
x33g5p2x  于2022-02-01 转载在 其他  





代码示例来源:origin: com.vividsolutions/jts

 * Computes the value of the ratio of the circumradius to shortest edge. If smaller than some
 * given tolerance B, the associated triangle is considered skinny. For an equal lateral
 * triangle this value is 0.57735. The ratio is related to the minimum triangle angle theta by:
 * circumRadius/shortestEdge = 1/(2sin(theta)).
 * @param b second vertex of the triangle
 * @param c third vertex of the triangle
 * @return ratio of circumradius to shortest edge.
public double circumRadiusRatio(Vertex b, Vertex c) {
  Vertex x = this.circleCenter(b, c);
  double radius = distance(x, b);
  double edgeLength = distance(this, b);
  double el = distance(b, c);
  if (el < edgeLength) {
    edgeLength = el;
  el = distance(c, this);
  if (el < edgeLength) {
    edgeLength = el;
  return radius / edgeLength;

代码示例来源:origin: com.vividsolutions/jts-core

 * Computes the value of the ratio of the circumradius to shortest edge. If smaller than some
 * given tolerance B, the associated triangle is considered skinny. For an equal lateral
 * triangle this value is 0.57735. The ratio is related to the minimum triangle angle theta by:
 * circumRadius/shortestEdge = 1/(2sin(theta)).
 * @param b second vertex of the triangle
 * @param c third vertex of the triangle
 * @return ratio of circumradius to shortest edge.
public double circumRadiusRatio(Vertex b, Vertex c) {
  Vertex x = this.circleCenter(b, c);
  double radius = distance(x, b);
  double edgeLength = distance(this, b);
  double el = distance(b, c);
  if (el < edgeLength) {
    edgeLength = el;
  el = distance(c, this);
  if (el < edgeLength) {
    edgeLength = el;
  return radius / edgeLength;
