[英]Callback method called on validator to give it a chance to validate the value of an attribute, as well as to normalize its value if appropriate (remove leading/trailing/intervening white space for certain token types etc.).
代码示例来源:origin: org.codehaus.woodstox/woodstox-core-asl
protected void validateAttribute(int index, XMLValidator vld)
throws XMLStreamException
Attribute attr = mAttributes[index];
String normValue = vld.validateAttribute
(attr.mLocalName, attr.mNamespaceURI, attr.mPrefix,
if (normValue != null) {
代码示例来源:origin: org.codehaus.woodstox/woodstox-core-asl
mValidator.validateAttribute(localName, XmlConsts.ATTR_NO_NS_URI, XmlConsts.ATTR_NO_PREFIX, value);
代码示例来源:origin: org.codehaus.woodstox/woodstox-core-asl
protected final void doWriteAttr(String localName, String nsURI, String prefix,
char[] buf, int start, int len)
throws XMLStreamException
if (mCheckAttrs) { // still need to ensure no duplicate attrs?
mCurrElem.checkAttrWrite(nsURI, localName);
if (mValidator != null) {
/* No need to get it normalized... even if validator does normalize
* it, we don't use that for anything
mValidator.validateAttribute(localName, nsURI, prefix, buf, start, len);
try {
if (prefix != null && prefix.length() > 0) {
mWriter.writeAttribute(prefix, localName, buf, start, len);
} else {
mWriter.writeAttribute(localName, buf, start, len);
} catch (IOException ioe) {
throw new WstxIOException(ioe);
代码示例来源:origin: org.codehaus.woodstox/woodstox-core-asl
mValidator.validateAttribute(localName, nsURI, prefix, value);
代码示例来源:origin: org.codehaus.woodstox/woodstox-core-asl
validator.validateAttribute(localName, nsURI, prefix, mOutputBuffer, start, mOutputPtr);
validator.validateAttribute(localName, nsURI, prefix, valueStr);
代码示例来源:origin: org.codehaus.woodstox/woodstox-core-asl
writeRawAscii(copyBuffer, 0, last);
if (enc.isCompleted()) {
validator.validateAttribute(localName, nsURI, prefix, copyBuffer, 0, last);
validator.validateAttribute(localName, nsURI, prefix, valueStr);
代码示例来源:origin: woodstox/wstx-asl
public String validateAttribute(String localName, String uri,
String prefix, String value)
throws XMLValidationException
String retVal = mFirst.validateAttribute(localName, uri, prefix,
if (retVal != null) {
value = retVal;
return mSecond.validateAttribute(localName, uri, prefix, value);
代码示例来源:origin: Nextdoor/bender
public String validateAttribute(String localName, String uri,
String prefix, String value)
throws XMLStreamException
String retVal = mFirst.validateAttribute(localName, uri, prefix,
if (retVal != null) {
value = retVal;
return mSecond.validateAttribute(localName, uri, prefix, value);
代码示例来源:origin: org.apache.servicemix.bundles/org.apache.servicemix.bundles.woodstox
public String validateAttribute(String localName, String uri,
String prefix, String value)
throws XMLValidationException
String retVal = mFirst.validateAttribute(localName, uri, prefix,
if (retVal != null) {
value = retVal;
return mSecond.validateAttribute(localName, uri, prefix, value);
代码示例来源:origin: woodstox/wstx-lgpl
public String validateAttribute(String localName, String uri,
String prefix, String value)
throws XMLValidationException
String retVal = mFirst.validateAttribute(localName, uri, prefix,
if (retVal != null) {
value = retVal;
return mSecond.validateAttribute(localName, uri, prefix, value);
代码示例来源:origin: woodstox/wstx-asl
public String validateAttribute(String localName, String uri,
String prefix,
char[] valueChars, int valueStart,
int valueEnd)
throws XMLValidationException
String retVal = mFirst.validateAttribute(localName, uri, prefix,
valueChars, valueStart, valueEnd);
/* If it got normalized, let's pass normalized value to the second
* validator
if (retVal != null) {
return mSecond.validateAttribute(localName, uri, prefix, retVal);
// Otherwise the original
return mSecond.validateAttribute(localName, uri, prefix,
valueChars, valueStart, valueEnd);
代码示例来源:origin: org.apache.servicemix.bundles/org.apache.servicemix.bundles.woodstox
public String validateAttribute(String localName, String uri,
String prefix,
char[] valueChars, int valueStart,
int valueEnd)
throws XMLValidationException
String retVal = mFirst.validateAttribute(localName, uri, prefix,
valueChars, valueStart, valueEnd);
/* If it got normalized, let's pass normalized value to the second
* validator
if (retVal != null) {
return mSecond.validateAttribute(localName, uri, prefix, retVal);
// Otherwise the original
return mSecond.validateAttribute(localName, uri, prefix,
valueChars, valueStart, valueEnd);
代码示例来源:origin: woodstox/wstx-lgpl
public String validateAttribute(String localName, String uri,
String prefix,
char[] valueChars, int valueStart,
int valueEnd)
throws XMLValidationException
String retVal = mFirst.validateAttribute(localName, uri, prefix,
valueChars, valueStart, valueEnd);
/* If it got normalized, let's pass normalized value to the second
* validator
if (retVal != null) {
return mSecond.validateAttribute(localName, uri, prefix, retVal);
// Otherwise the original
return mSecond.validateAttribute(localName, uri, prefix,
valueChars, valueStart, valueEnd);
代码示例来源:origin: Nextdoor/bender
public String validateAttribute(String localName, String uri,
String prefix,
char[] valueChars, int valueStart,
int valueEnd)
throws XMLStreamException
String retVal = mFirst.validateAttribute(localName, uri, prefix,
valueChars, valueStart, valueEnd);
/* If it got normalized, let's pass normalized value to the second
* validator
if (retVal != null) {
return mSecond.validateAttribute(localName, uri, prefix, retVal);
// Otherwise the original
return mSecond.validateAttribute(localName, uri, prefix,
valueChars, valueStart, valueEnd);
代码示例来源:origin: com.fasterxml.woodstox/woodstox-core
protected final void doWriteAttr(String localName, String nsURI, String prefix,
char[] buf, int start, int len)
throws XMLStreamException
if (mCheckAttrs) { // still need to ensure no duplicate attrs?
mCurrElem.checkAttrWrite(nsURI, localName);
if (mValidator != null) {
// No need to get it normalized... even if validator does normalize
// it, we don't use that for anything
mValidator.validateAttribute(localName, nsURI, prefix, buf, start, len);
try {
if (prefix != null && prefix.length() > 0) {
mWriter.writeAttribute(prefix, localName, buf, start, len);
} else {
mWriter.writeAttribute(localName, buf, start, len);
} catch (IOException ioe) {
throw new WstxIOException(ioe);
代码示例来源:origin: org.codehaus.woodstox/woodstox-core-lgpl
protected final void doWriteAttr(String localName, String nsURI, String prefix,
char[] buf, int start, int len)
throws XMLStreamException
if (mCheckAttrs) { // still need to ensure no duplicate attrs?
mCurrElem.checkAttrWrite(nsURI, localName);
if (mValidator != null) {
/* No need to get it normalized... even if validator does normalize
* it, we don't use that for anything
mValidator.validateAttribute(localName, nsURI, prefix, buf, start, len);
try {
if (prefix != null && prefix.length() > 0) {
mWriter.writeAttribute(prefix, localName, buf, start, len);
} else {
mWriter.writeAttribute(localName, buf, start, len);
} catch (IOException ioe) {
throw new WstxIOException(ioe);
代码示例来源:origin: FasterXML/woodstox
protected void validateAttribute(int index, XMLValidator vld)
throws XMLStreamException
Attribute attr = mAttributes[index];
String normValue = vld.validateAttribute
(attr.mLocalName, attr.mNamespaceURI, attr.mPrefix,
if (normValue != null) {
代码示例来源:origin: org.codehaus.woodstox/woodstox-core-lgpl
protected void validateAttribute(int index, XMLValidator vld)
throws XMLStreamException
Attribute attr = mAttributes[index];
String normValue = vld.validateAttribute
(attr.mLocalName, attr.mNamespaceURI, attr.mPrefix,
if (normValue != null) {
代码示例来源:origin: Nextdoor/bender
protected void validateAttribute(int index, XMLValidator vld)
throws XMLStreamException
Attribute attr = mAttributes[index];
String normValue = vld.validateAttribute
(attr.mLocalName, attr.mNamespaceURI, attr.mPrefix,
if (normValue != null) {
代码示例来源:origin: com.fasterxml.woodstox/woodstox-core
protected void validateAttribute(int index, XMLValidator vld)
throws XMLStreamException
Attribute attr = mAttributes[index];
String normValue = vld.validateAttribute
(attr.mLocalName, attr.mNamespaceURI, attr.mPrefix,
if (normValue != null) {