代码示例来源:origin: int.esa.ccsds.mo/TRANSPORT_GEN
public URI getURI()
return new URI(localURI);
代码示例来源:origin: int.esa.nmf.core/helper-tools
public void setProviderURI(String providerURI) {
this.providerURI = new URI(providerURI);
代码示例来源:origin: int.esa.nmf.core/helper-tools
public void setBrokerURI(String brokerURI) {
this.brokerURI = new URI(brokerURI);
代码示例来源:origin: int.esa.nmf.core.moservices.impl/ccsds-com
public synchronized URI getProviderURI(final Integer id) throws Exception {
final URI providerURI = new URI(this.fastIDreverse.get(id));
if (providerURI == null) {
throw new Exception();
return providerURI;
代码示例来源:origin: int.esa.ccsds.mo/TRANSPORT_JMS
public MALBrokerBinding createBroker(String localName, Blob authenticationId, QoSLevel[] expectedQos, UInteger priorityLevelNumber, Map defaultQoSProperties) throws MALException
// not support by transport
return new JMSBrokerBinding(new URI(uriBase + localName), localName, authenticationId, expectedQos, priorityLevelNumber);
代码示例来源:origin: int.esa.ccsds.mo/ENCODING_GEN
public URI decodeURI() throws MALException
return new URI(sourceBuffer.getString());
代码示例来源:origin: int.esa.nmf.core.moservices.impl/ccsds-com
public URI decodeURI() throws MALException
return new URI(sourceBuffer.getString());
代码示例来源:origin: int.esa.nmf.core.moservices.impl/ccsds-com
public URI decodeNullableURI() throws MALException
final String s = sourceBuffer.getString();
if (null != s)
return new URI(s);
return null;
代码示例来源:origin: int.esa.ccsds.mo/TRANSPORT_TCPIP
* Constructor.
* @param socket the TCPIP socket.
* @param localPort
* @throws IOException if there is an error.
public TCPIPTransportDataTransceiver(Socket socket, int localPort) throws IOException {
RLOGGER.log(Level.FINE, "Creating new Data Transceiver");
this.socket = socket;
socketWriteIf = new DataOutputStream(socket.getOutputStream());
socketReadIf = new DataInputStream(socket.getInputStream());
// get information
String remoteHost = socket.getInetAddress().getHostAddress();
int remotePort = socket.getPort();
String localHost = socket.getLocalAddress().getHostAddress();
this.from = new URI("maltcp://" + remoteHost + ":" + remotePort);
this.to = new URI("maltcp://" + localHost + ":" + localPort); // We need to use this localPort in order to fool the MAL
代码示例来源:origin: int.esa.ccsds.mo/TRANSPORT_JMS
public MALBrokerBinding createBroker(MALEndpoint endpoint, Blob authenticationId, QoSLevel[] qosLevels, UInteger priorities, Map properties) throws MALException
// not support by transport
return new JMSBrokerBinding(new URI(uriBase + endpoint.getLocalName()), endpoint.getLocalName(), authenticationId, qosLevels, priorities);
代码示例来源:origin: int.esa.nmf.core.moservices.impl/ccsds-com
public static URI convertMALInteractionToURI(final MALInteraction interaction) {
if (interaction != null) {
if (interaction.getMessageHeader() != null) {
return interaction.getMessageHeader().getURITo();
return new URI("");
代码示例来源:origin: int.esa.nmf.core.moservices.impl/ccsds-com
* This method is deprecated! The sourceURI should be explicitly stated. The
* extraction of it from the interaction object should happen on the layers
* above. The broker won't publish the event if the source is not correct.
* Publishes an Event through the Event service.
* @param interaction Interaction object
* @param objId Object instance identifier
* @param objType Object type
* @param related Related link
* @param source Source link
* @param eventBodies Bodies of the event
* @throws java.io.IOException if it cannot publish the Event
public void publishEvent(final MALInteraction interaction, final Long objId, final ObjectType objType,
final Long related, final ObjectId source, final ElementList eventBodies) throws IOException {
URI sourceURI = new URI("");
if (interaction != null) {
if (interaction.getMessageHeader() != null) {
sourceURI = interaction.getMessageHeader().getURITo();
// requirement:
this.publishEvent(sourceURI, objId, objType, related, source, eventBodies);
代码示例来源:origin: int.esa.nmf.core/helper-tools
* Creates a tmConsumer connection for a specified subsystem
* @param subsystem Name of the subsystem
* @param service Definition of the consumed service
* @return Wrapped MALconsumer
* @throws org.ccsds.moims.mo.mal.MALException
* @throws java.net.MalformedURLException
public Object createConsumer(String subsystem, MALService service) throws MALException, MalformedURLException {
Logger.getLogger(ConsumerServiceImpl.class.getName()).log(Level.INFO, "URI" + this.connectionDetails.getProviderURI().toString() + "@" + subsystem);
MALConsumer consumer = connection.startService(
new URI(this.connectionDetails.getProviderURI().toString() + "@" + subsystem),
Object stub = generateServiceStub(consumer);
servicesMap.put(new Identifier(subsystem), stub);
return stub;
代码示例来源:origin: int.esa.nmf.core.moservices.impl/ccsds-mc
private void publishActionFailureEvent(final UInteger errorNumber, final Long related,
final ObjectId source, final MALInteraction interaction, final SingleConnectionDetails connectionDetails) {
// requirement: 3.2.5.f
final UIntegerList errorNumbers = new UIntegerList(1);
// requirement: 3.2.5.c and 3.2.5.d and 3.2.5.e
if (this.getEventService() != null) {
Long objId = this.getEventService().generateAndStoreEvent(
try {
this.getEventService().publishEvent(new URI(""), objId,
ActionHelper.ACTIONFAILURE_OBJECT_TYPE, related, source, errorNumbers);
} catch (IOException ex) {
Logger.getLogger(ActionManager.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex);
代码示例来源:origin: int.esa.nmf.core.moservices.impl/ccsds-com
private void generateAndPublishEvents(final ObjectType objType,
final ObjectIdList sourceList, final MALInteraction interaction) {
if (eventService == null) {
if (sourceList.isEmpty()) { // Don't store anything if the list is empty...
/* Just use it for debugging
Logger.getLogger(ArchiveManager.class.getName()).log(Level.FINE, "\nobjType: " + objType.toString()
+ "\nDomain: " + ConfigurationProviderSingleton.getDomain().toString() + "\nSourceList: " + sourceList.toString());
// requirement:
final LongList eventObjIds = eventService.generateAndStoreEvents(objType,
ConfigurationProviderSingleton.getDomain(), null, sourceList, interaction);
/* Just use it for debugging
Logger.getLogger(ArchiveManager.class.getName()).log(Level.FINE, "The eventObjIds are: " + eventObjIds.toString());
URI sourceURI = new URI("");
if (interaction != null) {
if (interaction.getMessageHeader() != null) {
sourceURI = interaction.getMessageHeader().getURITo();
try {
eventService.publishEvents(sourceURI, eventObjIds, objType, null, sourceList, null);
} catch (IOException ex) {
Logger.getLogger(ArchiveManager.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex);
代码示例来源:origin: int.esa.nmf.core.moservices.impl/ccsds-com
public ArchiveDetails getArchiveDetails() {
final Identifier net = (this.network == null) ? null : new Identifier(network);
final URI uri = (this.providerURI == null) ? null : new URI(providerURI);
return new ArchiveDetails(objId, new ObjectDetails(relatedLink, sourceLink),
net, new FineTime(timestampArchiveDetails), uri);
代码示例来源:origin: int.esa.nmf.core.moservices.impl/ccsds-com
public Long publishAcceptanceEventOperation(MALInteraction interaction, final URI uri, final Identifier network,
boolean success, final Long related, final ObjectId source) throws MALInteractionException, MALException {
// Create ActivityAcceptanceList
ActivityAcceptanceList aal = new ActivityAcceptanceList();
aal.add(new ActivityAcceptance(success));
final Long objId;
URI sourceURI = uri;
if (interaction != null) {
objId = eventService.generateAndStoreEvent(ActivityTrackingHelper.ACCEPTANCE_OBJECT_TYPE,
ConfigurationProviderSingleton.getDomain(), aal, related, source, interaction);
sourceURI = (interaction.getMessageHeader() != null) ? interaction.getMessageHeader().getURITo() : new URI("");
} else {
objId = eventService.generateAndStoreEvent(ActivityTrackingHelper.ACCEPTANCE_OBJECT_TYPE,
ConfigurationProviderSingleton.getDomain(), aal, related, source, uri, network);
try {
eventService.publishEvent(sourceURI, objId, ActivityTrackingHelper.ACCEPTANCE_OBJECT_TYPE, null, source, aal);
} catch (IOException ex) {
Logger.getLogger(ActivityTrackingProviderServiceImpl.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, "Could not publish the Event!");
return objId;
代码示例来源:origin: int.esa.nmf.core.moservices.impl/ccsds-com
private Long publishTransferEventOperation(MALInteraction interaction, final URI uri, final Identifier network,
final ObjectType objType, final boolean success, final Duration duration,
final URI nextDestination, final ObjectId source) throws MALInteractionException, MALException {
// Produce ActivityTransferList
ActivityTransferList atl = new ActivityTransferList();
ActivityTransfer at = new ActivityTransfer(success, duration, nextDestination);
final Long objId;
URI sourceURI = uri;
if (interaction != null) {
objId = eventService.generateAndStoreEvent(objType, ConfigurationProviderSingleton.getDomain(), atl, null, source, interaction);
sourceURI = (interaction.getMessageHeader() != null) ? interaction.getMessageHeader().getURITo() : new URI("");
} else {
objId = eventService.generateAndStoreEvent(objType, ConfigurationProviderSingleton.getDomain(), atl, null, source, uri, network);
try {
eventService.publishEvent(sourceURI, objId, objType, null, source, atl);
} catch (IOException ex) {
Logger.getLogger(ActivityTrackingProviderServiceImpl.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, "Could not publish the Event!");
return objId;
代码示例来源:origin: int.esa.nmf.core.moservices.impl/ccsds-com
HelperArchive.generateArchiveDetailsList(null, null,
ConfigurationProviderSingleton.getNetwork(), new URI("")),
HelperArchive.generateArchiveDetailsList(objIds1.get(0), null,
ConfigurationProviderSingleton.getNetwork(), new URI(""), defaultObjId),
代码示例来源:origin: int.esa.nmf.core.moservices.impl/ccsds-com
private ObjectId publishExecutionEventOperation(final MALInteraction interaction, final URI uri, final Identifier network,
boolean success, int currentStageCount, int totalStageCount, final Long related, ObjectId source) throws MALInteractionException, MALException {
// Produce ActivityExecutionList
ActivityExecutionList ael = new ActivityExecutionList(1);
ActivityExecution activityExecutionInstance = new ActivityExecution(
new UInteger(currentStageCount),
new UInteger(totalStageCount));
final Long objId;
URI sourceURI = uri;
if (interaction != null) {
objId = eventService.generateAndStoreEvent(ActivityTrackingHelper.EXECUTION_OBJECT_TYPE,
ConfigurationProviderSingleton.getDomain(), ael, related, source, interaction);
sourceURI = (interaction.getMessageHeader() != null) ? interaction.getMessageHeader().getURITo() : new URI("");
} else {
objId = eventService.generateAndStoreEvent(ActivityTrackingHelper.EXECUTION_OBJECT_TYPE,
ConfigurationProviderSingleton.getDomain(), ael, related, source, uri, network);
final ObjectKey key = new ObjectKey(ConfigurationProviderSingleton.getDomain(), objId);
try {
eventService.publishEvent(sourceURI, objId, ActivityTrackingHelper.EXECUTION_OBJECT_TYPE, related, source, ael);
} catch (IOException ex) {
Logger.getLogger(ActivityTrackingProviderServiceImpl.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex);
return new ObjectId(ActivityTrackingHelper.EXECUTION_OBJECT_TYPE, key);