[英]Create a relationship between two nodes.
代码示例来源:origin: neo4j/neo4j
private void relateNTimes( int nRelationshipsInStore, int type, long n1, long n2, Transaction tx )
throws KernelException
for ( int i = 0; i < nRelationshipsInStore; i++ )
tx.dataWrite().relationshipCreate( n1, type, n2 );
代码示例来源:origin: neo4j/neo4j
private void createRelationship( RelationshipDirection direction, long start, int type, Write write )
throws EntityNotFoundException
switch ( direction )
case OUT:
write.relationshipCreate( start, type, write.nodeCreate() );
case IN:
write.relationshipCreate( write.nodeCreate(), type, start );
case LOOP:
write.relationshipCreate( start, type, start );
throw new IllegalStateException( "Checkstyle, you win again!" );
代码示例来源:origin: neo4j/neo4j
private void createRelationship( long startNode, String type, long endNode, List<String> propKeys, List<Value> propValues ) throws Throwable
assert type != null && !type.equals( "" );
assert propKeys.size() == propValues.size();
Transaction transaction = newTransaction( AnonymousContext.writeToken() );
int typeId = transaction.tokenWrite().relationshipTypeGetOrCreateForName( type );
long relId = transaction.dataWrite().relationshipCreate( startNode, typeId, endNode );
for ( int i = 0; i < propKeys.size(); i++ )
String propKeyName = propKeys.get( i );
Value propValue = propValues.get( i );
int propKeyId = transaction.tokenWrite().propertyKeyGetOrCreateForName( propKeyName );
transaction.dataWrite().relationshipSetProperty( relId, propKeyId, propValue );
代码示例来源:origin: neo4j/neo4j
public void listRelationshipTypes() throws Throwable
// Given
Transaction transaction = newTransaction( AnonymousContext.writeToken() );
int relType = transaction.tokenWrite().relationshipTypeGetOrCreateForName( "MyRelType" );
long startNodeId = transaction.dataWrite().nodeCreate();
long endNodeId = transaction.dataWrite().nodeCreate();
transaction.dataWrite().relationshipCreate( startNodeId, relType, endNodeId );
// When
RawIterator<Object[],ProcedureException> stream =
procs().procedureCallRead( procs().procedureGet( procedureName( "db", "relationshipTypes" ) ).id(), new Object[0] );
// Then
assertThat( asList( stream ), contains( equalTo( new Object[]{"MyRelType"} ) ) );
代码示例来源:origin: neo4j/neo4j
public void shouldCreateRelationshipBetweenInTransactionNodes() throws Exception
long n1, n2, r;
try ( Transaction tx = beginTransaction() )
n1 = tx.dataWrite().nodeCreate();
n2 = tx.dataWrite().nodeCreate();
int label = tx.token().relationshipTypeGetOrCreateForName( "R" );
r = tx.dataWrite().relationshipCreate( n1, label, n2 );
try ( org.neo4j.graphdb.Transaction ignore = graphDb.beginTx() )
List<Relationship> relationships = Iterables.asList( graphDb.getNodeById( n1 ).getRelationships() );
assertEquals( 1, relationships.size() );
assertEquals( relationships.get( 0 ).getId(), r );
代码示例来源:origin: neo4j/neo4j
public void shouldCountNewRelationships() throws Exception
int relationship;
try ( Transaction tx = beginTransaction() )
Write write = tx.dataWrite();
relationship = tx.tokenWrite().relationshipTypeGetOrCreateForName( "R" );
write.relationshipCreate( write.nodeCreate(), relationship, write.nodeCreate() );
try ( Transaction tx = beginTransaction() )
Write write = tx.dataWrite();
write.relationshipCreate( write.nodeCreate(), relationship, write.nodeCreate() );
long countsTxState = tx.dataRead().countsForRelationship( -1, relationship, -1 );
long countsNoTxState = tx.dataRead().countsForRelationshipWithoutTxState( -1, relationship, -1 );
assertEquals( 2, countsTxState );
assertEquals( 1, countsNoTxState );
代码示例来源:origin: neo4j/neo4j
public void shouldFailToCreateRelationshipPropertyExistenceConstraintIfConstraintNotSatisfied() throws Exception
try ( Transaction transaction = beginTransaction() )
Write write = transaction.dataWrite();
write.relationshipCreate( write.nodeCreate(), type, write.nodeCreate() );
exception.expect( SchemaKernelException.class );
try ( Transaction transaction = beginTransaction() )
transaction.schemaWrite().relationshipPropertyExistenceConstraintCreate( typeDescriptor( type, prop1 ) );
代码示例来源:origin: neo4j/neo4j
public void shouldCreateRelationship() throws Exception
long n1, n2;
try ( org.neo4j.graphdb.Transaction tx = graphDb.beginTx() )
n1 = graphDb.createNode().getId();
n2 = graphDb.createNode().getId();
long r;
try ( Transaction tx = beginTransaction() )
int label = tx.token().relationshipTypeGetOrCreateForName( "R" );
r = tx.dataWrite().relationshipCreate( n1, label, n2 );
try ( org.neo4j.graphdb.Transaction ignore = graphDb.beginTx() )
List<Relationship> relationships = Iterables.asList( graphDb.getNodeById( n1 ).getRelationships() );
assertEquals( 1, relationships.size() );
assertEquals( relationships.get( 0 ).getId(), r );
代码示例来源:origin: neo4j/neo4j
public void shouldReturnRelsWhenAskingForRelsWhereOnlySomeTypesExistInCurrentRel() throws Exception
Transaction transaction = newTransaction( AnonymousContext.writeToken() );
int relType1 = transaction.tokenWrite().relationshipTypeGetOrCreateForName( "Type1" );
int relType2 = transaction.tokenWrite().relationshipTypeGetOrCreateForName( "Type2" );
long refNode = transaction.dataWrite().nodeCreate();
long otherNode = transaction.dataWrite().nodeCreate();
long theRel = transaction.dataWrite().relationshipCreate( refNode, relType1, otherNode );
assertRels( nodeGetRelationships( transaction, refNode, OUTGOING, new int[]{relType2,relType1} ), theRel );
代码示例来源:origin: neo4j/neo4j
public void shouldNotSeeSingleRelationshipWhichWasDeletedInTransaction() throws Exception
int label;
long n1, n2, r;
try ( Transaction tx = beginTransaction() )
n1 = tx.dataWrite().nodeCreate();
n2 = tx.dataWrite().nodeCreate();
label = tx.tokenWrite().relationshipTypeGetOrCreateForName( "R" );
long decoyNode = tx.dataWrite().nodeCreate();
tx.dataWrite().relationshipCreate( n2, label, decoyNode ); // to have >1 relationship in the db
r = tx.dataWrite().relationshipCreate( n1, label, n2 );
try ( Transaction tx = beginTransaction() )
assertTrue( "should delete relationship", tx.dataWrite().relationshipDelete( r ) );
try ( RelationshipScanCursor relationship = tx.cursors().allocateRelationshipScanCursor() )
tx.dataRead().singleRelationship( r, relationship );
assertFalse( "should not find relationship", relationship.next() );
代码示例来源:origin: neo4j/neo4j
public void shouldRollbackRelationshipOnFailure() throws Exception
long n1, n2;
try ( org.neo4j.graphdb.Transaction tx = graphDb.beginTx() )
n1 = graphDb.createNode().getId();
n2 = graphDb.createNode().getId();
try ( Transaction tx = beginTransaction() )
int label = tx.token().relationshipTypeGetOrCreateForName( "R" );
tx.dataWrite().relationshipCreate( n1, label, n2 );
try ( org.neo4j.graphdb.Transaction ignore = graphDb.beginTx() )
assertEquals( 0, graphDb.getNodeById( n1 ).getDegree() );
代码示例来源:origin: neo4j/neo4j
public void shouldNotAllowModifyingPropertiesOnDeletedRelationship() throws Exception
// given
Transaction transaction = newTransaction( AnonymousContext.writeToken() );
int prop1 = transaction.tokenWrite().propertyKeyGetOrCreateForName( "prop1" );
int type = transaction.tokenWrite().relationshipTypeGetOrCreateForName( "RELATED" );
long startNodeId = transaction.dataWrite().nodeCreate();
long endNodeId = transaction.dataWrite().nodeCreate();
long rel = transaction.dataWrite().relationshipCreate( startNodeId, type, endNodeId );
transaction.dataWrite().relationshipSetProperty( rel, prop1, Values.stringValue( "As" ) );
transaction.dataWrite().relationshipDelete( rel );
// When
transaction.dataWrite().relationshipRemoveProperty( rel, prop1 );
fail( "Should have failed." );
catch ( EntityNotFoundException e )
assertThat( e.getMessage(), equalTo( "Unable to load RELATIONSHIP with id " + rel + "." ) );
代码示例来源:origin: neo4j/neo4j
public void shouldNotCountRemovedRelationships() throws Exception
int relationshipId;
long relationship;
try ( Transaction tx = beginTransaction() )
Write write = tx.dataWrite();
relationshipId = tx.tokenWrite().relationshipTypeGetOrCreateForName( "R" );
relationship = write.relationshipCreate( write.nodeCreate(), relationshipId, write.nodeCreate() );
try ( Transaction tx = beginTransaction() )
Write write = tx.dataWrite();
write.relationshipDelete( relationship );
long countsTxState = tx.dataRead().countsForRelationship( -1, relationshipId, -1 );
long countsNoTxState = tx.dataRead().countsForRelationshipWithoutTxState( -1, relationshipId, -1 );
assertEquals( 0, countsTxState );
assertEquals( 1, countsNoTxState );
代码示例来源:origin: neo4j/neo4j
public void shouldScanRelationshipInTransaction() throws Exception
final int nRelationshipsInStore = 10;
int type;
long n1, n2;
try ( Transaction tx = beginTransaction() )
n1 = tx.dataWrite().nodeCreate();
n2 = tx.dataWrite().nodeCreate();
// setup some in store relationships
type = tx.tokenWrite().relationshipTypeGetOrCreateForName( "R" );
relateNTimes( nRelationshipsInStore, type, n1, n2, tx );
try ( Transaction tx = beginTransaction() )
long r = tx.dataWrite().relationshipCreate( n1, type, n2 );
try ( RelationshipScanCursor relationship = tx.cursors().allocateRelationshipScanCursor() )
tx.dataRead().allRelationshipsScan( relationship );
assertCountRelationships( relationship, nRelationshipsInStore + 1, n1, type, n2 );
代码示例来源:origin: neo4j/neo4j
public void shouldDeleteRelationshipAddedInTransaction() throws Exception
long n1, n2;
try ( org.neo4j.graphdb.Transaction tx = graphDb.beginTx() )
n1 = graphDb.createNode().getId();
n2 = graphDb.createNode().getId();
try ( Transaction tx = beginTransaction() )
int label = tx.token().relationshipTypeGetOrCreateForName( "R" );
long r = tx.dataWrite().relationshipCreate( n1, label, n2 );
assertTrue( tx.dataWrite().relationshipDelete( r ) );
try ( org.neo4j.graphdb.Transaction ignore = graphDb.beginTx() )
assertEquals( 0, graphDb.getNodeById( n1 ).getDegree() );
代码示例来源:origin: neo4j/neo4j
public void shouldBeAbleToRemoveResetAndTwiceRemovePropertyOnRelationship() throws Exception
// given
Transaction transaction = newTransaction( AnonymousContext.writeToken() );
int prop = transaction.tokenWrite().propertyKeyGetOrCreateForName( "foo" );
int type = transaction.tokenWrite().relationshipTypeGetOrCreateForName( "RELATED" );
long startNodeId = transaction.dataWrite().nodeCreate();
long endNodeId = transaction.dataWrite().nodeCreate();
long rel = transaction.dataWrite().relationshipCreate( startNodeId, type, endNodeId );
transaction.dataWrite().relationshipSetProperty( rel, prop, Values.of( "bar" ) );
// when
Write write = dataWriteInNewTransaction();
write.relationshipRemoveProperty( rel, prop );
write.relationshipSetProperty( rel, prop, Values.of( "bar" ) );
write.relationshipRemoveProperty( rel, prop );
write.relationshipRemoveProperty( rel, prop );
// then
transaction = newTransaction();
assertThat( relationshipGetProperty(transaction, rel, prop ), equalTo( Values.NO_VALUE ) );
代码示例来源:origin: neo4j/neo4j
public void hasPropertiesShouldSeeNewlyCreatedPropertiesOnNewlyCreatedRelationship() throws Exception
try ( Transaction tx = beginTransaction() )
Write write = tx.dataWrite();
int token = tx.tokenWrite().relationshipTypeGetOrCreateForName( "R" );
long relationship = write.relationshipCreate( write.nodeCreate(), token, write.nodeCreate() );
try ( RelationshipScanCursor cursor = tx.cursors().allocateRelationshipScanCursor() )
tx.dataRead().singleRelationship( relationship, cursor );
assertTrue( cursor.next() );
assertFalse( hasProperties( cursor, tx ) );
tx.dataWrite().relationshipSetProperty( relationship,
tx.tokenWrite().propertyKeyGetOrCreateForName( "prop" ),
stringValue( "foo" ) );
assertTrue( hasProperties( cursor, tx ) );
代码示例来源:origin: neo4j/neo4j
public void shouldNotScanRelationshipWhichWasDeletedInTransaction() throws Exception
final int nRelationshipsInStore = 5 + 1 + 5;
int type;
long n1, n2, r;
try ( Transaction tx = beginTransaction() )
n1 = tx.dataWrite().nodeCreate();
n2 = tx.dataWrite().nodeCreate();
type = tx.tokenWrite().relationshipTypeGetOrCreateForName( "R" );
relateNTimes( 5, type, n1, n2, tx );
r = tx.dataWrite().relationshipCreate( n1, type, n2 );
relateNTimes( 5, type, n1, n2, tx );
try ( Transaction tx = beginTransaction() )
assertTrue( "should delete relationship", tx.dataWrite().relationshipDelete( r ) );
try ( RelationshipScanCursor relationship = tx.cursors().allocateRelationshipScanCursor() )
tx.dataRead().allRelationshipsScan( relationship );
assertCountRelationships( relationship, nRelationshipsInStore - 1, n1, type, n2 );
代码示例来源:origin: neo4j/neo4j
public void shouldNotSeeRelationshipDeletedInTransaction() throws Exception
long n1, n2, r;
try ( Transaction tx = beginTransaction() )
n1 = tx.dataWrite().nodeCreate();
n2 = tx.dataWrite().nodeCreate();
int label = tx.tokenWrite().relationshipTypeGetOrCreateForName( "R" );
r = tx.dataWrite().relationshipCreate( n1, label, n2 );
try ( Transaction tx = beginTransaction() )
tx.dataWrite().relationshipDelete( r );
try ( NodeCursor node = tx.cursors().allocateNodeCursor();
RelationshipTraversalCursor relationship = tx.cursors().allocateRelationshipTraversalCursor() )
tx.dataRead().singleNode( n1, node );
assertTrue( "should access node", node.next() );
node.allRelationships( relationship );
assertFalse( "should not find relationship", relationship.next() );
代码示例来源:origin: neo4j/neo4j
public void shouldSeeRelationshipInTransaction() throws Exception
long n1, n2;
try ( Transaction tx = beginTransaction() )
n1 = tx.dataWrite().nodeCreate();
n2 = tx.dataWrite().nodeCreate();
try ( Transaction tx = beginTransaction() )
int label = tx.tokenWrite().relationshipTypeGetOrCreateForName( "R" );
long r = tx.dataWrite().relationshipCreate( n1, label, n2 );
try ( NodeCursor node = tx.cursors().allocateNodeCursor();
RelationshipTraversalCursor relationship = tx.cursors().allocateRelationshipTraversalCursor() )
tx.dataRead().singleNode( n1, node );
assertTrue( "should access node", node.next() );
node.allRelationships( relationship );
assertTrue( "should find relationship", relationship.next() );
assertEquals( r, relationship.relationshipReference() );
assertFalse( "should only find one relationship", relationship.next() );