
x33g5p2x  于2022-02-01 转载在 其他  



[英]Return the value of the first edge with the given target vertex id, or null if there is no such edge. Note: edge value objects returned by this method may be invalidated by the next call. Thus, keeping a reference to an edge value almost always leads to undesired behavior.


代码示例来源:origin: grafos-ml/okapi

 public void compute(Vertex<WritableComparable, Writable, Writable> vertex, 
   Iterable<WritableComparable> messages) throws IOException {
  int count = 0;
  for (WritableComparable msg : messages) {
   // If this vertex has a neighbor with this ID, then this means it
   // participates in a triangle.
   if (vertex.getEdgeValue(msg)!=null) {
  if (count>0) {
   vertex.setValue(new IntWritable(count));

代码示例来源:origin: grafos-ml/okapi

private void updateNeighborsPartitions(
    Vertex<LongWritable, VertexValue, EdgeValue> vertex,
    Iterable<PartitionMessage> messages) {
  for (PartitionMessage message : messages) {
    LongWritable otherId = new LongWritable(message.getSourceId());
    EdgeValue oldValue = vertex.getEdgeValue(otherId);
        new EdgeValue(message.getPartition(), oldValue

代码示例来源:origin: grafos-ml/okapi

 public void compute(Vertex<LongWritable, NullWritable, DoubleBooleanPair> vertex,
   Iterable<LongWritable> messages) throws IOException {
   // handle set-semimetric-label messages
   for (LongWritable trg: messages) {
     if (vertex.getEdgeValue(trg) != null) {
       vertex.setEdgeValue(trg, vertex.getEdgeValue(trg).setSemimetric(true));
   for (Edge<LongWritable, DoubleBooleanPair> edge : vertex.getEdges()) {
     if (edge.getValue().isSemimetric()) {
       // remove edge
       removeEdgesRequest(vertex.getId(), edge.getTargetVertexId());    

代码示例来源:origin: grafos-ml/okapi

private void processUpdates(Vertex<LongWritable, IntWritable, MBMEdgeValue> vertex, Iterable<MBMMessage> messages) throws AssertionError {
  Set<LongWritable> toRemove = new HashSet<LongWritable>();
  int numIncluded = 0;
  for (MBMMessage msg : messages) {
    MBMEdgeValue edgeValue = vertex.getEdgeValue(msg.getId());
    if (edgeValue == null) {
      // edge has already been removed, do nothing
      if (LOG.isDebugEnabled())
        LOG.debug(String.format("Superstep %d Vertex %d: message for removed edge from vertex %d", getSuperstep(), vertex.getId().get(), msg
    } else {
      if (msg.getState() == State.PROPOSED && edgeValue.getState() == State.PROPOSED) {
      } else if (msg.getState() == State.REMOVED) {
  // update capacity
  vertex.getValue().set(vertex.getValue().get() - numIncluded);
  // remove edges locally
  for (LongWritable e : toRemove)
  if (LOG.isDebugEnabled())
    LOG.debug(String.format("Superstep %d Vertex %d: included %d edges, removed %d edges", getSuperstep(), vertex.getId().get(), numIncluded,

代码示例来源:origin: grafos-ml/okapi

 public void compute(Vertex<I, V, E> vertex,
   Iterable<MessageWrapper<I,M1>> messages) throws IOException {
  for (MessageWrapper<I,M1> msg : messages) {
   E edgeValue = vertex.getEdgeValue(msg.getSourceId());
   if (edgeValue == null) {
    I clonedId = null;
    E clonedEdgeValue = null;
    try {
     clonedId = (I)msg.getSourceId().getClass().newInstance();
     clonedEdgeValue = (E)msg.getMessage().getClass().newInstance();
    } catch (InstantiationException e) {
     throw new IOException(e);
    } catch (IllegalAccessException e) {
     throw new IOException(e);
      getContext().getConfiguration(), msg.getSourceId(), clonedId);
      getContext().getConfiguration(), msg.getMessage(), clonedEdgeValue);
    Edge<I, E> edge = EdgeFactory.create(clonedId, clonedEdgeValue);

代码示例来源:origin: grafos-ml/okapi

 public void compute(
   Vertex<LongWritable, NullWritable, DoubleWritable> vertex,
   Iterable<LongIdFriendsList> messages) throws IOException {
  for (LongIdFriendsList msg : messages) {
   LongWritable src = msg.getSourceId();
   DoubleWritable edgeValue = vertex.getEdgeValue(src);
   long totalFriends = vertex.getNumEdges();
   long commonFriends = 0;
   for (LongWritable id : msg.getMessage()) {
    if (vertex.getEdgeValue(id)!=null) { // This is a common friend
    } else {
   // The Jaccard similarity is commonFriends/totalFriends
   // If the edge to the vertex with ID src does not exist, which is the
   // case in a directed graph, this call has no effect. 
   vertex.setEdgeValue(src, new DoubleWritable(
  if (!conversionEnabled) {

代码示例来源:origin: grafos-ml/okapi

if (vertex.getEdgeValue(id1)!=null) {
 double weight_ab = vertex.getEdgeValue(id2).getWeight();
 double weight_ac = vertex.getEdgeValue(id1).getWeight();
 double weight_bc = msg.getWeight(); 
   sendMessage(id2, id1);
 } else if (weight_ab+weight_bc < weight_ac) {
    vertex.setEdgeValue(id1, vertex.getEdgeValue(id1).setSemimetric(true));
    sendMessage(id1, vertex.getId());
    vertex.setEdgeValue(id2, vertex.getEdgeValue(id2).setSemimetric(true));
    sendMessage(id2, vertex.getId());

代码示例来源:origin: grafos-ml/okapi

public void computeRankingMeasure(
  Vertex<CfLongId, FloatMatrixWritable, BooleanWritable> vertex,
  Iterable<FloatMatrixMessage> messages) {
 if (vertex.getId().isUser()){
  ArrayList<FloatBoolean> scores = new ArrayList<FloatBoolean>(); 
  for(FloatMatrixMessage msg : messages){
   scores.add(new FloatBoolean(msg.getScore(), 
  float rankingMeasure = computePrecision(scores, this.k);
    new FloatAvgAggregator.PartialAvg(rankingMeasure,1));

代码示例来源:origin: grafos-ml/okapi

public void compute(
    Vertex<LongWritable, VertexValue, EdgeValue> vertex,
    Iterable<LongWritable> messages) throws IOException {
  for (LongWritable other : messages) {
    EdgeValue edgeValue = vertex.getEdgeValue(other);
    if (edgeValue == null) {
      edgeValue = new EdgeValue();
      edgeValue.setWeight((byte) 1);
      Edge<LongWritable, EdgeValue> edge = EdgeFactory.create(
          new LongWritable(other.get()), edgeValue);
    } else {
      edgeValue = new EdgeValue();
      vertex.setEdgeValue(other, edgeValue);

代码示例来源:origin: grafos-ml/okapi

 public void compute(
   Vertex<LongWritable, DoubleWritable, DoubleWritable> vertex,
   Iterable<LongIdDoubleValueFriendsList> messages) throws IOException {
  for (LongIdDoubleValueFriendsList msg : messages) {
   DoubleWritable partialValue = msg.getVertexValue();
   for (LongWritable id : msg.getNeighborsList()) {
     if (id != vertex.getId()) {
       if (vertex.getEdgeValue(id) != null) {
         DoubleWritable currentEdgeValue = vertex.getEdgeValue(id);
         // if the edge exists, add up the partial value to the current sum
         vertex.setEdgeValue(id, new DoubleWritable(currentEdgeValue.get() 
             + partialValue.get()));
  if (!conversionEnabled) {

代码示例来源:origin: apache/giraph

 public void checkOutput(NumericTestGraph<LongWritable, Writable, LongWritable> graph) {
  Assert.assertEquals(1, graph.getVertex(1).getNumEdges());
  Assert.assertNull(graph.getVertex(1).getEdgeValue(new LongWritable(-1)));
  Assert.assertEquals(2, graph.getVertex(1).getEdgeValue(new LongWritable(2)).get());
  Assert.assertEquals(1, graph.getVertex(2).getNumEdges());
  Assert.assertEquals(-1, graph.getVertex(2).getEdgeValue(new LongWritable(-1)).get());

代码示例来源:origin: grafos-ml/okapi

 public void compute(Vertex<LongWritable, NullWritable,DoubleBooleanPair> vertex, 
   Iterable<LongWritable> messages) throws IOException {
   final long vertexId = vertex.getId().get();
   final long superstep = getSuperstep();
   if (((vertexId % megasteps) * 3) == superstep) {
     for (Edge<LongWritable, DoubleBooleanPair> edge: vertex.getEdges()) {
       if (edge.getTargetVertexId().compareTo(vertex.getId()) > 0) {
        sendMessage(edge.getTargetVertexId(), vertex.getId());
   // handle set-semimetric-label messages
   for (LongWritable trg: messages) {
     if (vertex.getEdgeValue(trg) != null) {
       vertex.setEdgeValue(trg, vertex.getEdgeValue(trg).setSemimetric(true));

代码示例来源:origin: org.apache.giraph/giraph-examples

Long senderId = Long.valueOf(message.getSenderId());
LongWritable wId = new LongWritable(senderId);
LongWritable tag = vertex.getEdgeValue(wId);

代码示例来源:origin: grafos-ml/okapi

 public void compute(Vertex<LongWritable, Writable, DoubleBooleanPair> vertex, 
   Iterable<LongWritable> messages) throws IOException {
    for (LongWritable msg : messages) {
     assert(msg.compareTo(vertex.getId())<0); // This can never happen
     double weight = vertex.getEdgeValue(msg).getWeight();
     // This means there is an edge:
     // 1) FROM vertex with ID=msg.get()
     // 2) TO vertex with ID=vertex.getId().get()
     // 3) with the specified weight.
     SimpleEdge t = new SimpleEdge(msg.get(), vertex.getId().get(), weight);
     for (Edge<LongWritable, DoubleBooleanPair> edge: vertex.getEdges()) {
      if (vertex.getId().compareTo(edge.getTargetVertexId()) < 0) {
       sendMessage(edge.getTargetVertexId(), t);

代码示例来源:origin: grafos-ml/okapi

 public void compute(Vertex<LongWritable, Writable, DoubleWritable> vertex, 
   Iterable<LongWritable> messages) throws IOException {
  for (LongWritable msg : messages) {
   assert(msg.compareTo(vertex.getId())<0); // This can never happen
   double weight = vertex.getEdgeValue(msg).get();
   // This means there is an edge:
   // 1) FROM vertex with ID=msg.get()
   // 2) TO vertex with ID=vertex.getId().get()
   // 3) with the specified weight.
   SimpleEdge t = new SimpleEdge(msg.get(), vertex.getId().get(), weight);
   for (Edge<LongWritable, DoubleWritable> edge: vertex.getEdges()) {
    if (vertex.getId().compareTo(edge.getTargetVertexId()) < 0) {
     sendMessage(edge.getTargetVertexId(), t);

代码示例来源:origin: grafos-ml/okapi

 public void compute(
   Vertex<LongWritable, NullWritable, DoubleWritable> vertex,
   Iterable<LongIdBloomFilter> messages) throws IOException {
  for (LongIdBloomFilter msg : messages) {
   LongWritable src = msg.getSourceId();
   BloomFilter filter = msg.getMessage();
   DoubleWritable edgeValue = vertex.getEdgeValue(src);
   long totalFriends = msg.getNumElements();
   long commonFriends = 0;
   for (Edge<LongWritable, DoubleWritable> e : vertex.getEdges()) {
    Key k = new Key(Longs.toByteArray(e.getTargetVertexId().get()));
    if (filter.membershipTest(k)) { // This is a common friend
    } else {
   // The Jaccard similarity is commonFriends/totalFriends
   // If the edge to the vertex with ID src does not exist, which is the
   // case in a directed graph, this call has no effect. 
   vertex.setEdgeValue(src, new DoubleWritable(
        (double)Math.min(commonFriends, totalFriends)/(double)totalFriends));
  if (!conversionEnabled) {

代码示例来源:origin: grafos-ml/okapi

 public void compute(
   Vertex<LongWritable, DoubleWritable, DoubleWritable> vertex,
   Iterable<LongIdAndValueBloomFilter> messages) throws IOException {
   for (LongIdAndValueBloomFilter msg : messages) {
     DoubleWritable partialValue = msg.getVertexValue();
     BloomFilter filter = msg.getNeighborsList();
     for (Edge<LongWritable, DoubleWritable> e : vertex.getEdges()) {
       Key k = new Key(Longs.toByteArray(e.getTargetVertexId().get()));
       if (filter.membershipTest(k)) { // common neighbor
         DoubleWritable currentEdgeValue = vertex.getEdgeValue(e.getTargetVertexId());
         // add up the partial value to the current sum
         vertex.setEdgeValue(e.getTargetVertexId(), new DoubleWritable (currentEdgeValue.get() 
             + partialValue.get()));
   if (!conversionEnabled) {

代码示例来源:origin: grafos-ml/okapi

if (vertex.getEdgeValue(msg.get(0))!=null) {
 final Vertex<WritableComparable, Writable, Writable> _vertex = vertex;
 ArrayListWritable<WritableComparable> pair = new ArrayListWritable() {

代码示例来源:origin: grafos-ml/okapi

private void sendUpdates(Vertex<LongWritable, IntWritable, MBMEdgeValue> vertex) {
  final MBMMessage proposeMsg = new MBMMessage(vertex.getId(), State.PROPOSED);
  // get top-capacity available edges by weight
  final int capacity = vertex.getValue().get();
  MinMaxPriorityQueue<Entry<LongWritable, MBMEdgeValue>> maxHeap = MinMaxPriorityQueue.orderedBy(new Comparator<Entry<LongWritable, MBMEdgeValue>>() {
    public int compare(Entry<LongWritable, MBMEdgeValue> o1, Entry<LongWritable, MBMEdgeValue> o2) {
      return -1 *, o2.getValue().getWeight()); // reverse comparator, largest weight first
  // prepare list of available edges
  for (Edge<LongWritable, MBMEdgeValue> e : vertex.getEdges()) {
    if (e.getValue().getState() == State.DEFAULT || e.getValue().getState() == State.PROPOSED) {
      maxHeap.add(Maps.immutableEntry(e.getTargetVertexId(), e.getValue()));
  if (maxHeap.isEmpty()) {
    // all remaining edges are INCLUDED, nothing else to do
  } else {
    // propose up to capacity
    while (!maxHeap.isEmpty()) {
      Entry<LongWritable, MBMEdgeValue> entry = maxHeap.removeFirst();
      sendMessage(entry.getKey(), proposeMsg);

代码示例来源:origin: grafos-ml/okapi

for (FloatMatrixMessage msg : messages) {
 mat_M.putColumn(i, msg.getFactors());
 mat_R.put(i, 0, vertex.getEdgeValue(msg.getSenderId()).get());
