[英]Formats a size.
This method formats a long using suitable unit multipliers (e.g., K, M, G, and T) and printing just two fractional digits.
代码示例来源:origin: blazegraph/database
private String freeMemory() {
return ( displayFreeMemory ? "; used/avail/free/total/max mem: "
+ Util.formatSize( RUNTIME.totalMemory() - RUNTIME.freeMemory() ) + "/"
+ Util.formatSize( RUNTIME.freeMemory() + ( RUNTIME.maxMemory() - RUNTIME.totalMemory() ) ) + "/"
+ Util.formatSize( RUNTIME.freeMemory() ) + "/"
+ Util.formatSize( RUNTIME.totalMemory() ) + "/"
+ Util.formatSize( RUNTIME.maxMemory() ) : "" );
代码示例来源:origin: it.unimi.dsi/webgraph
if (external) info("Running " + this.numberOfThreads + " threads with a buffer of " + Util.formatSize(this.bufferSize) + " counters");
else info("Running " + this.numberOfThreads + " threads");
代码示例来源:origin: it.unimi.dsi/dsiutils
private String freeMemory() {
return (displayFreeMemory ? "; used/avail/free/total/max mem: "
+ Util.formatSize(RUNTIME.totalMemory() - RUNTIME.freeMemory()) + "/"
+ Util.formatSize(RUNTIME.freeMemory() + (RUNTIME.maxMemory() - RUNTIME.totalMemory())) + "/"
+ Util.formatSize(RUNTIME.freeMemory()) + "/"
+ Util.formatSize(RUNTIME.totalMemory()) + "/"
+ Util.formatSize(RUNTIME.maxMemory()) : "");
代码示例来源:origin: com.blazegraph/dsi-utils
private String freeMemory() {
return ( displayFreeMemory ? "; used/avail/free/total/max mem: "
+ Util.formatSize( RUNTIME.totalMemory() - RUNTIME.freeMemory() ) + "/"
+ Util.formatSize( RUNTIME.freeMemory() + ( RUNTIME.maxMemory() - RUNTIME.totalMemory() ) ) + "/"
+ Util.formatSize( RUNTIME.freeMemory() ) + "/"
+ Util.formatSize( RUNTIME.totalMemory() ) + "/"
+ Util.formatSize( RUNTIME.maxMemory() ) : "" );
代码示例来源:origin: it.unimi.di/mg4j
private static String format( long v, long total ) {
return v + " (" + Util.formatSize( v / 8 ) + "B, " + Util.format( 100. * v / total ) + "%)\n";
代码示例来源:origin: it.unimi.di/mg4j-big
private static String format( long v, long total ) {
return v + " (" + Util.formatSize( v / 8 ) + "B, " + Util.format( 100. * v / total ) + "%)\n";
代码示例来源:origin: it.unimi.di/mg4j-big
public void printStats( PrintStream stats ) {
stats.println( "Pointers" );
stats.println( "=========" );
stats.println( pointersStats );
stats.println( "Bits per pointer: " + Util.format( (double)pointersStats.totalNonSkip() / numberOfPostings ) + " (" + Util.format( (double)pointersStats.total() / numberOfPostings ) + " with skips)" );
long size = pointersStats.total();
if ( counts != null ) {
stats.println( "Counts" );
stats.println( "=========" );
stats.println( countsStats );
stats.println( "Bits per count: " + Util.format( (double)countsStats.totalNonSkip() / numberOfPostings ) + " (" + Util.format( (double)countsStats.total() / numberOfPostings ) + " with skips)" );
size += countsStats.total();
if ( positions != null ) {
stats.println( "Positions" );
stats.println( "=========" );
stats.println( positionsStats );
stats.println( "Bits per position: " + Util.format( (double)positionsStats.totalNonSkip() / numberOfOccurrences ) + " (" + Util.format( (double)positionsStats.total() / numberOfOccurrences ) + " with skips)" );
size += positionsStats.total();
stats.println( "Size: " + size + " bits (" + Util.formatSize( size / 8 ) + "B)" );
代码示例来源:origin: it.unimi.di/mg4j
public void printStats( PrintStream stats ) {
stats.println( "Pointers" );
stats.println( "=========" );
stats.println( pointersStats );
stats.println( "Bits per pointer: " + Util.format( (double)pointersStats.totalNonSkip() / numberOfPostings ) + " (" + Util.format( (double)pointersStats.total() / numberOfPostings ) + " with skips)" );
long size = pointersStats.total();
if ( counts != null ) {
stats.println( "Counts" );
stats.println( "=========" );
stats.println( countsStats );
stats.println( "Bits per count: " + Util.format( (double)countsStats.totalNonSkip() / numberOfPostings ) + " (" + Util.format( (double)countsStats.total() / numberOfPostings ) + " with skips)" );
size += countsStats.total();
if ( positions != null ) {
stats.println( "Positions" );
stats.println( "=========" );
stats.println( positionsStats );
stats.println( "Bits per position: " + Util.format( (double)positionsStats.totalNonSkip() / numberOfOccurrences ) + " (" + Util.format( (double)positionsStats.total() / numberOfOccurrences ) + " with skips)" );
size += positionsStats.total();
stats.println( "Size: " + size + " bits (" + Util.formatSize( size / 8 ) + "B)" );
代码示例来源:origin: it.unimi.di/mg4j-big
public String toString() {
final long total = total();
return "Upper bits: " + format( bitsForUpperBits, total ) +
"Lower bits: " + format( bitsForLowerBits, total ) +
"Skip pointers bits: " + format( bitsForSkipPointers, total ) +
"Additional bits: " + format( bitsForAdditional, total ) +
"Overall bits: " + total + " (" + Util.formatSize( total / 8 ) + "B)\n";
代码示例来源:origin: it.unimi.di/mg4j
public String toString() {
final long total = total();
return "Upper bits: " + format( bitsForUpperBits, total ) +
"Lower bits: " + format( bitsForLowerBits, total ) +
"Skip pointers bits: " + format( bitsForSkipPointers, total ) +
"Additional bits: " + format( bitsForAdditional, total ) +
"Overall bits: " + total + " (" + Util.formatSize( total / 8 ) + "B)\n";