代码示例来源:origin: azkaban/azkaban
public TriggerAction createActionFromJson(final String type, final Object obj)
throws Exception {
TriggerAction action = null;
final Class<? extends TriggerAction> actionClass = actionToClass.get(type);
if (actionClass == null) {
throw new Exception("Action Type " + type + " not supported!");
action =
(TriggerAction) Utils.invokeStaticMethod(actionClass.getClassLoader(),
actionClass.getName(), "createFromJson", obj);
return action;
代码示例来源:origin: azkaban/azkaban
public ConditionChecker createCheckerFromJson(final String type, final Object obj)
throws Exception {
ConditionChecker checker = null;
final Class<? extends ConditionChecker> checkerClass = checkerToClass.get(type);
if (checkerClass == null) {
throw new Exception("Checker type " + type + " not supported!");
checker =
(ConditionChecker) Utils.invokeStaticMethod(
checkerClass.getClassLoader(), checkerClass.getName(),
"createFromJson", obj);
return checker;
代码示例来源:origin: azkaban/azkaban
Utils.invokeStaticMethod(urlClassLoader, pluginClass,
"initiateCheckerTypes", pluginProps, this);
} catch (final Exception e) {
Utils.invokeStaticMethod(urlClassLoader, pluginClass,
"initiateActionTypes", pluginProps, this);
} catch (final Exception e) {
代码示例来源:origin: com.linkedin.azkaban/azkaban
public ConditionChecker createCheckerFromJson(String type, Object obj) throws Exception {
ConditionChecker checker = null;
Class<? extends ConditionChecker> checkerClass = checkerToClass.get(type);
if(checkerClass == null) {
throw new Exception("Checker type " + type + " not supported!");
checker = (ConditionChecker) Utils.invokeStaticMethod(checkerClass.getClassLoader(), checkerClass.getName(), "createFromJson", obj);
return checker;
代码示例来源:origin: com.linkedin.azkaban/azkaban
public TriggerAction createActionFromJson(String type, Object obj) throws Exception {
TriggerAction action = null;
Class<? extends TriggerAction> actionClass = actionToClass.get(type);
if(actionClass == null) {
throw new Exception("Action Type " + type + " not supported!");
action = (TriggerAction) Utils.invokeStaticMethod(actionClass.getClassLoader(), actionClass.getName(), "createFromJson", obj);
return action;
代码示例来源:origin: com.linkedin.azkaban/azkaban-common
public TriggerAction createActionFromJson(final String type, final Object obj)
throws Exception {
TriggerAction action = null;
final Class<? extends TriggerAction> actionClass = actionToClass.get(type);
if (actionClass == null) {
throw new Exception("Action Type " + type + " not supported!");
action =
(TriggerAction) Utils.invokeStaticMethod(actionClass.getClassLoader(),
actionClass.getName(), "createFromJson", obj);
return action;
代码示例来源:origin: com.linkedin.azkaban/azkaban-common
public ConditionChecker createCheckerFromJson(final String type, final Object obj)
throws Exception {
ConditionChecker checker = null;
final Class<? extends ConditionChecker> checkerClass = checkerToClass.get(type);
if (checkerClass == null) {
throw new Exception("Checker type " + type + " not supported!");
checker =
(ConditionChecker) Utils.invokeStaticMethod(
checkerClass.getClassLoader(), checkerClass.getName(),
"createFromJson", obj);
return checker;
代码示例来源:origin: com.linkedin.azkaban/azkaban
Utils.invokeStaticMethod(urlClassLoader, pluginClass, "initiateCheckerTypes", pluginProps, app);
} catch (Exception e) {
logger.error("Unable to initiate checker types for " + pluginClass);
Utils.invokeStaticMethod(urlClassLoader, pluginClass, "initiateActionTypes", pluginProps, app);
} catch (Exception e) {
logger.error("Unable to initiate action types for " + pluginClass);