[英]Add a group of decorators to an existing visual data group. Decorators are VisualItem instances intended to "decorate" another VisualItem, such as providing a label or dedicated interactive control, and are realized as prefuse.visual.DecoratorItem instances that provide access to the decorated item in addition to the standard VisualItem properties. The generated table is created using the #addDerivedTable(String,String,Predicate,Schema) method, but with no VisualItem properties inherited from the source group.
代码示例来源:origin: de.sciss/prefuse-core
* Add a group of decorators to an existing visual data group. Decorators
* are VisualItem instances intended to "decorate" another VisualItem,
* such as providing a label or dedicated interactive control, and are
* realized as {@link prefuse.visual.DecoratorItem} instances that provide
* access to the decorated item in addition to the standard VisualItem
* properties. The generated table is created using the
* {@link #addDerivedTable(String, String, Predicate, Schema)} method,
* but with no VisualItem properties inherited from the source group.
* @param group the data group to use for the decorators
* @param source the source data group to decorate
* @return the generated VisualTable of DecoratorItem instances
public synchronized VisualTable addDecorators(String group,String source) {
return addDecorators(group, source, (Predicate)null);
代码示例来源:origin: de.sciss/prefuse-core
* Add a group of decorators to an existing visual data group. Decorators
* are VisualItem instances intended to "decorate" another VisualItem,
* such as providing a label or dedicated interactive control, and are
* realized as {@link prefuse.visual.DecoratorItem} instances that provide
* access to the decorated item in addition to the standard VisualItem
* properties.
* @param group the data group to use for the decorators
* @param source the source data group to decorate
* @param schema schema indicating which variables should <b>not</b> be
* inherited from the source data group and instead be managed locally
* by the generated VisualTable
* @return the generated VisualTable of DecoratorItem instances
public synchronized VisualTable addDecorators(
String group, String source, Schema schema)
return addDecorators(group, source, null, schema);
代码示例来源:origin: org.qi4j.tool/org.qi4j.tool.envisage
public void run( Graph graph )
// add the GRAPH to the visualization
m_vis.add( GRAPH, graph );
// hide edges
Predicate edgesPredicate = (Predicate) ExpressionParser.parse( "ingroup('graph.edges') AND [" + USES_EDGES + "]==false", true );
m_vis.setVisible( GRAPH_EDGES, edgesPredicate, false );
m_vis.setInteractive( GRAPH_EDGES, null, false );
// make node interactive
m_vis.setInteractive( GRAPH_NODES, null, true );
// add LABELS to the visualization
Predicate labelP = (Predicate) ExpressionParser.parse( "VISIBLE()" );
m_vis.addDecorators( LABELS, GRAPH_NODES, labelP, LABEL_SCHEMA );
代码示例来源:origin: neueda/jetbrains-plugin-graph-database-support
m_vis.setValue(NODES, null, VisualItem.SHAPE, SHAPE_ELLIPSE);
m_vis.addDecorators(NODE_LABEL, NODES, SchemaProvider.provideFontSchema());