[英]The default behavior of this method is to return WebConnection#getResponse(WebRequest)on the wrapped connection object.
代码示例来源:origin: org.apache.camel/camel-linkedin-api
public WebResponse getResponse(WebRequest request) throws IOException {
request.setAdditionalHeader(HttpHeaders.ACCEPT_ENCODING, "identity");
return super.getResponse(request);
代码示例来源:origin: javaserverfaces/mojarra
public WebResponse getResponse(WebRequest request) throws IOException {
if (urlFragmentToMonitor == null || request.getUrl().toString().contains(urlFragmentToMonitor)) {
rawRequestBody = request.getRequestBody();
WebResponse response = super.getResponse(request);
rawResponse = response.getContentAsString();
return response;
return super.getResponse(request);
代码示例来源:origin: openaudible/openaudible
public WebResponse getResponse(WebRequest request) throws IOException {
WebResponse response = super.getResponse(request);
String u = request.getUrl().toExternalForm();
if (u.contains(".js")) {
String content = response.getContentAsString("UTF-8");
if (content.contains("append: function")) {
//change content
WebResponseData data = new WebResponseData(content.getBytes("UTF-8"),
response.getStatusCode(), response.getStatusMessage(), response.getResponseHeaders());
response = new WebResponse(data, request, response.getLoadTime());
return response;
代码示例来源:origin: net.sourceforge.htmlunit/htmlunit
* Delivers the content for an alternate URL as if it comes from the requested URL.
* @param webRequest the original web request
* @param url the URL from which the content should be retrieved
* @return the response
* @throws IOException if a problem occurred
protected WebResponse deliverFromAlternateUrl(final WebRequest webRequest, final URL url)
throws IOException {
final URL originalUrl = webRequest.getUrl();
final WebResponse resp = super.getResponse(webRequest);
return resp;
代码示例来源:origin: net.disy.htmlunit/htmlunit
* Delivers the content for an alternate URL as if it comes from the requested URL.
* @param webRequestSettings the original web request settings
* @param url the URL from which the content should be retrieved
* @return the response
* @throws IOException if a problem occurred
protected WebResponse deliverFromAlternateUrl(final WebRequestSettings webRequestSettings, final URL url)
throws IOException {
final URL originalUrl = webRequestSettings.getUrl();
final WebResponse resp = super.getResponse(webRequestSettings);
return resp;
代码示例来源:origin: org.jvnet.hudson/htmlunit
* Delivers the content for an alternate URL as if it comes from the requested URL.
* @param webRequestSettings the original web request settings
* @param url the URL from which the content should be retrieved
* @return the response
* @throws IOException if a problem occurred
protected WebResponse deliverFromAlternateUrl(final WebRequestSettings webRequestSettings, final URL url)
throws IOException {
final URL originalUrl = webRequestSettings.getUrl();
final WebResponse resp = super.getResponse(webRequestSettings);
return resp;
代码示例来源:origin: org.jenkins-ci/htmlunit
* Delivers the content for an alternate URL as if it comes from the requested URL.
* @param webRequestSettings the original web request settings
* @param url the URL from which the content should be retrieved
* @return the response
* @throws IOException if a problem occurred
protected WebResponse deliverFromAlternateUrl(final WebRequestSettings webRequestSettings, final URL url)
throws IOException {
final URL originalUrl = webRequestSettings.getUrl();
final WebResponse resp = super.getResponse(webRequestSettings);
return resp;
代码示例来源:origin: HtmlUnit/htmlunit
* Delivers the content for an alternate URL as if it comes from the requested URL.
* @param webRequest the original web request
* @param url the URL from which the content should be retrieved
* @return the response
* @throws IOException if a problem occurred
protected WebResponse deliverFromAlternateUrl(final WebRequest webRequest, final URL url)
throws IOException {
final URL originalUrl = webRequest.getUrl();
final WebResponse resp = super.getResponse(webRequest);
return resp;
代码示例来源:origin: com.github.seykron/htmlunit-maven-plugin
public WebResponse getResponse(final WebRequest request)
throws IOException {
String protocol = request.getUrl().getProtocol();
// Default web response is retrieved using commons HttpClient.
// It assumes HttpClient created internally by HtmlUnit is using the
// default registry. We check for supported schemes by the default
// registry.
boolean canHandle = SchemeRegistryFactory.createDefault()
.get(protocol) != null;
if (!canHandle) {
// For unsupported schemes, it tries to read the response using
// native URL connection.
String data = ResourceUtils.readAsText(request.getUrl());
return new StringWebResponse(data, request.getUrl());
return super.getResponse(request);
代码示例来源:origin: com.axway.ats.framework/ats-uiengine
public WebResponse getResponse( WebRequest request ) throws IOException {
Cookie jsCookie = webClient.getCookieManager().getCookie("JSESSIONID");
if (jsCookie != null && (!jsCookie.getValue().startsWith("\"")
&& !jsCookie.getValue().endsWith("\""))) {
Cookie newCookie = new Cookie(jsCookie.getDomain(), jsCookie.getName(),
"\"" + jsCookie.getValue() + "\"", jsCookie.getPath(),
jsCookie.getExpires(), jsCookie.isSecure());
return super.getResponse(request);