代码示例来源:origin: apache/incubator-pinot
* Get the task queue state for the given task type.
* @param taskType Task type
* @return Task queue state
public synchronized TaskState getTaskQueueState(@Nonnull String taskType) {
return _taskDriver.getWorkflowContext(getHelixJobQueueName(taskType)).getWorkflowState();
代码示例来源:origin: apache/helix
ctx = getWorkflowContext(workflowName);
} while ((ctx == null || ctx.getWorkflowState() == null || !allowedStates
.contains(ctx.getWorkflowState())) && System.currentTimeMillis() < st + timeout);
if (ctx == null || !allowedStates.contains(ctx.getWorkflowState())) {
throw new HelixException(String.format(
"Workflow \"%s\" context is empty or not in states: \"%s\", current state: \"%s\"",
workflowName, Arrays.asList(targetStates),
ctx == null ? "null" : ctx.getWorkflowState().toString()));
return ctx.getWorkflowState();
代码示例来源:origin: org.apache.helix/helix-core
ctx = getWorkflowContext(workflowName);
} while ((ctx == null || ctx.getWorkflowState() == null || !allowedStates
.contains(ctx.getWorkflowState())) && System.currentTimeMillis() < st + timeout);
if (ctx == null || !allowedStates.contains(ctx.getWorkflowState())) {
throw new HelixException(String.format(
"Workflow \"%s\" context is empty or not in states: \"%s\", current state: \"%s\"",
workflowName, targetStates.toString(),
ctx == null ? "null" : ctx.getWorkflowState().toString()));
return ctx.getWorkflowState();
代码示例来源:origin: org.apache.helix/helix-core
public void refreshWorkflowsStatus(TaskDriver driver) {
for (WorkflowMonitor workflowMonitor : _perTypeWorkflowMonitorMap.values()) {
Map<String, WorkflowConfig> workflowConfigMap = driver.getWorkflows();
for (String workflow : workflowConfigMap.keySet()) {
if (workflowConfigMap.get(workflow).isRecurring() || workflow.isEmpty()) {
WorkflowContext workflowContext = driver.getWorkflowContext(workflow);
TaskState currentState = workflowContext == null ? TaskState.NOT_STARTED : workflowContext.getWorkflowState();
updateWorkflowGauges(workflowConfigMap.get(workflow), currentState);
public void updateWorkflowCounters(WorkflowConfig workflowConfig, TaskState to) {
代码示例来源:origin: apache/helix
public void refreshWorkflowsStatus(TaskDriver driver) {
for (Map.Entry<String, WorkflowMonitor> workflowMonitor : _perTypeWorkflowMonitorMap
.entrySet()) {
Map<String, WorkflowConfig> workflowConfigMap = driver.getWorkflows();
for (String workflow : workflowConfigMap.keySet()) {
if (workflowConfigMap.get(workflow).isRecurring() || workflow.isEmpty()) {
WorkflowContext workflowContext = driver.getWorkflowContext(workflow);
TaskState currentState = workflowContext == null ? TaskState.NOT_STARTED : workflowContext.getWorkflowState();
updateWorkflowGauges(workflowConfigMap.get(workflow), currentState);
public void updateWorkflowCounters(WorkflowConfig workflowConfig, TaskState to) {
代码示例来源:origin: org.apache.helix/helix-core
* Public sync method to stop a workflow/queue with timeout
* Basically the workflow and all of its jobs has been stopped if this method return success.
* @param workflow The workflow name
* @param timeout The timeout for stopping workflow/queue in milisecond
public void waitToStop(String workflow, long timeout) throws InterruptedException {
setWorkflowTargetState(workflow, TargetState.STOP);
long endTime = System.currentTimeMillis() + timeout;
while (System.currentTimeMillis() <= endTime) {
WorkflowContext workflowContext = getWorkflowContext(workflow);
if (workflowContext == null || TaskState.IN_PROGRESS.equals(workflowContext.getWorkflowState())) {
} else {
// Successfully stopped
// Failed to stop with timeout
throw new HelixException(String
.format("Fail to stop the workflow/queue %s with in %d milliseconds.", workflow, timeout));
代码示例来源:origin: apache/helix
* Public sync method to stop a workflow/queue with timeout
* Basically the workflow and all of its jobs has been stopped if this method return success.
* @param workflow The workflow name
* @param timeout The timeout for stopping workflow/queue in milisecond
public void waitToStop(String workflow, long timeout) throws InterruptedException {
setWorkflowTargetState(workflow, TargetState.STOP);
long endTime = System.currentTimeMillis() + timeout;
while (System.currentTimeMillis() <= endTime) {
WorkflowContext workflowContext = getWorkflowContext(workflow);
if (workflowContext == null || TaskState.IN_PROGRESS.equals(workflowContext.getWorkflowState())) {
} else {
// Successfully stopped
// Failed to stop with timeout
throw new HelixException(String
.format("Fail to stop the workflow/queue %s with in %d milliseconds.", workflow, timeout));
代码示例来源:origin: apache/helix
protected void updateWorkflowMonitor(WorkflowContext context, WorkflowConfig config) {
if (_clusterStatusMonitor != null) {
_clusterStatusMonitor.updateWorkflowCounters(config, context.getWorkflowState(),
context.getFinishTime() - context.getStartTime());
代码示例来源:origin: org.apache.helix/helix-core
protected void updateWorkflowMonitor(WorkflowContext context, WorkflowConfig config) {
if (_clusterStatusMonitor != null) {
_clusterStatusMonitor.updateWorkflowCounters(config, context.getWorkflowState(),
context.getFinishTime() - context.getStartTime());
代码示例来源:origin: com.linkedin.gobblin/gobblin-cluster
if (wCtx != null && wCtx.getWorkflowState() == null) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Queue " + queueName + " does not have a valid work state!");
代码示例来源:origin: org.apache.helix/helix-core
* delete a job from a scheduled (non-recurrent) queue.
* @param queue
* @param job
private void deleteJobFromQueue(final String queue, final String job) {
WorkflowContext workflowCtx = TaskUtil.getWorkflowContext(_propertyStore, queue);
String workflowState = (workflowCtx != null)
? workflowCtx.getWorkflowState().name()
: TaskState.NOT_STARTED.name();
if (workflowState.equals(TaskState.IN_PROGRESS.name())) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Queue " + queue + " is still running!");
if (workflowState.equals(TaskState.COMPLETED.name()) || workflowState.equals(
TaskState.FAILED.name()) || workflowState.equals(TaskState.ABORTED.name())) {
LOG.warn("Queue " + queue + " has already reached its final state, skip deleting job from it.");
String namespacedJobName = TaskUtil.getNamespacedJobName(queue, job);
Set<String> jobs = new HashSet<>(Arrays.asList(namespacedJobName));
if (!TaskUtil.removeJobsFromWorkflow(_accessor, _propertyStore, queue, jobs, true)) {
LOG.error("Failed to delete job " + job + " from queue " + queue);
throw new HelixException("Failed to delete job " + job + " from queue " + queue);
代码示例来源:origin: apache/helix
* Remove all jobs that are in final states (ABORTED, FAILED, COMPLETED) from the job queue. The
* job config, job context will be removed from Zookeeper.
* @param queue The name of job queue
public void cleanupQueue(String queue) {
WorkflowConfig workflowConfig = TaskUtil.getWorkflowConfig(_accessor, queue);
if (workflowConfig == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Queue " + queue + " does not yet exist!");
boolean isTerminable = workflowConfig.isTerminable();
if (isTerminable) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(queue + " is not a queue!");
WorkflowContext wCtx = TaskUtil.getWorkflowContext(_propertyStore, queue);
if (wCtx == null || wCtx.getWorkflowState() == null) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Queue " + queue + " does not have a valid work state!");
Set<String> jobs = new HashSet<String>();
for (String jobNode : workflowConfig.getJobDag().getAllNodes()) {
TaskState curState = wCtx.getJobState(jobNode);
if (curState != null && (curState == TaskState.ABORTED || curState == TaskState.COMPLETED
|| curState == TaskState.FAILED)) {
TaskUtil.removeJobsFromWorkflow(_accessor, _propertyStore, queue, jobs, true);
代码示例来源:origin: apache/helix
* delete a job from a scheduled (non-recurrent) queue.
* @param queue
* @param job
private void deleteJobFromQueue(final String queue, final String job) {
WorkflowContext workflowCtx = TaskUtil.getWorkflowContext(_propertyStore, queue);
String workflowState = (workflowCtx != null)
? workflowCtx.getWorkflowState().name()
: TaskState.NOT_STARTED.name();
if (workflowState.equals(TaskState.IN_PROGRESS.name())) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Queue " + queue + " is still running!");
if (workflowState.equals(TaskState.COMPLETED.name()) || workflowState.equals(
TaskState.FAILED.name()) || workflowState.equals(TaskState.ABORTED.name())) {
LOG.warn("Queue " + queue + " has already reached its final state, skip deleting job from it.");
String namespacedJobName = TaskUtil.getNamespacedJobName(queue, job);
Set<String> jobs = new HashSet<>(Arrays.asList(namespacedJobName));
if (!TaskUtil.removeJobsFromWorkflow(_accessor, _propertyStore, queue, jobs, true)) {
LOG.error("Failed to delete job " + job + " from queue " + queue);
throw new HelixException("Failed to delete job " + job + " from queue " + queue);
代码示例来源:origin: org.apache.helix/helix-core
* Remove all jobs that are in final states (ABORTED, FAILED, COMPLETED) from the job queue. The
* job config, job context will be removed from Zookeeper.
* @param queue The name of job queue
public void cleanupQueue(String queue) {
WorkflowConfig workflowConfig = TaskUtil.getWorkflowConfig(_accessor, queue);
if (workflowConfig == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Queue " + queue + " does not yet exist!");
boolean isTerminable = workflowConfig.isTerminable();
if (isTerminable) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(queue + " is not a queue!");
WorkflowContext wCtx = TaskUtil.getWorkflowContext(_propertyStore, queue);
if (wCtx == null || wCtx.getWorkflowState() == null) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Queue " + queue + " does not have a valid work state!");
Set<String> jobs = new HashSet<String>();
for (String jobNode : workflowConfig.getJobDag().getAllNodes()) {
TaskState curState = wCtx.getJobState(jobNode);
if (curState != null && (curState == TaskState.ABORTED || curState == TaskState.COMPLETED
|| curState == TaskState.FAILED)) {
TaskUtil.removeJobsFromWorkflow(_accessor, _propertyStore, queue, jobs, true);
代码示例来源:origin: org.apache.helix/helix-core
String workflowState =
(wCtx != null) ? wCtx.getWorkflowState().name() : TaskState.NOT_STARTED.name();
LOG.info("Current state of workflow is " + workflowState);
LOG.info("Job states are: ");
代码示例来源:origin: apache/helix
public void testWorkflowAndJobTaskUserContentStore() throws InterruptedException {
String jobName = TestHelper.getTestMethodName();
Workflow.Builder workflowBuilder = new Workflow.Builder(jobName);
List<TaskConfig> taskConfigs = Lists.newArrayListWithCapacity(1);
Map<String, String> taskConfigMap = Maps.newHashMap();
TaskConfig taskConfig1 = new TaskConfig("ContentStoreTask", taskConfigMap);
Map<String, String> jobCommandMap = Maps.newHashMap();
jobCommandMap.put("Timeout", "1000");
JobConfig.Builder jobBuilder = new JobConfig.Builder().setCommand("DummyCommand")
workflowBuilder.addJob(jobName, jobBuilder);
_driver.pollForWorkflowState(jobName, TaskState.COMPLETED);
.assertEquals(_driver.getWorkflowContext(jobName).getWorkflowState(), TaskState.COMPLETED);
代码示例来源:origin: apache/helix
public void testStopWorkflow() throws InterruptedException {
String jobQueueName = TestHelper.getTestMethodName();
JobConfig.Builder jobBuilder = JobConfig.Builder.fromMap(WorkflowGenerator.DEFAULT_JOB_CONFIG)
.setJobCommandConfigMap(ImmutableMap.of(MockTask.SUCCESS_COUNT_BEFORE_FAIL, "1"));
JobQueue.Builder jobQueue = TaskTestUtil.buildJobQueue(jobQueueName);
jobQueue.enqueueJob("job1_will_succeed", jobBuilder);
jobQueue.enqueueJob("job2_will_fail", jobBuilder);
// job1 should succeed and job2 should fail, wait until that happens
TaskUtil.getNamespacedJobName(jobQueueName, "job2_will_fail"), TaskState.FAILED);
// Now stop the workflow, and it should be stopped because all jobs have completed or failed.
_driver.waitToStop(jobQueueName, 4000);
_driver.pollForWorkflowState(jobQueueName, TaskState.STOPPED);
代码示例来源:origin: apache/helix
* Tests that stopping a workflow does result in its task ending up in STOPPED state.
* @throws InterruptedException
public void testStopTask() throws InterruptedException {
String workflowName = TestHelper.getTestMethodName();
Workflow.Builder workflowBuilder = new Workflow.Builder(workflowName);
WorkflowConfig.Builder configBuilder = new WorkflowConfig.Builder(workflowName);
for (int i = 0; i < 1; i++) {
List<TaskConfig> taskConfigs = new ArrayList<>();
taskConfigs.add(new TaskConfig("StopTask", new HashMap<String, String>()));
JobConfig.Builder jobConfigBulider = new JobConfig.Builder().setCommand("Dummy")
.addTaskConfigs(taskConfigs).setJobCommandConfigMap(new HashMap<String, String>());
workflowBuilder.addJob("JOB" + i, jobConfigBulider);
_driver.pollForWorkflowState(workflowName, TaskState.IN_PROGRESS);
// Stop the workflow
_driver.pollForWorkflowState(workflowName, TaskState.STOPPED);
Assert.assertEquals(_driver.getWorkflowContext(_manager, workflowName).getWorkflowState(),
代码示例来源:origin: apache/helix
String workflowName = workflowNames.get(i);
TaskState state = (i % 3 == 1) ? TaskState.FAILED : TaskState.COMPLETED;
Assert.assertEquals(_driver.getWorkflowContext(_manager, workflowName).getWorkflowState(),
代码示例来源:origin: apache/helix
Assert.assertEquals(_driver.getWorkflowContext(_manager, workflowNameToStop).getWorkflowState(),
Assert.assertEquals(_driver.getWorkflowContext(_manager, workflowToComplete).getWorkflowState(),