
x33g5p2x  于2022-02-02 转载在 其他  



[英]Create a DataHolder that can be used to pass data to the converters. The DataHolder is provided with a call to #marshal(Object,HierarchicalStreamWriter,DataHolder), #unmarshal(HierarchicalStreamReader,Object,DataHolder), #createObjectInputStream(HierarchicalStreamReader,DataHolder) or #createObjectOutputStream(HierarchicalStreamWriter,String,DataHolder).


代码示例来源:origin: riotfamily/riot

private DataHolder createDataHolder(Content content) {
  DataHolder dataHolder = xstream.newDataHolder();
  dataHolder.put("content", content);
  return dataHolder;

代码示例来源:origin: org.apache.jmeter/ApacheJMeter_core

 * Read results from JTL file.
 * @param reader of the file
 * @param resultCollectorHelper helper class to enable TestResultWrapperConverter to deliver the samples
 * @throws IOException if an I/O error occurs
public static void loadTestResults(InputStream reader, ResultCollectorHelper resultCollectorHelper) throws IOException {
  // Get the InputReader to use
  InputStreamReader inputStreamReader = getInputStreamReader(reader);
  DataHolder dh = JTLSAVER.newDataHolder();
  dh.put(RESULTCOLLECTOR_HELPER_OBJECT, resultCollectorHelper); // Allow TestResultWrapper to feed back the samples
  // This is effectively the same as saver.fromXML(InputStream) except we get to provide the DataHolder
  // Don't know why there is no method for this in the XStream class
  JTLSAVER.unmarshal(new XppDriver().createReader(reader), null, dh);

代码示例来源:origin: org.apache.jmeter/ApacheJMeter_core

 * Save a sampleResult to an XML output file using XStream.
 * @param evt sampleResult wrapped in a sampleEvent
 * @param writer output stream which must be created using {@link #getFileEncoding(String)}
 * @throws IOException when writing data to output fails
// Used by ResultCollector.sampleOccurred(SampleEvent event)
public synchronized static void saveSampleResult(SampleEvent evt, Writer writer) throws IOException {
  DataHolder dh = JTLSAVER.newDataHolder();
  dh.put(SAMPLE_EVENT_OBJECT, evt);
  // This is effectively the same as saver.toXML(Object, Writer) except we get to provide the DataHolder
  // Don't know why there is no method for this in the XStream class
  try {
    JTLSAVER.marshal(evt.getResult(), new XppDriver().createWriter(writer), dh);
  } catch(RuntimeException e) {
    throw new IllegalArgumentException("Failed marshalling:"+(evt.getResult() != null ? showDebuggingInfo(evt.getResult()) : "null"), e);
