
x33g5p2x  于2022-02-01 转载在 其他  



[英]Lower bound binary search. Find the index to the first element in the list that compares greater than or equal to key.


代码示例来源:origin: org.apache.hadoop/hadoop-common

 * @param key
 *          input key.
 * @return the ID of the first block that contains key >= input key. Or -1
 *         if no such block exists.
public int lowerBound(RawComparable key) {
 if (comparator == null) {
  throw new RuntimeException("Cannot search in unsorted TFile");
 if (firstKey == null) {
  return -1; // not found
 int ret = Utils.lowerBound(index, key, comparator);
 if (ret == index.size()) {
  return -1;
 return ret;

代码示例来源:origin: org.apache.hadoop/hadoop-common

  * Find the smallest Block index whose starting offset is greater than or
  * equal to the specified offset.
  * @param offset
  *          User-specific offset.
  * @return the index to the data Block if such block exists; or -1
  *         otherwise.
 public int getBlockIndexNear(long offset) {
  ArrayList<BlockRegion> list = dataIndex.getBlockRegionList();
  int idx =
      .lowerBound(list, new ScalarLong(offset), new ScalarComparator());
  if (idx == list.size()) {
   return -1;
  return idx;

代码示例来源:origin: com.github.jiayuhan-it/hadoop-common

 * @param key
 *          input key.
 * @return the ID of the first block that contains key >= input key. Or -1
 *         if no such block exists.
public int lowerBound(RawComparable key) {
 if (comparator == null) {
  throw new RuntimeException("Cannot search in unsorted TFile");
 if (firstKey == null) {
  return -1; // not found
 int ret = Utils.lowerBound(index, key, comparator);
 if (ret == index.size()) {
  return -1;
 return ret;

代码示例来源:origin: io.hops/hadoop-common

 * @param key
 *          input key.
 * @return the ID of the first block that contains key >= input key. Or -1
 *         if no such block exists.
public int lowerBound(RawComparable key) {
 if (comparator == null) {
  throw new RuntimeException("Cannot search in unsorted TFile");
 if (firstKey == null) {
  return -1; // not found
 int ret = Utils.lowerBound(index, key, comparator);
 if (ret == index.size()) {
  return -1;
 return ret;

代码示例来源:origin: com.facebook.hadoop/hadoop-core

 * @param key
 *          input key.
 * @return the ID of the first block that contains key >= input key. Or -1
 *         if no such block exists.
public int lowerBound(RawComparable key) {
 if (comparator == null) {
  throw new RuntimeException("Cannot search in unsorted TFile");
 if (firstKey == null) {
  return -1; // not found
 int ret = Utils.lowerBound(index, key, comparator);
 if (ret == index.size()) {
  return -1;
 return ret;

代码示例来源:origin: org.apache.apex/malhar-library

 * @param key
 *          input key.
 * @return the ID of the first block that contains key >= input key. Or -1
 *         if no such block exists.
public int lowerBound(RawComparable key) {
 if (comparator == null) {
  throw new RuntimeException("Cannot search in unsorted TFile");
 if (firstKey == null) {
  return -1; // not found
 int ret = Utils.lowerBound(index, key, comparator);
 if (ret == index.size()) {
  return -1;
 return ret;

代码示例来源:origin: io.prestosql.hadoop/hadoop-apache

 * @param key
 *          input key.
 * @return the ID of the first block that contains key >= input key. Or -1
 *         if no such block exists.
public int lowerBound(RawComparable key) {
 if (comparator == null) {
  throw new RuntimeException("Cannot search in unsorted TFile");
 if (firstKey == null) {
  return -1; // not found
 int ret = Utils.lowerBound(index, key, comparator);
 if (ret == index.size()) {
  return -1;
 return ret;


 * @param key
 *          input key.
 * @return the ID of the first block that contains key >= input key. Or -1
 *         if no such block exists.
public int lowerBound(RawComparable key) {
 if (comparator == null) {
  throw new RuntimeException("Cannot search in unsorted TFile");
 if (firstKey == null) {
  return -1; // not found
 int ret = Utils.lowerBound(index, key, comparator);
 if (ret == index.size()) {
  return -1;
 return ret;

代码示例来源:origin: com.facebook.hadoop/hadoop-core

  * Find the smallest Block index whose starting offset is greater than or
  * equal to the specified offset.
  * @param offset
  *          User-specific offset.
  * @return the index to the data Block if such block exists; or -1
  *         otherwise.
 public int getBlockIndexNear(long offset) {
  ArrayList<BlockRegion> list = dataIndex.getBlockRegionList();
  int idx =
      .lowerBound(list, new ScalarLong(offset), new ScalarComparator());
  if (idx == list.size()) {
   return -1;
  return idx;

代码示例来源:origin: io.prestosql.hadoop/hadoop-apache

  * Find the smallest Block index whose starting offset is greater than or
  * equal to the specified offset.
  * @param offset
  *          User-specific offset.
  * @return the index to the data Block if such block exists; or -1
  *         otherwise.
 public int getBlockIndexNear(long offset) {
  ArrayList<BlockRegion> list = dataIndex.getBlockRegionList();
  int idx =
      .lowerBound(list, new ScalarLong(offset), new ScalarComparator());
  if (idx == list.size()) {
   return -1;
  return idx;

代码示例来源:origin: io.hops/hadoop-common

  * Find the smallest Block index whose starting offset is greater than or
  * equal to the specified offset.
  * @param offset
  *          User-specific offset.
  * @return the index to the data Block if such block exists; or -1
  *         otherwise.
 public int getBlockIndexNear(long offset) {
  ArrayList<BlockRegion> list = dataIndex.getBlockRegionList();
  int idx =
      .lowerBound(list, new ScalarLong(offset), new ScalarComparator());
  if (idx == list.size()) {
   return -1;
  return idx;


  * Find the smallest Block index whose starting offset is greater than or
  * equal to the specified offset.
  * @param offset
  *          User-specific offset.
  * @return the index to the data Block if such block exists; or -1
  *         otherwise.
 public int getBlockIndexNear(long offset) {
  ArrayList<BlockRegion> list = dataIndex.getBlockRegionList();
  int idx =
      .lowerBound(list, new ScalarLong(offset), new ScalarComparator());
  if (idx == list.size()) {
   return -1;
  return idx;

代码示例来源:origin: com.github.jiayuhan-it/hadoop-common

  * Find the smallest Block index whose starting offset is greater than or
  * equal to the specified offset.
  * @param offset
  *          User-specific offset.
  * @return the index to the data Block if such block exists; or -1
  *         otherwise.
 public int getBlockIndexNear(long offset) {
  ArrayList<BlockRegion> list = dataIndex.getBlockRegionList();
  int idx =
      .lowerBound(list, new ScalarLong(offset), new ScalarComparator());
  if (idx == list.size()) {
   return -1;
  return idx;

代码示例来源:origin: org.apache.apex/malhar-library

  * Find the smallest Block index whose starting offset is greater than or
  * equal to the specified offset.
  * @param offset
  *          User-specific offset.
  * @return the index to the data Block if such block exists; or -1
  *         otherwise.
 public int getBlockIndexNear(long offset) {
  ArrayList<BlockRegion> list = dataIndex.getBlockRegionList();
  int idx =
      .lowerBound(list, new ScalarLong(offset), new ScalarComparator());
  if (idx == list.size()) {
   return -1;
  return idx;
