostname of this virtual host.


代码示例来源:origin: line/armeria

private String hostname(ChannelHandlerContext ctx, HttpHeaders headers) {
  final String hostname = headers.authority();
  if (hostname == null) {
    // Fill the authority with the default host name and current port, just in case the client did not
    // send it.
    final String defaultHostname = config.defaultVirtualHost().defaultHostname();
    final int port = ((InetSocketAddress);
    headers.authority(defaultHostname + ':' + port);
    return defaultHostname;
  final int hostnameColonIdx = hostname.lastIndexOf(':');
  if (hostnameColonIdx < 0) {
    return hostname;
  return hostname.substring(0, hostnameColonIdx);

代码示例来源:origin: line/armeria

 * Returns the hostname of the default {@link VirtualHost}, which is the hostname of the machine unless
 * configured explicitly via {@link ServerBuilder#defaultVirtualHost(VirtualHost)}.
public String defaultHostname() {
  return config().defaultVirtualHost().defaultHostname();

代码示例来源:origin: line/armeria

public String toString() {
  String strVal = this.strVal;
  if (strVal == null) {
    this.strVal = strVal = toString(
        getClass(), defaultHostname(), hostnamePattern(), sslContext(), serviceConfigs());
  return strVal;

代码示例来源:origin: line/armeria

VirtualHost decorate(@Nullable Function<Service<HttpRequest, HttpResponse>,
                    Service<HttpRequest, HttpResponse>> decorator) {
  if (decorator == null) {
    return this;
  final List<ServiceConfig> services = -> {
        final PathMapping pathMapping = cfg.pathMapping();
        final Service<HttpRequest, HttpResponse> service = decorator.apply(cfg.service());
        final String loggerName = cfg.loggerName().orElse(null);
        return new ServiceConfig(pathMapping, service, loggerName);
  return new VirtualHost(defaultHostname(), hostnamePattern(), sslContext(),
              services, producibleMediaTypes());

代码示例来源:origin: line/armeria


代码示例来源:origin: line/armeria

private VirtualHost normalizeDefaultVirtualHost(VirtualHost h,
                        @Nullable SslContext defaultSslContext) {
  final SslContext sslCtx = h.sslContext() != null ? h.sslContext() : defaultSslContext;
  return new VirtualHost(
      h.defaultHostname(), "*", sslCtx,
          e -> new ServiceConfig(e.pathMapping(), e.service(), e.loggerName().orElse(null)))
       .collect(Collectors.toList()), h.producibleMediaTypes(),
           rejectedPathMappingHandler, host -> h.accessLogger());

代码示例来源:origin: line/armeria

if (!virtualHosts.isEmpty()) {
  virtualHosts.forEach(c -> {
    buf.append(VirtualHost.toString(null, c.defaultHostname(), c.hostnamePattern(),
                    c.sslContext(), c.serviceConfigs()));
    buf.append(", ");
    buf.append(VirtualHost.toString(null, defaultVirtualHost.defaultHostname(), "*",
  buf.append(VirtualHost.toString(null, defaultVirtualHost.defaultHostname(), "*",

代码示例来源:origin: line/armeria

final ServiceRequestContext sCtx = (ServiceRequestContext) ctx;
final int port = ((InetSocketAddress) sCtx.remoteAddress()).getPort();
final String hostname = sCtx.virtualHost().defaultHostname();
if (port == ctx.sessionProtocol().defaultPort()) {
  authority = hostname;

代码示例来源:origin: line/armeria

public HttpResponse serve(ServiceRequestContext ctx, HttpRequest req) throws Exception {
  final SamlServiceFunction func = serviceMap.get(req.path());
  if (func == null) {
    return HttpResponse.of(HttpStatus.BAD_REQUEST);
  final CompletionStage<AggregatedHttpMessage> f;
  if (portConfigHolder.isDone()) {
    f = req.aggregate();
  } else {
    f = portConfigHolder.future().thenCompose(unused -> req.aggregate());
  return HttpResponse.from(f.handle((msg, cause) -> {
    if (cause != null) {
      return HttpResponse.of(HttpStatus.BAD_REQUEST);
    final SamlPortConfig portConfig = portConfigHolder.config().get();
    if (portConfig.scheme().isTls() != ctx.sessionProtocol().isTls()) {
      return HttpResponse.of(HttpStatus.BAD_REQUEST);
    // Use user-specified hostname if it exists.
    // If there's no hostname set by a user, the default virtual hostname will be used.
    final String defaultHostname = firstNonNull(sp.hostname(), ctx.virtualHost().defaultHostname());
    return func.serve(ctx, msg, defaultHostname, portConfig);

代码示例来源:origin: line/armeria

throw new RuntimeException("cannot find a suitable identity provider from configurations");
final String defaultHostname = firstNonNull(sp.hostname(), ctx.virtualHost().defaultHostname());
final AuthnRequest request = createAuthRequest(idp, defaultHostname);
final MessageContext<AuthnRequest> messageContext = new MessageContext<>();

代码示例来源:origin: com.linecorp.armeria/armeria-logback-shaded

final ServiceRequestContext sCtx = (ServiceRequestContext) ctx;
final int port = ((InetSocketAddress) sCtx.remoteAddress()).getPort();
final String hostname = sCtx.virtualHost().defaultHostname();
if (port == ctx.sessionProtocol().defaultPort()) {
  authority = hostname;

代码示例来源:origin: com.linecorp.armeria/armeria-logback

final ServiceRequestContext sCtx = (ServiceRequestContext) ctx;
final int port = ((InetSocketAddress) sCtx.remoteAddress()).getPort();
final String hostname = sCtx.virtualHost().defaultHostname();
if (port == ctx.sessionProtocol().defaultPort()) {
  authority = hostname;

代码示例来源:origin: com.linecorp.armeria/armeria-saml

public HttpResponse serve(ServiceRequestContext ctx, HttpRequest req) throws Exception {
  final SamlServiceFunction func = serviceMap.get(req.path());
  if (func == null) {
    return HttpResponse.of(HttpStatus.BAD_REQUEST);
  final CompletionStage<AggregatedHttpMessage> f;
  if (portConfigHolder.isDone()) {
    f = req.aggregate();
  } else {
    f = portConfigHolder.future().thenCompose(unused -> req.aggregate());
  return HttpResponse.from(f.handle((msg, cause) -> {
    if (cause != null) {
      return HttpResponse.of(HttpStatus.BAD_REQUEST);
    final SamlPortConfig portConfig = portConfigHolder.config().get();
    if (portConfig.scheme().isTls() != ctx.sessionProtocol().isTls()) {
      return HttpResponse.of(HttpStatus.BAD_REQUEST);
    // Use user-specified hostname if it exists.
    // If there's no hostname set by a user, the default virtual hostname will be used.
    final String defaultHostname = firstNonNull(sp.hostname(), ctx.virtualHost().defaultHostname());
    return func.serve(ctx, msg, defaultHostname, portConfig);

代码示例来源:origin: com.linecorp.armeria/armeria-saml

throw new RuntimeException("cannot find a suitable identity provider from configurations");
final String defaultHostname = firstNonNull(sp.hostname(), ctx.virtualHost().defaultHostname());
final AuthnRequest request = createAuthRequest(idp, defaultHostname);
final MessageContext<AuthnRequest> messageContext = new MessageContext<>();
