[英]converts String value to its Object representation. The resulting class constructed from the type provided.
代码示例来源:origin: dsukhoroslov/bagri
private List<Object> getSequenceValue(String type, List<String> values) {
List<Object> list = new ArrayList<>();
if (values.size() > 1) {
for (String value: values) {
list.add(getAtomicValue(type, value));
} else if (values.size() > 0){
String[] vals = values.get(0).split(",");
for (String value: vals) {
list.add(getAtomicValue(type, value));
return list;
代码示例来源:origin: dsukhoroslov/bagri
public static Object getAtomicValue(String typeName, String value) {
int baseType = getBaseTypeForTypeName(typeName);
return getAtomicValue(baseType, value);
代码示例来源:origin: dsukhoroslov/bagri
private void setNotFoundParam(Map<String, Object> params, String pType, Parameter pm) {
// handle default values
List<List<String>> atns = fn.getAnnotations().get(pType);
if (atns != null) {
String pName = pm.getName();
String xpName = "{$" + pm.getName() + "}";
for (List<String> values: atns) {
if (values.size() > 2) {
if (pName.equals(values.get(0)) || xpName.equals(values.get(1))) {
params.put(pm.getName(), getAtomicValue(pm.getType(), values.get(2)));
if (pm.getCardinality().isOptional()) {
// pass empty value..
params.put(pm.getName(), null);
代码示例来源:origin: dsukhoroslov/bagri
value = getAtomicValue(pathType, value.toString());
代码示例来源:origin: dsukhoroslov/bagri
private Object getIndexedValue(Index idx, int pathId, Object value) {
int baseType = getBaseTypeForTypeName(idx.getDataType());
if (isStringTypeCompatible(baseType)) {
value = value.toString();
if (!idx.isCaseSensitive()) {
value = ((String) value).toLowerCase();
} else {
Path xPath = mdlMgr.getPath(pathId);
if (xPath.getDataType() != baseType) {
logger.info("getIndexedValue; index [{}] and path [{}] types are not compatible; Index: {}; path: {}; value: {}({})",
baseType, xPath.getDataType(), idx, pathId, value.getClass().getName(), value);
try {
// conversion from path type to index type
value = getAtomicValue(baseType, value.toString());
} catch (Exception ex) {
// just log error and use old value
logger.error("getIndexedValue.error: " + ex, ex);
return value;
代码示例来源:origin: dsukhoroslov/bagri
private void bindParams(Map<String, Parameter> params, XQDynamicContext xqe) throws XQException {
for (Map.Entry<String, Parameter> e: params.entrySet()) {
Parameter param = e.getValue();
//if ("properties".equals(param.getType())) {
// create and bind sequence with properties
// Properties props;
// try {
// props = propsFromString(param.getName());
// } catch (IOException ex) {
// logger.warn("bindParams.error; " + ex, ex);
// continue;
// }
//XQItemType type = getConnection().createAtomicType(baseType, typeName, null);
//XQSequence seq = getConnection().createSequence((java.util.Iterator) null);
//xqe.bindSequence(new QName(e.getKey()), seq);
// XQSequenceType type = getConnection().createSequenceType(getConnection().createItemType(), XQSequenceType.OCC_ZERO_OR_MORE);
// getConnection().createAtomicType(XQItemType.XQBASETYPE_STRING), XQSequenceType.OCC_ZERO_OR_MORE), XQSequenceType.OCC_ZERO_OR_MORE);
//xqe.bindObject(new QName(e.getKey()), props, type);
//} else {
QName typeName = new QName(xs_ns, param.getType(), xs_prefix);
int baseType = getBaseTypeForTypeName(typeName);
XQItemType type = getConnection().createAtomicType(baseType, typeName, null);
//xqe.bindAtomicValue(new QName(e.getKey()), param.getName(), type);
xqe.bindObject(new QName(e.getKey()), getAtomicValue(baseType, param.getName()), type);
代码示例来源:origin: dsukhoroslov/bagri
private Object extractBodyValue(ContainerRequestContext context, Parameter pm, String content) { //throws IOException {
logger.trace("extractBodyValue.enter; got param: {}; content: {}; mediaType: {}", pm, content, context.getMediaType());
if (isBaseType(pm.getType())) {
if (pm.getCardinality().isMultiple()) {
List<String> values = new ArrayList<>(1);
return getSequenceValue(pm.getType(), values);
} else {
return getAtomicValue(pm.getType(), content);
} else if (pm.getType().startsWith("map(")) {
if (isSubtypeOf(context, "json")) {
return mapFromJSON(content);
if (isSubtypeOf(context, "xml")) {
return mapFromXML(content);
} else if (pm.getType().startsWith("document-node(")) {
try {
return textToDocument(content);
} catch (IOException ex) {
logger.error("", ex);
return null;
} else if (pm.getType().startsWith("item(")) {
return content;
return content;
代码示例来源:origin: dsukhoroslov/bagri
List<String> vals = context.getUriInfo().getPathParameters().get(pm.getName());
if (vals != null) {
params.put(pm.getName(), getAtomicValue(pm.getType(), vals.get(0)));
Cookie val = context.getCookies().get(pm.getType());
if (val != null) {
params.put(pm.getName(), getAtomicValue(pm.getType(), val.getValue()));
found = true;
params.put(pm.getName(), getAtomicValue(pm.getType(), val));
found = true;
params.put(pm.getName(), getAtomicValue(pm.getType(), val));
found = true;
params.put(pm.getName(), getAtomicValue(pm.getType(), val));
found = true;
params.put(pm.getName(), getSequenceValue(pm.getType(), vals));
} else {
params.put(pm.getName(), getAtomicValue(pm.getType(), vals.get(0)));