
x33g5p2x  于2022-02-01 转载在 其他  



[英]Construct a new and uninitialized URI.


代码示例来源:origin: robovm/robovm

 * Take a SystemID string and try to turn it into a good absolute URI.
 * @param urlString SystemID string
 * @param base The URI string used as the base for resolving the systemID
 * @return The resolved absolute URI
 * @throws TransformerException thrown if the string can't be turned into a URI.
public static String getAbsoluteURI(String urlString, String base)
    throws TransformerException
 if (base == null)
  return getAbsoluteURI(urlString);
 String absoluteBase = getAbsoluteURI(base);
 URI uri = null;
  URI baseURI = new URI(absoluteBase);
  uri = new URI(baseURI, urlString);
 catch (MalformedURIException mue)
  throw new TransformerException(mue);
 return replaceChars(uri.toString());

代码示例来源:origin: xalan/xalan

 * Take a SystemID string and try to turn it into a good absolute URI.
 * @param urlString SystemID string
 * @param base The URI string used as the base for resolving the systemID
 * @return The resolved absolute URI
 * @throws TransformerException thrown if the string can't be turned into a URI.
public static String getAbsoluteURI(String urlString, String base)
    throws TransformerException
 if (base == null)
  return getAbsoluteURI(urlString);
 String absoluteBase = getAbsoluteURI(base);
 URI uri = null;
  URI baseURI = new URI(absoluteBase);
  uri = new URI(baseURI, urlString);
 catch (MalformedURIException mue)
  throw new TransformerException(mue);
 return replaceChars(uri.toString());

代码示例来源:origin: arhs/sd-dss

return true;
final URI baseUri = new URI(baseUriString);
URI uriNew = new URI(baseUri, documentUri);
if (uriNew.getScheme().equals("http")) {

代码示例来源:origin: MobiVM/robovm

 * Take a SystemID string and try to turn it into a good absolute URI.
 * @param urlString SystemID string
 * @param base The URI string used as the base for resolving the systemID
 * @return The resolved absolute URI
 * @throws TransformerException thrown if the string can't be turned into a URI.
public static String getAbsoluteURI(String urlString, String base)
    throws TransformerException
 if (base == null)
  return getAbsoluteURI(urlString);
 String absoluteBase = getAbsoluteURI(base);
 URI uri = null;
  URI baseURI = new URI(absoluteBase);
  uri = new URI(baseURI, urlString);
 catch (MalformedURIException mue)
  throw new TransformerException(mue);
 return replaceChars(uri.toString());

代码示例来源:origin: ibinti/bugvm

 * Take a SystemID string and try to turn it into a good absolute URI.
 * @param urlString SystemID string
 * @param base The URI string used as the base for resolving the systemID
 * @return The resolved absolute URI
 * @throws TransformerException thrown if the string can't be turned into a URI.
public static String getAbsoluteURI(String urlString, String base)
    throws TransformerException
 if (base == null)
  return getAbsoluteURI(urlString);
 String absoluteBase = getAbsoluteURI(base);
 URI uri = null;
  URI baseURI = new URI(absoluteBase);
  uri = new URI(baseURI, urlString);
 catch (MalformedURIException mue)
  throw new TransformerException(mue);
 return replaceChars(uri.toString());

代码示例来源:origin: com.gluonhq/robovm-rt

 * Take a SystemID string and try to turn it into a good absolute URI.
 * @param urlString SystemID string
 * @param base The URI string used as the base for resolving the systemID
 * @return The resolved absolute URI
 * @throws TransformerException thrown if the string can't be turned into a URI.
public static String getAbsoluteURI(String urlString, String base)
    throws TransformerException
 if (base == null)
  return getAbsoluteURI(urlString);
 String absoluteBase = getAbsoluteURI(base);
 URI uri = null;
  URI baseURI = new URI(absoluteBase);
  uri = new URI(baseURI, urlString);
 catch (MalformedURIException mue)
  throw new TransformerException(mue);
 return replaceChars(uri.toString());

代码示例来源:origin: com.mobidevelop.robovm/robovm-rt

 * Take a SystemID string and try to turn it into a good absolute URI.
 * @param urlString SystemID string
 * @param base The URI string used as the base for resolving the systemID
 * @return The resolved absolute URI
 * @throws TransformerException thrown if the string can't be turned into a URI.
public static String getAbsoluteURI(String urlString, String base)
    throws TransformerException
 if (base == null)
  return getAbsoluteURI(urlString);
 String absoluteBase = getAbsoluteURI(base);
 URI uri = null;
  URI baseURI = new URI(absoluteBase);
  uri = new URI(baseURI, urlString);
 catch (MalformedURIException mue)
  throw new TransformerException(mue);
 return replaceChars(uri.toString());

代码示例来源:origin: com.bugvm/bugvm-rt

 * Take a SystemID string and try to turn it into a good absolute URI.
 * @param urlString SystemID string
 * @param base The URI string used as the base for resolving the systemID
 * @return The resolved absolute URI
 * @throws TransformerException thrown if the string can't be turned into a URI.
public static String getAbsoluteURI(String urlString, String base)
    throws TransformerException
 if (base == null)
  return getAbsoluteURI(urlString);
 String absoluteBase = getAbsoluteURI(base);
 URI uri = null;
  URI baseURI = new URI(absoluteBase);
  uri = new URI(baseURI, urlString);
 catch (MalformedURIException mue)
  throw new TransformerException(mue);
 return replaceChars(uri.toString());

代码示例来源:origin: org.apache.karaf.bundles/org.apache.karaf.bundles.xalan-2.7.1

 * Take a SystemID string and try to turn it into a good absolute URI.
 * @param urlString SystemID string
 * @param base The URI string used as the base for resolving the systemID
 * @return The resolved absolute URI
 * @throws TransformerException thrown if the string can't be turned into a URI.
public static String getAbsoluteURI(String urlString, String base)
    throws TransformerException
 if (base == null)
  return getAbsoluteURI(urlString);
 String absoluteBase = getAbsoluteURI(base);
 URI uri = null;
  URI baseURI = new URI(absoluteBase);
  uri = new URI(baseURI, urlString);
 catch (MalformedURIException mue)
  throw new TransformerException(mue);
 return replaceChars(uri.toString());

代码示例来源:origin: org.apache.xalan/

 * Take a SystemID string and try to turn it into a good absolute URI.
 * @param urlString SystemID string
 * @param base The URI string used as the base for resolving the systemID
 * @return The resolved absolute URI
 * @throws TransformerException thrown if the string can't be turned into a URI.
public static String getAbsoluteURI(String urlString, String base)
    throws TransformerException
 if (base == null)
  return getAbsoluteURI(urlString);
 String absoluteBase = getAbsoluteURI(base);
 URI uri = null;
  URI baseURI = new URI(absoluteBase);
  uri = new URI(baseURI, urlString);
 catch (MalformedURIException mue)
  throw new TransformerException(mue);
 return replaceChars(uri.toString());

代码示例来源:origin: org.apache.servicemix.bundles/org.apache.servicemix.bundles.xalan

 * Take a SystemID string and try to turn it into a good absolute URI.
 * @param urlString SystemID string
 * @param base The URI string used as the base for resolving the systemID
 * @return The resolved absolute URI
 * @throws TransformerException thrown if the string can't be turned into a URI.
public static String getAbsoluteURI(String urlString, String base)
    throws TransformerException
 if (base == null)
  return getAbsoluteURI(urlString);
 String absoluteBase = getAbsoluteURI(base);
 URI uri = null;
  URI baseURI = new URI(absoluteBase);
  uri = new URI(baseURI, urlString);
 catch (MalformedURIException mue)
  throw new TransformerException(mue);
 return replaceChars(uri.toString());

代码示例来源:origin: FlexoVM/flexovm

 * Take a SystemID string and try to turn it into a good absolute URI.
 * @param urlString SystemID string
 * @param base The URI string used as the base for resolving the systemID
 * @return The resolved absolute URI
 * @throws TransformerException thrown if the string can't be turned into a URI.
public static String getAbsoluteURI(String urlString, String base)
    throws TransformerException
 if (base == null)
  return getAbsoluteURI(urlString);
 String absoluteBase = getAbsoluteURI(base);
 URI uri = null;
  URI baseURI = new URI(absoluteBase);
  uri = new URI(baseURI, urlString);
 catch (MalformedURIException mue)
  throw new TransformerException(mue);
 return replaceChars(uri.toString());
