[英]Method to know if a Xref is from the same database (dbId is the MI identifier and dbName is the database shortname)
代码示例来源:origin: psidev.psi.mi.jami/jami-core
* Remove all Xrefs having this database name/database id from the collection of xrefs
* @param refs : the collection of Xrefs
* @param dbId : the database id to look for
* @param dbName : the database name to look for
public static void removeAllXrefsWithDatabase(Collection<? extends Xref> refs, String dbId, String dbName){
if (refs != null){
Iterator<? extends Xref> refIterator = refs.iterator();
while (refIterator.hasNext()){
if (isXrefFromDatabase(refIterator.next(), dbId, dbName)){
代码示例来源:origin: psidev.psi.mi.jami/jami-core
protected void processAddedXrefEvent(Xref added) {
// the added identifier is imex and the current imex is not set
if (imexId == null && XrefUtils.isXrefFromDatabase(added, Xref.IMEX_MI, Xref.IMEX)){
// the added xref is imex-primary
if (XrefUtils.doesXrefHaveQualifier(added, Xref.IMEX_PRIMARY_MI, Xref.IMEX_PRIMARY)){
imexId = added;
代码示例来源:origin: psidev.psi.mi.jami/jami-core
* Collect all cross references having a specific database
* @param refs
* @param dbId
* @param dbName
* @return
public static Collection<Xref> collectAllXrefsHavingDatabase(Collection<? extends Xref> refs, String dbId, String dbName){
if (refs == null || refs.isEmpty()){
return Collections.EMPTY_LIST;
Collection<Xref> identifiers = new ArrayList<Xref>(refs.size());
for (Xref ref : refs){
if (isXrefFromDatabase(ref, dbId, dbName)){
return identifiers;
代码示例来源:origin: psidev.psi.mi.jami/jami-core
protected void processAddedXrefEvent(Xref added) {
// the added identifier is imex and the current imex is not set
if (imexId == null && XrefUtils.isXrefFromDatabase(added, Xref.IMEX_MI, Xref.IMEX)){
// the added xref is imex-primary
if (XrefUtils.doesXrefHaveQualifier(added, Xref.IMEX_PRIMARY_MI, Xref.IMEX_PRIMARY)){
imexId = added;
代码示例来源:origin: psidev.psi.mi.jami/jami-core
protected void processAddedXrefEvent(Xref added) {
// the added identifier is imex and the current imex is not set
if (imexId == null && XrefUtils.isXrefFromDatabase(added, Xref.IMEX_MI, Xref.IMEX)){
// the added xref is imex-primary
if (XrefUtils.doesXrefHaveQualifier(added, Xref.IMEX_PRIMARY_MI, Xref.IMEX_PRIMARY)){
imexId = added;
代码示例来源:origin: psidev.psi.mi.jami/jami-core
* Collect all cross references having a specific database and qualifier
* @param refs
* @param dbId
* @param dbName
* @param qualifierId
* @param qualifierName
* @param id
* @return
public static Collection<Xref> collectAllXrefsHavingDatabaseQualifierAndId(Collection<? extends Xref> refs, String dbId, String dbName, String id, String qualifierId, String qualifierName){
if (refs == null || refs.isEmpty()){
return Collections.EMPTY_LIST;
Collection<Xref> identifiers = new ArrayList<Xref>(refs.size());
for (Xref ref : refs){
if (isXrefFromDatabase(ref, dbId, dbName) && doesXrefHaveQualifierAndId(ref, qualifierId, qualifierName, id)){
return identifiers;
代码示例来源:origin: psidev.psi.mi.jami/jami-mitab
protected void initialiseInteractionIdentifiers(Collection<MitabXref> interactionIds, T interaction){
Iterator<MitabXref> refsIterator = interactionIds.iterator();
while (refsIterator.hasNext()){
MitabXref ref = refsIterator.next();
if (XrefUtils.isXrefFromDatabase(ref, Xref.IMEX_MI, Xref.IMEX) && XrefUtils.doesXrefHaveQualifier(ref, Xref.IMEX_PRIMARY_MI, Xref.IMEX_PRIMARY)){
else if (XrefUtils.isXrefFromDatabase(ref, Checksum.RIGID_MI, Checksum.RIGID) || XrefUtils.isXrefFromDatabase(ref, null, Checksum.IRIGID)){
createChecksumFromId(interaction, ref);
代码示例来源:origin: psidev.psi.mi.jami/jami-core
* Collect all cross references having a specific database and qualifier
* @param refs
* @param dbId
* @param dbName
* @param qualifierId
* @param qualifierName
* @return
public static Collection<Xref> collectAllXrefsHavingDatabaseAndQualifier(Collection<? extends Xref> refs, String dbId, String dbName, String qualifierId, String qualifierName){
if (refs == null || refs.isEmpty()){
return Collections.EMPTY_LIST;
Collection<Xref> identifiers = new ArrayList<Xref>(refs.size());
for (Xref ref : refs){
if (isXrefFromDatabase(ref, dbId, dbName) && doesXrefHaveQualifier(ref, qualifierId, qualifierName)){
return identifiers;
代码示例来源:origin: psidev.psi.mi.jami/jami-core
* This method will return the first Xref from this database having :
* - identity qualifier
* - secondary identifier if no identity qualifier
* - first Xref from this database if no identity or secondary qualifier
* It will return null if there are no Xrefs with this database id/name
* @param refs : the collection of Xrefs
* @param dbId : the database id to look for
* @param dbName : the database name to look for
* @return the first identifier having this database name/id, null if no Xrefs with this database name/id
public static Xref collectFirstIdentifierWithDatabase(Collection<? extends Xref> refs, String dbId, String dbName){
if (refs == null || (dbName == null && dbId == null)){
return null;
for (Xref xref : refs){
if (isXrefAnIdentifier(xref) && isXrefFromDatabase(xref, dbId, dbName)){
return xref;
return null;
代码示例来源:origin: psidev.psi.mi.jami/jami-mitab
protected boolean initialisePublicationIdentifiers(Collection<MitabXref> pubId, MitabPublication publication, boolean hasInitialisedLocator){
Iterator<MitabXref> refsIterator = pubId.iterator();
while (refsIterator.hasNext()){
MitabXref ref = refsIterator.next();
if (!hasInitialisedLocator){
hasInitialisedLocator = true;
if (XrefUtils.isXrefFromDatabase(ref, Xref.IMEX_MI, Xref.IMEX) && XrefUtils.doesXrefHaveQualifier(ref, Xref.IMEX_PRIMARY_MI, Xref.IMEX_PRIMARY)){
return hasInitialisedLocator;
代码示例来源:origin: psidev.psi.mi.jami/jami-mitab
next = interactionXrefIterator.next();
while (interactionXrefIterator.hasNext() && (XrefUtils.doesXrefHaveQualifier(next, Xref.IMEX_PRIMARY_MI, Xref.IMEX_PRIMARY)
&& XrefUtils.isXrefFromDatabase(next, Xref.IMEX_MI, Xref.IMEX))){
next = interactionXrefIterator.next();
&& XrefUtils.isXrefFromDatabase(next, Xref.IMEX_MI, Xref.IMEX))){
if (!isFirst){
代码示例来源:origin: psidev.psi.mi.jami/jami-mitab
next = interactionXrefIterator.next();
while (interactionXrefIterator.hasNext() && (XrefUtils.doesXrefHaveQualifier(next, Xref.IMEX_PRIMARY_MI, Xref.IMEX_PRIMARY)
&& XrefUtils.isXrefFromDatabase(next, Xref.IMEX_MI, Xref.IMEX))){
next = interactionXrefIterator.next();
&& XrefUtils.isXrefFromDatabase(next, Xref.IMEX_MI, Xref.IMEX))){
if (!isFirst){
代码示例来源:origin: psidev.psi.mi.jami/jami-mitab
next = interactionXrefIterator.next();
while (interactionXrefIterator.hasNext() && (XrefUtils.doesXrefHaveQualifier(next, Xref.IMEX_PRIMARY_MI, Xref.IMEX_PRIMARY)
&& XrefUtils.isXrefFromDatabase(next, Xref.IMEX_MI, Xref.IMEX))){
next = interactionXrefIterator.next();
&& XrefUtils.isXrefFromDatabase(next, Xref.IMEX_MI, Xref.IMEX))){
if (!isFirst){
代码示例来源:origin: psidev.psi.mi.jami/jami-core
protected void processAddedIdentifierEvent(Xref added) {
if (uniprotkb != added && (XrefUtils.isXrefFromDatabase(added, Xref.UNIPROTKB_MI, Xref.UNIPROTKB)
|| XrefUtils.isXrefFromDatabase(added, Xref.UNIPROTKB_SWISSPROT_MI, Xref.UNIPROTKB_SWISSPROT)
|| XrefUtils.isXrefFromDatabase(added, Xref.UNIPROTKB_TREMBL_MI, Xref.UNIPROTKB_TREMBL))){
else if (refseq != added && XrefUtils.isXrefFromDatabase(added, Xref.REFSEQ_MI, Xref.REFSEQ)){
代码示例来源:origin: psidev.psi.mi.jami/jami-core
protected void processAddedIdentifierEvent(Xref added) {
// the added identifier is interpro and it is not the current interpro identifier
if (interpro != added && XrefUtils.isXrefFromDatabase(added, Xref.INTERPRO_MI, Xref.INTERPRO)){
// the current interpro identifier is not identity, we may want to set interpro Identifier
if (!XrefUtils.doesXrefHaveQualifier(interpro, Xref.IDENTITY_MI, Xref.IDENTITY)){
// the interpro identifier is not set, we can set the interpro identifier
if (interpro == null){
interpro = added;
else if (XrefUtils.doesXrefHaveQualifier(added, Xref.IDENTITY_MI, Xref.IDENTITY)){
interpro = added;
// the added xref is secondary object and the current interpro identifier is not a secondary object, we reset interpro identifier
else if (!XrefUtils.doesXrefHaveQualifier(interpro, Xref.SECONDARY_MI, Xref.SECONDARY)
&& XrefUtils.doesXrefHaveQualifier(added, Xref.SECONDARY_MI, Xref.SECONDARY)){
interpro = added;
代码示例来源:origin: psidev.psi.mi.jami/jami-core
protected void processAddedIdentifierEvent(Xref added) {
// the added identifier is chebi and it is not the current chebi identifier
if (chebi != added && XrefUtils.isXrefFromDatabase(added, Xref.CHEBI_MI, Xref.CHEBI)){
// the current chebi identifier is not identity, we may want to set chebiIdentifier
if (!XrefUtils.doesXrefHaveQualifier(chebi, Xref.IDENTITY_MI, Xref.IDENTITY)){
// the chebi identifier is not set, we can set the chebi identifier
if (chebi == null){
chebi = added;
else if (XrefUtils.doesXrefHaveQualifier(added, Xref.IDENTITY_MI, Xref.IDENTITY)){
chebi = added;
// the added xref is secondary object and the current chebi is not a secondary object, we reset chebi identifier
else if (!XrefUtils.doesXrefHaveQualifier(chebi, Xref.SECONDARY_MI, Xref.SECONDARY)
&& XrefUtils.doesXrefHaveQualifier(added, Xref.SECONDARY_MI, Xref.SECONDARY)){
chebi = added;
代码示例来源:origin: psidev.psi.mi.jami/jami-core
protected void processAddedIdentifiersEvent(Xref added) {
if (ddbjEmblGenbank != added && XrefUtils.isXrefFromDatabase(added, Xref.DDBJ_EMBL_GENBANK_MI, Xref.DDBJ_EMBL_GENBANK)){
else if (refseq != added && XrefUtils.isXrefFromDatabase(added, Xref.REFSEQ_MI, Xref.REFSEQ)){
代码示例来源:origin: psidev.psi.mi.jami/jami-mitab
else if (XrefUtils.isXrefFromDatabase(ref, Checksum.ROGID_MI, Checksum.ROGID)){
createChecksumFromAltId(interactor, ref);
else if (XrefUtils.isXrefFromDatabase(ref, null, Checksum.IROGID)){
createChecksumFromAltId(interactor, ref);
代码示例来源:origin: uk.ac.ebi.intact.dataexchange/structured-abstract
if (XrefUtils.isXrefFromDatabase(xref, Xref.UNIPROTKB_MI, Xref.UNIPROTKB)
&& XrefUtils.doesXrefHaveQualifier(xref, Xref.IDENTITY_MI, Xref.IDENTITY)){
uniprot = xref;
else if (XrefUtils.isXrefFromDatabase(xref, Xref.REFSEQ_MI, Xref.REFSEQ)
&& XrefUtils.doesXrefHaveQualifier(xref, Xref.IDENTITY_MI, Xref.IDENTITY)){
refseq = xref;
代码示例来源:origin: psidev.psi.mi.jami/jami-core
protected void processAddedIdentifierEvent(Xref added) {
if (pubmedId != added && XrefUtils.isXrefFromDatabase(added, Xref.PUBMED_MI, Xref.PUBMED)){
else if (doi != added && XrefUtils.isXrefFromDatabase(added, Xref.DOI_MI, Xref.DOI)){