[英]Perform method invocation.
代码示例来源:origin: org.powermock.api/powermock-api-easymock
private static <T> IExpectationSetters<T> doExpectPrivate(Object instance, Method methodToExpect, Object... arguments) throws Exception {
WhiteboxImpl.performMethodInvocation(instance, methodToExpect, arguments);
return (IExpectationSetters<T>) org.easymock.classextension.EasyMock.expectLastCall();
代码示例来源:origin: org.powermock/powermock-reflect
* Do invoke method.
* @param <T> the generic type
* @param tested the tested
* @param declaringClass the declaring class
* @param methodToExecute the method to execute
* @param arguments the arguments
* @return the t
* @throws Exception the exception
private static <T> T doInvokeMethod(Object tested, Class<?> declaringClass, String methodToExecute,
Object... arguments) throws Exception {
Method methodToInvoke = findMethodOrThrowException(tested, declaringClass, methodToExecute, arguments);
// Invoke test
return (T) performMethodInvocation(tested, methodToInvoke, arguments);
代码示例来源:origin: org.powermock/powermock-reflect
* Invoke a private method in that is located in a subclass of an instance.
* This might be useful to test overloaded private methods.
* Use this for overloaded methods only, if possible use
* @param <T> the generic type
* @param object the object
* @param declaringClass the declaring class
* @param methodToExecute the method to execute
* @param parameterTypes the parameter types
* @param arguments the arguments
* @return the t
* @throws Exception Exception that may occur when invoking this method.
* {@link #invokeMethod(Object, Object...)} or
* {@link #invokeMethod(Object, String, Object...)} instead.
public static synchronized <T> T invokeMethod(Object object, Class<?> declaringClass, String methodToExecute,
Class<?>[] parameterTypes, Object... arguments) throws Exception {
if (object == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("object cannot be null");
final Method methodToInvoke = getMethod(declaringClass, methodToExecute, parameterTypes);
// Invoke method
return (T) performMethodInvocation(object, methodToInvoke, arguments);
代码示例来源:origin: org.powermock.reflect/powermock-reflect
* Do invoke method.
* @param <T>
* the generic type
* @param tested
* the tested
* @param declaringClass
* the declaring class
* @param methodToExecute
* the method to execute
* @param arguments
* the arguments
* @return the t
* @throws Exception
* the exception
private static <T> T doInvokeMethod(Object tested, Class<?> declaringClass, String methodToExecute,
Object... arguments) throws Exception {
Method methodToInvoke = findMethodOrThrowException(tested, declaringClass, methodToExecute, arguments);
// Invoke test
return (T) performMethodInvocation(tested, methodToInvoke, arguments);
代码示例来源:origin: org.powermock.reflect/powermock-reflect
return (T) performMethodInvocation(object, methodToInvoke, arguments);
代码示例来源:origin: org.powermock/powermock-reflect
* Invoke a private or inner class method in a subclass (defined by
* {@code definedIn}) in cases where power mock cannot automatically
* determine the type of the parameters, for example when mixing primitive
* types and wrapper types in the same method. For most situations use
* @param <T> the generic type
* @param tested the tested
* @param methodToExecute the method to execute
* @param definedIn the defined in
* @param argumentTypes the argument types
* @param arguments the arguments
* @return the t
* @throws Exception Exception that may occur when invoking this method.
* {@link #invokeMethod(Class, String, Object...)} instead.
public static synchronized <T> T invokeMethod(Object tested, String methodToExecute, Class<?> definedIn,
Class<?>[] argumentTypes, Object... arguments) throws Exception {
Method method = getMethod(definedIn, methodToExecute, argumentTypes);
if (method == null) {
throwExceptionIfMethodWasNotFound(definedIn, methodToExecute, null, arguments);
return (T) performMethodInvocation(tested, method, arguments);
代码示例来源:origin: org.powermock.reflect/powermock-reflect
throwExceptionIfMethodWasNotFound(definedIn, methodToExecute, null, arguments);
return (T) performMethodInvocation(tested, method, arguments);
代码示例来源:origin: org.powermock/powermock-reflect
* Invoke a private or inner class method in cases where power mock cannot
* automatically determine the type of the parameters, for example when
* mixing primitive types and wrapper types in the same method. For most
* situations use {@link #invokeMethod(Class, String, Object...)} instead.
* @param <T> the generic type
* @param tested the tested
* @param methodToExecute the method to execute
* @param argumentTypes the argument types
* @param arguments the arguments
* @return the t
* @throws Exception Exception that may occur when invoking this method.
public static synchronized <T> T invokeMethod(Object tested, String methodToExecute, Class<?>[] argumentTypes,
Object... arguments) throws Exception {
final Class<?> unmockedType = getType(tested);
Method method = getMethod(unmockedType, methodToExecute, argumentTypes);
if (method == null) {
throwExceptionIfMethodWasNotFound(unmockedType, methodToExecute, null, arguments);
return (T) performMethodInvocation(tested, method, arguments);
代码示例来源:origin: org.powermock.reflect/powermock-reflect
* Invoke a private or inner class method in cases where power mock cannot
* automatically determine the type of the parameters, for example when
* mixing primitive types and wrapper types in the same method. For most
* situations use {@link #invokeMethod(Class, String, Object...)} instead.
* @param <T>
* the generic type
* @param tested
* the tested
* @param methodToExecute
* the method to execute
* @param argumentTypes
* the argument types
* @param arguments
* the arguments
* @return the t
* @throws Exception
* Exception that may occur when invoking this method.
public static synchronized <T> T invokeMethod(Object tested, String methodToExecute, Class<?>[] argumentTypes,
Object... arguments) throws Exception {
final Class<?> unmockedType = getType(tested);
Method method = getMethod(unmockedType, methodToExecute, argumentTypes);
if (method == null) {
throwExceptionIfMethodWasNotFound(unmockedType, methodToExecute, null, arguments);
return (T) performMethodInvocation(tested, method, arguments);