代码示例来源:origin: kiegroup/optaplanner
protected XSSFColor extractColor(XSSFCell cell, XSSFColor... acceptableColors) {
XSSFCellStyle cellStyle = cell.getCellStyle();
FillPatternType fillPattern = cellStyle.getFillPatternEnum();
if (fillPattern == null || fillPattern == FillPatternType.NO_FILL) {
return null;
if (fillPattern != FillPatternType.SOLID_FOREGROUND) {
throw new IllegalStateException(currentPosition() + ": The fill pattern (" + fillPattern
+ ") should be either " + FillPatternType.NO_FILL
+ " or " + FillPatternType.SOLID_FOREGROUND + ".");
XSSFColor color = cellStyle.getFillForegroundColorColor();
for (XSSFColor acceptableColor : acceptableColors) {
if (acceptableColor.equals(color)) {
return acceptableColor;
throw new IllegalStateException(currentPosition() + ": The fill color (" + color
+ ") is not one of the acceptableColors (" + Arrays.toString(acceptableColors) + ").");
代码示例来源:origin: org.apache.poi/poi-ooxml
* Finds a font that matches the one with the supplied attributes,
* where color is the actual Color-value, not the indexed color
public XSSFFont findFont(boolean bold, Color color, short fontHeight, String name, boolean italic, boolean strikeout, short typeOffset, byte underline) {
for (XSSFFont font : fonts) {
if ( (font.getBold() == bold)
&& font.getXSSFColor().equals(color)
&& font.getFontHeight() == fontHeight
&& font.getFontName().equals(name)
&& font.getItalic() == italic
&& font.getStrikeout() == strikeout
&& font.getTypeOffset() == typeOffset
&& font.getUnderline() == underline)
return font;
return null;
代码示例来源:origin: org.optaplanner/optaplanner-examples
protected XSSFColor extractColor(XSSFCell cell, XSSFColor... acceptableColors) {
XSSFCellStyle cellStyle = cell.getCellStyle();
FillPatternType fillPattern = cellStyle.getFillPatternEnum();
if (fillPattern == null || fillPattern == FillPatternType.NO_FILL) {
return null;
if (fillPattern != FillPatternType.SOLID_FOREGROUND) {
throw new IllegalStateException(currentPosition() + ": The fill pattern (" + fillPattern
+ ") should be either " + FillPatternType.NO_FILL
+ " or " + FillPatternType.SOLID_FOREGROUND + ".");
XSSFColor color = cellStyle.getFillForegroundColorColor();
for (XSSFColor acceptableColor : acceptableColors) {
if (acceptableColor.equals(color)) {
return acceptableColor;
throw new IllegalStateException(currentPosition() + ": The fill color (" + color
+ ") is not one of the acceptableColors (" + Arrays.toString(acceptableColors) + ").");
代码示例来源:origin: org.apache.servicemix.bundles/org.apache.servicemix.bundles.poi
* Finds a font that matches the one with the supplied attributes,
* where color is the actual Color-value, not the indexed color
public XSSFFont findFont(boolean bold, Color color, short fontHeight, String name, boolean italic, boolean strikeout, short typeOffset, byte underline) {
for (XSSFFont font : fonts) {
if ( (font.getBold() == bold)
&& font.getXSSFColor().equals(color)
&& font.getFontHeight() == fontHeight
&& font.getFontName().equals(name)
&& font.getItalic() == italic
&& font.getStrikeout() == strikeout
&& font.getTypeOffset() == typeOffset
&& font.getUnderline() == underline)
return font;
return null;
代码示例来源:origin: openl-tablets/openl-tablets
if (font == null || color != null && !font.getXSSFColor().equals(color) ||
color == null && font.getXSSFColor().getIndexed() != indexedColor) {
font = workbook.createFont();
代码示例来源:origin: org.openl.rules/org.openl.rules.webstudio
if (font == null || color != null && !font.getXSSFColor().equals(color) ||
color == null && font.getXSSFColor().getIndexed() != indexedColor) {
font = workbook.createFont();