
x33g5p2x  于2022-02-03 转载在 其他  



[英]Create a default handler for deserializing an XCAS into the cas parameter.

Warning: for efficiency reasons, the deserializer does not do much type checking for features and their values. It is expected that the incoming XCAS conforms to the type system provided. If it doesn't, the results are undefined.


代码示例来源:origin: apache/uima-uimaj

 * Create a default handler for deserializing an XCAS into the <code>cas</code> parameter.
 * <p>
 * Warning: for efficiency reasons, the deserializer does not do much type checking for features
 * and their values. It is expected that the incoming XCAS conforms to the type system provided.
 * If it doesn't, the results are undefined.
 * @param cas
 *          This CAS will be used to hold the data of the serialized XCAS.
 * @return The <code>DefaultHandler</code> to pass to the SAX parser.
public DefaultHandler getXCASHandler(CAS cas) {
 return getXCASHandler(cas, null);

代码示例来源:origin: apache/uima-uimaj

 * Deserializes an XCAS from a stream.
 * @param aStream
 *          input stream from which to read the XCAS XML document
 * @param aCAS
 *          CAS into which to deserialize. This CAS must be set up with a type system that is
 *          compatible with that in the XCAS.
 * @param aLenient
 *          if true, unknown Types will be ignored. If false, unknown Types will cause an
 *          exception. The default is false.
 * @throws SAXException
 *           if an XML Parsing error occurs
 * @throws IOException
 *           if an I/O failure occurs
public static void deserialize(InputStream aStream, CAS aCAS, boolean aLenient)
    throws SAXException, IOException {
 XMLReader xmlReader = XMLUtils.createXMLReader();
 XCASDeserializer deser = new XCASDeserializer(aCAS.getTypeSystem());
 ContentHandler handler;
 if (aLenient) {
  handler = deser.getXCASHandler(aCAS, new OutOfTypeSystemData());
 } else {
  handler = deser.getXCASHandler(aCAS);
 xmlReader.parse(new InputSource(aStream));

代码示例来源:origin: apache/uima-uimaj

if (!ignoreResponse) {
 handler = deser.getXCASHandler(myCas, outOfTypeSystemData);
} else {
 handler = new DefaultHandler();

代码示例来源:origin: apache/uima-uimaj

public void startElement(String uri, String localName, String qName, Attributes attributes)
    throws SAXException {
 if (mDelegateHandler == null) {
  // try to find out whether we should use the XCAS or XMI deserializers
  // if there's an xmi:version attribute, always use XMI
  String xmiVer = attributes.getValue("xmi:version");
  if (xmiVer != null && xmiVer.length() > 0) {
   XmiCasDeserializer deser = new XmiCasDeserializer(mCAS.getTypeSystem());
   mDelegateHandler = deser.getXmiCasHandler(mCAS, mLenient);
  } else if ("CAS".equals(localName)) // use XCAS
   XCASDeserializer deser = new XCASDeserializer(mCAS.getTypeSystem());
   mDelegateHandler = deser
       .getXCASHandler(mCAS, mLenient ? new OutOfTypeSystemData() : null);
  } else // default to XMI
   XmiCasDeserializer deser = new XmiCasDeserializer(mCAS.getTypeSystem());
   mDelegateHandler = deser.getXmiCasHandler(mCAS, mLenient);
 mDelegateHandler.startElement(uri, localName, qName, attributes);

代码示例来源:origin: org.apache.uima/uimaj-component-test-util

* create a CAS object from the given XCAS and typesystem files.
* @param tsFile -
*           a typesystem file
* @param xcasFile -
*           a xcas file
* @return CAS - CAS object created from the given input data
* @throws Exception passthru
public static CAS getCASfromXCAS(File tsFile, File xcasFile)
   throws Exception {
 try {
   Object tsDescriptor = UIMAFramework.getXMLParser().parse(
      new XMLInputSource(tsFile));
   TypeSystemDescription tsDesc = (TypeSystemDescription) tsDescriptor;
   CAS cas = CasCreationUtils.createCas(tsDesc, null,
      new FsIndexDescription[0]);
   SAXParser parser = XMLUtils.createSAXParserFactory().newSAXParser();
   XCASDeserializer xcasDeserializer = new XCASDeserializer(cas
   parser.parse(xcasFile, xcasDeserializer.getXCASHandler(cas));
   return cas;
 } catch (Exception ex) {
 return null;

代码示例来源:origin: apache/uima-uimaj

* create a CAS object from the given XCAS and typesystem files
* @param tsFile -
*           a typesystem file
* @param xcasFile -
*           a xcas file
* @return CAS - CAS object created from the given input data
* @throws Exception passthru
public static CAS getCASfromXCAS(File tsFile, File xcasFile)
   throws Exception {
 try {
   Object tsDescriptor = UIMAFramework.getXMLParser().parse(
      new XMLInputSource(tsFile));
   TypeSystemDescription tsDesc = (TypeSystemDescription) tsDescriptor;
   CAS cas = CasCreationUtils.createCas(tsDesc, null,
      new FsIndexDescription[0]);
   SAXParser parser = XMLUtils.createSAXParserFactory().newSAXParser();
   XCASDeserializer xcasDeserializer = new XCASDeserializer(cas
   parser.parse(xcasFile, xcasDeserializer.getXCASHandler(cas));
   return cas;
 } catch (Exception ex) {
 return null;

代码示例来源:origin: org.apache.uima/uimaj-tools

parser.parse(xcasFile, xcasDeserializer.getXCASHandler(this.main.getCas()));

代码示例来源:origin: org.apache.uima/uimaj-cpe

ootsd = new OutOfTypeSystemData();
generator.setContentHandler(xcasDeser.getXCASHandler(aContainer, ootsd));
try {
