[英]Gets the result of this operation as an ordered CompactSketch on the Java heap. This does not disturb the underlying data structure of the union. Therefore, it is OK to continue updating the union after this operation.
代码示例来源:origin: apache/incubator-druid
public Object get()
if (union == null) {
return SketchHolder.EMPTY;
//in the code below, I am returning SetOp.getResult(true, null)
//"true" returns an ordered sketch but slower to compute than unordered sketch.
//however, advantage of ordered sketch is that they are faster to "union" later
//given that results from the aggregator will be combined further, it is better
//to return the ordered sketch here
synchronized (this) {
return SketchHolder.of(union.getResult(true, null));
代码示例来源:origin: gchq/Gaffer
protected Union _apply(final Union a, final Union b) {
return a;
代码示例来源:origin: gchq/Gaffer
public byte[] serialise(final Union union) throws SerialisationException {
return union.getResult().toByteArray();
代码示例来源:origin: apache/incubator-druid
public Sketch getSketch()
if (cachedSketch != null) {
return cachedSketch;
if (obj instanceof Sketch) {
cachedSketch = (Sketch) obj;
} else if (obj instanceof Union) {
cachedSketch = ((Union) obj).getResult();
} else if (obj instanceof Memory) {
cachedSketch = deserializeFromMemory((Memory) obj);
} else {
throw new ISE("Can't get sketch from object of type [%s]", obj.getClass().getName());
return cachedSketch;
代码示例来源:origin: apache/incubator-druid
public Object get(ByteBuffer buf, int position)
Int2ObjectMap<Union> unionMap = unions.get(buf);
Union union = unionMap != null ? unionMap.get(position) : null;
if (union == null) {
return SketchHolder.EMPTY;
//in the code below, I am returning SetOp.getResult(true, null)
//"true" returns an ordered sketch but slower to compute than unordered sketch.
//however, advantage of ordered sketch is that they are faster to "union" later
//given that results from the aggregator will be combined further, it is better
//to return the ordered sketch here
return SketchHolder.of(union.getResult(true, null));
代码示例来源:origin: gchq/Gaffer
protected Double getTestValue(final Union object) {
return object.getResult().getEstimate();
// assertEquals(estimate, unionDeserialised.getResult().getEstimate(), DELTA);
代码示例来源:origin: gchq/Gaffer
protected Sketch _apply(final Sketch a, final Sketch b) {
final Union union = Sketches.setOperationBuilder().buildUnion();
return union.getResult();
代码示例来源:origin: gchq/Gaffer
public void testAggregate() {
final UnionAggregator unionAggregator = new UnionAggregator();
Union currentState = union1;
assertEquals(2.0D, currentState.getResult().getEstimate(), DELTA);
currentState = unionAggregator.apply(currentState, union2);
assertEquals(4.0D, currentState.getResult().getEstimate(), DELTA);
代码示例来源:origin: apache/incubator-druid
public void testSketchAggregatorFactoryComparator()
Comparator<Object> comparator = SketchHolder.COMPARATOR;
Assert.assertEquals(0, comparator.compare(null, null));
Union union1 = (Union) SetOperation.builder().setNominalEntries(1 << 4).build(Family.UNION);
Sketch sketch1 = union1.getResult();
Assert.assertEquals(-1, comparator.compare(null, SketchHolder.of(sketch1)));
Assert.assertEquals(1, comparator.compare(SketchHolder.of(sketch1), null));
Union union2 = (Union) SetOperation.builder().setNominalEntries(1 << 4).build(Family.UNION);
Sketch sketch2 = union2.getResult();
Assert.assertEquals(-1, comparator.compare(SketchHolder.of(sketch1), SketchHolder.of(sketch2)));
Assert.assertEquals(-1, comparator.compare(SketchHolder.of(sketch1), SketchHolder.of(union2)));
Assert.assertEquals(1, comparator.compare(SketchHolder.of(sketch2), SketchHolder.of(sketch1)));
Assert.assertEquals(1, comparator.compare(SketchHolder.of(sketch2), SketchHolder.of(union1)));
Assert.assertEquals(1, comparator.compare(SketchHolder.of(union2), SketchHolder.of(union1)));
Assert.assertEquals(1, comparator.compare(SketchHolder.of(union2), SketchHolder.of(sketch1)));
代码示例来源:origin: DataSketches/sketches-core
public static void testAllCompactForms(Union union, double expected, double toll) {
double compEst1, compEst2;
compEst1 = union.getResult(false, null).getEstimate(); //not ordered, no mem
assertEquals(compEst1, expected, toll*expected);
CompactSketch comp2 = union.getResult(true, null); //ordered, no mem
compEst2 = comp2.getEstimate();
assertEquals(compEst2, compEst1, 0.0);
WritableMemory mem = WritableMemory.wrap(new byte[comp2.getCurrentBytes(false)]);
compEst2 = union.getResult(false, mem).getEstimate(); //not ordered, mem
assertEquals(compEst2, compEst1, 0.0);
compEst2 = union.getResult(true, mem).getEstimate(); //ordered, mem
assertEquals(compEst2, compEst1, 0.0);
代码示例来源:origin: DataSketches/sketches-core
public void heapifyUnion() {
Union u1 = SetOperation.builder().buildUnion();
Memory mem = Memory.wrap(ByteBuffer.wrap(u1.toByteArray())
Union u2 = (Union) SetOperation.heapify(mem);
Assert.assertEquals(u2.getResult().getEstimate(), 2.0);
代码示例来源:origin: DataSketches/sketches-core
public void checkFastWrap() {
int k = 16;
int unionSize = Sketches.getMaxUnionBytes(k);
WritableMemory srcMem = WritableMemory.wrap(new byte[unionSize]);
Union union = Sketches.setOperationBuilder().setNominalEntries(k).buildUnion(srcMem);
for (int i = 0; i < k; i++) { union.update(i); } //exact
assertEquals(union.getResult().getEstimate(), k, 0.0);
Union union2 = UnionImpl.fastWrap(srcMem, seed);
assertEquals(union2.getResult().getEstimate(), k, 0.0);
Memory srcMemR = srcMem;
Union union3 = UnionImpl.fastWrap(srcMemR, seed);
assertEquals(union3.getResult().getEstimate(), k, 0.0);
代码示例来源:origin: DataSketches/sketches-core
public void checkGetResult() {
int k = 1024;
UpdateSketch sk = Sketches.updateSketchBuilder().build();
Union union = Sketches.setOperationBuilder().setNominalEntries(k).buildUnion();
CompactSketch csk = union.getResult();
assertEquals(csk.getCurrentBytes(true), 8);
代码示例来源:origin: DataSketches/sketches-core
public void unionWrapped() {
Sketch sketch = SingleItemSketch.create(1);
Union union = Sketches.setOperationBuilder().buildUnion();
assertEquals(union.getResult().getEstimate(), 1, 0);
代码示例来源:origin: DataSketches/sketches-core
public void checkEmptyUnionCompactResult() {
int k = 64;
WritableMemory uMem = WritableMemory.wrap(new byte[getMaxUnionBytes(k)]); //union memory
Union union = SetOperation.builder().setNominalEntries(k).buildUnion(uMem);
WritableMemory mem = WritableMemory.wrap(new byte[Sketch.getMaxCompactSketchBytes(0)]);
CompactSketch csk = union.getResult(false, mem); //DirectCompactSketch
代码示例来源:origin: DataSketches/sketches-core
public void checkEmptyUnionCompactOrderedResult() {
int k = 64;
WritableMemory uMem = WritableMemory.wrap(new byte[getMaxUnionBytes(k)]); //union memory
Union union = SetOperation.builder().setNominalEntries(k).buildUnion(uMem);
WritableMemory mem = WritableMemory.wrap(new byte[Sketch.getMaxCompactSketchBytes(0)]);
CompactSketch csk = union.getResult(true, mem); //DirectCompactSketch
代码示例来源:origin: DataSketches/sketches-core
public void checkGetResult() {
int k = 1024;
UpdateSketch sk = Sketches.updateSketchBuilder().build();
int memBytes = getMaxUnionBytes(k);
byte[] memArr = new byte[memBytes];
WritableMemory iMem = WritableMemory.wrap(memArr);
Union union = Sketches.setOperationBuilder().setNominalEntries(k).buildUnion(iMem);
CompactSketch csk = union.getResult();
assertEquals(csk.getCurrentBytes(true), 8);
代码示例来源:origin: DataSketches/sketches-core
public void checkSerDe() {
SingleItemSketch sis = SingleItemSketch.create(1);
byte[] byteArr = sis.toByteArray();
Memory mem = Memory.wrap(byteArr);
SingleItemSketch sis2 = SingleItemSketch.heapify(mem);
assertEquals(sis2.getEstimate(), 1.0);
SingleItemSketch sis3 = SingleItemSketch.heapify(mem, DEFAULT_UPDATE_SEED);
assertEquals(sis2.getEstimate(), 1.0);
Union union = Sketches.setOperationBuilder().buildUnion();
assertEquals(union.getResult().getEstimate(), 1.0);
代码示例来源:origin: DataSketches/sketches-core
public void checkUnionCompactOrderedSource() {
int k = 1 << 12;
UpdateSketch sk = Sketches.updateSketchBuilder().build();
for (int i = 0; i < k; i++) { sk.update(i); }
double est1 = sk.getEstimate();
int bytes = Sketches.getMaxCompactSketchBytes(sk.getRetainedEntries());
try (WritableDirectHandle h = WritableMemory.allocateDirect(bytes)) {
WritableMemory wmem = h.get();
CompactSketch csk = sk.compact(true, wmem); //ordered, direct
Union union = Sketches.setOperationBuilder().buildUnion();
double est2 = union.getResult().getEstimate();
assertEquals(est2, est1);
代码示例来源:origin: DataSketches/sketches-core
@Test(expectedExceptions = SketchesArgumentException.class)
public void checkCompactFlagCorruption() {
int k = 1 << 12;
int bytes = Sketch.getMaxUpdateSketchBytes(k);
WritableMemory wmem1 = WritableMemory.allocate(bytes);
UpdateSketch sk = Sketches.updateSketchBuilder().setNominalEntries(k).build(wmem1);
for (int i = 0; i < k; i++) { sk.update(i); }
sk.compact(true, wmem1); //corrupt the wmem1 to be a compact sketch
Union union = SetOperation.builder().buildUnion();
union.update(sk); //update the union with the UpdateSketch object
CompactSketch csk1 = union.getResult();